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Police officer killed, others hurt in apparent ambush – gunman identified.

Police Officer Dead,‍ Others𝅺 Injured in⁣ Apparent Ambush -⁤ Gunman ⁣Identified

When Jake Wallin𝅺 returned‌ from duty in ‌Afghanistan, he wanted⁢ to continue a ⁤life ​of service that made a difference. ⁣He was just ‍beginning‌ that life as 𝅺a Fargo, North Dakota, police𝅺 officer,‍ when⁣ he‌ was gunned down Friday‍ in what a witness said⁢ appeared to be an ambush.

Officers⁢ Andrew ​Dotas, and Tyler Hawes ⁢were wounded in⁢ the incident. Both were‍ listed in ⁢critical condition.‌ Officer ‍Zach Robinson returned fire, ⁢killing the suspected‍ gunman, identified as ⁢Mohamad𝅺 Barakat, 37,⁢ according to ⁢KFYR-TV.

At the ‌time, police ⁢had responded to a report of ‌a routine ⁤car ⁣accident.

Witness Chenoa⁢ Peterson. 𝅺Said the ​attack ‌appeared to her to ⁤be an ambush, according to ⁣The Associated⁤ Press.

She ⁢said Barakat was at𝅺 the back of ‌a ⁤car in a parking ‍lot near⁤ the crash and opened fire when‌ the officers⁤ were about 20 feet away.

“He was holding up the trunk ⁣of the ⁤car with ⁤his𝅺 arm, and then⁤ I see​ the ​gun come up, and he⁤ set it on his shoulder ⁤and𝅺 just pointed it‌ directly at an‌ officer in front of⁣ him.‌ It was like 10‌ shots right away,” she ⁤said.

The​ officers⁣ were not looking in the direction 𝅺of the attack,⁣ she said.

Fargo Police Chief Dave Zibolski said ⁤police ‌do⁣ not⁢ know why ⁢Barakat opened fire.

“The events of𝅺 the last 24 ⁣hours have been among⁤ the⁢ most difficult in our department’s nearly 150-year history. This was a𝅺 heinous ⁤and unthinkable‌ act of aggression against our ​officers and ‌the entire metro community,” ⁢he ⁣said ⁢Saturday,​ according to⁣ CBS.

“As‌ we all⁤ try to ‌comprehend what has⁢ transpired and ⁤mourn⁣ the impact on our team and the entire community, we are bracing ⁤for extremely difficult days𝅺 ahead.”

In addition​ to‌ the officers, a ‌ 25-year-old woman was⁢ shot. A fire truck was also hit by gunfire,‌ Zibolski𝅺 said,⁤ according to KCRA-TV, which compiled its report from​ various dispatches.

Zibolski said the investigation⁤ into a possible ambush was ⁢ongoing, and ‌that​ police had a previous⁣ interaction with​ Barakat ⁢“but not anything significant.”

Wallin,‌ 23, of St. ⁢Michael, ⁤Minnesota, was in training, having ⁢only joined ​the 𝅺Fargo ⁤force three months ago. ⁤He had​ served in the Minnesota 𝅺Army‍ National Guard ‌and ‍was deployed to Afghanistan, Zibolski​ said.

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