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Planned Parenthood barred from schools in Canadian province due to explicit material.

Planned Parenthood Banned from Schools in Canadian Province After Controversial Incident

In a recent development, Planned Parenthood has faced a ban from schools in a Canadian province due to concerns raised by parents. The issue arose when a sexually explicit resource ended up in the possession of a high school student.

The Minister of Education, Dustin Duncan, took immediate action and suspended Planned Parenthood in Regina, the capital of Saskatchewan, from presenting information in schools. Duncan, who is also a parent, expressed his belief that having Planned Parenthood in classrooms is completely inappropriate.

As a result of this incident, Duncan has initiated a comprehensive review of all school materials and the process of informing parents about classroom content. The incident occurred during a sexual health class at Lumsden High School in Saskatchewan, where Planned Parenthood gave a presentation to ninth graders.

During the presentation, the Planned Parenthood representative brought ABC sex vocabulary cards, which contained explicit descriptions of sexual acts. Unfortunately, at least one student managed to get their hands on these cards, causing significant concern among parents and school authorities.

The controversial resource in question was a pamphlet titled “SEX: From A-Z,” specifically designed for gay, bi, and queer young people. While the presentation itself aligned with the Saskatchewan curriculum, the secondary resource brought by the presenter was deemed inappropriate for students.

Julian Wotherspoon, the executive director of Planned Parenthood Regina, clarified that the ABC sexual vocabulary cards were not intended to be part of the presentation. However, Wotherspoon acknowledged the need for additional resources to address the specific questions and experiences of curious students.

Planned Parenthood Regina expressed surprise at the education ministry’s decision to suspend them from presenting at schools. They also criticized the ministry for not contacting them beforehand. Wotherspoon emphasized that it was concerning to see a resource targeted towards LGBT youth being singled out.

Planned Parenthood Regina issued an apology for the incident, acknowledging that an unapproved resource had ended up in the hands of a student. They expressed regret for the difficult position this incident had put their partners in the Prairie Valley School Division.

Planned Parenthood is widely recognized as the largest abortion provider in the U.S. and Canada. The organization has made significant investments in sex education for youth, both in schools and through online platforms.

Planned Parenthood’s political arm states on its website that they aim to ensure young people can access comprehensive sex education and information, even if they are not receiving it in school.

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