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Plan B gaining momentum as House GOP fails to elect Jordan as Speaker.

Plan⁣ B Gaining Ground ⁤After House GOP Fails‌ to Elect⁣ Jordan as Speaker

After the vote to⁢ elect Rep. Jim Jordan speaker of the House came up short‍ Tuesday, an alternative is reportedly gaining some traction of formally electing Rep. Patrick McHenry of‍ North Carolina speaker pro tempore.

McHenry is the designated acting speaker now, but lacks the⁢ authority⁤ to move legislation through the House, according to Politico.

McHenry presided⁢ over ⁤the vote for speaker ​ on Tuesday, which resulted in ⁢House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries receiving 212 votes, Jordan,‍ 200 votes; and others, including former House ‍Speaker Kevin ⁣McCarthy and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, a combined 20 votes.

A speaker must receive a majority of the voting members present, which was 217.

So Jordan needed to pick up an additional 17 ​votes ​to win.

A ​second vote is‌ scheduled for Wednesday at 11 a.m. Eastern Time, according ⁤to The Hill.

Politico‌ reported, “Centrist ⁤Republicans⁣ and Democrats are‌ once again backchanneling ⁤about a possible vote to strengthen McHenry’s abilities to bring legislation to the floor⁣ — particularly spending bills, given a Nov.‌ 17 funding deadline —​ amid the weeks-long impasse in selecting a speaker.”

“They’re pushing a short-term ⁢measure​ that would grant McHenry added powers and ‌could pass the House by majority vote,‌ though they have not coalesced‌ around specific language,” the news outlet added.

GOP Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania who voted against Jordan becoming ⁤speaker, introduced a resolution‍ to ​formally elect McHenry speaker pro tempore.

In a Monday‍ letter to his GOP House⁢ colleagues, he wrote, “By formally electing him, we as a body give him the power⁤ to move legislation to⁣ the floor for consideration.”

Under the resolution ⁤he would serve until no longer than Nov. 17, 2023, the deadline to ⁤fund the‌ government, or until a new speaker is elected, whichever is earlier.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries indicated ​that he has a favorable view of ‍McHenry.

“Our focus right now relates not just to any one individual,⁢ but to getting the‍ institution reopened. I have respect for Patrick McHenry.⁤ I think he⁣ is‌ respected on our side of⁤ the aisle,” Jeffries said.

He added, “There ‌are a whole host of ‌other Republicans who ‍are respected on all sides of the aisle. Jim Jordan is not one of them.”

In theory, Democrats ​could side with a handful of centrist Republicans to elect ⁢McHenry speaker pro tempore, in the ​same way they voted with Rep. Matt Gaetz of⁤ Florida and⁤ the other seven GOP House⁤ members to oust McCarthy.

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The⁤ post Plan ‌B Gaining Ground After House GOP Fails to Elect Jordan as Speaker appeared first on The Western ⁣Journal.

Ot the only ‌Republican in the House of Representatives, and there ‍may be alternative options‌ that ‌we can explore.”

⁢What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of exploring alternative options to expand Republican representation in the House of Representatives

⁢There are potential benefits⁤ and drawbacks to exploring alternative options to expand ⁤Republican representation⁤ in⁢ the House​ of Representatives. Here are a few:


1. Increased representation: Exploring alternative ⁣options ​could potentially lead to a higher⁤ number of ​Republican representatives in the House, resulting in a better representation of conservative ⁢viewpoints and policies.

2. Balance of power: By expanding Republican representation, it could create a ⁢more balanced political landscape in⁤ the House, promoting greater debate, compromise, ‍and checks and balances.

3. Policy influence: With more ​Republicans ⁣in the House, their party’s policy positions may gain more influence, potentially leading to the advancement of conservative policies and ⁤agendas.

4. Enhanced diversity: Exploring alternative options might encourage the recruitment​ of a more diverse​ range of candidates, therefore bringing in fresh perspectives and‍ experiences.


1. Gerrymandering concerns: Exploring alternative options could potentially involve redrawing district boundaries to favor Republicans, which might be seen as a form of gerrymandering. ‍This could result in an unfair⁢ advantage and undermine the democratic process.

2. Weakening representation: If⁢ the‌ focus is‍ solely on expanding Republican presence, it could mean minimizing the representation of other political ideologies or minority groups, leading‌ to a ⁤less diverse and⁣ inclusive House.

3. ⁤Polarization: Concentrating ⁣efforts on expanding Republican representation could‍ further deepen the‍ partisan divide in the House, making​ it more difficult ‌to find common ground and achieve bipartisan solutions.

4. Diminished trust: The exploration of alternative options might be met with⁢ skepticism or criticism from those who see it​ as an attempt to manipulate the system for political gain,​ thus eroding public trust in the electoral process.

It is essential to consider both the benefits and drawbacks of any alternatives to expanding ⁣representation ⁢to ensure a fair and balanced approach that upholds democratic principles.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."
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