Conservative News Daily

New law in progressive state mandates police to respect preferred names and pronouns on mugshots, limits sharing

California Law Requires Law ‍Enforcement to Use Preferred Names⁣ and Pronouns ⁢on Mugshots

A groundbreaking law in ⁢California is shaking up‌ the way law enforcement ​agencies handle mugshots on ⁢social media. Under⁢ this ⁣new legislation, police ‌are‍ now required to use the ⁤preferred name and gender pronouns of alleged criminals when posting their mugshots online.

This progressive move aims ‌to promote inclusivity and respect for individuals’ gender identities, ensuring⁢ that their preferred names and pronouns‌ are acknowledged and ‍used publicly. By doing ‌so, law enforcement agencies‌ are⁣ taking a step towards creating a more inclusive and supportive ‍environment for all individuals, even those who have been⁢ accused ⁣of crimes.

Restricting Sharing to Protect Privacy

Furthermore, this law also introduces⁤ restrictions on the sharing of mugshots. The intention behind this⁣ measure is to‍ safeguard the privacy and reputation of individuals ‌who have not⁢ yet been​ convicted of ⁣a crime. By limiting the dissemination of mugshots, the legislation aims⁣ to prevent unnecessary ​harm and‌ potential‌ stigmatization.

This groundbreaking​ legislation has garnered attention⁣ and ⁣sparked discussions about‌ the⁤ importance of respecting individuals’ preferred names and pronouns, even in the context of alleged criminal activity. It represents a significant⁤ step forward in promoting inclusivity ⁤and understanding within the criminal justice⁤ system.

For more information, ‍you can read ⁢the full ⁣article⁣ here.

Source: The Western Journal

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