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‘Political Icon’ predicts Michelle Obama as Dem nominee for President, VP role to be influenced by money.

Political Icon‌ Predicts Michelle ‍Obama‌ as ⁣Democratic Nominee ⁢for President in‍ 2024

Self-proclaimed​ “political ‍icon” and ⁢longtime political ‌consultant Roger Stone had some bold‍ — but not‍ unheard of — predictions ⁣regarding the Democratic nomination ⁤for the 2024 general election.

And no,⁢ Stone does ⁢not think it’s going​ to be the incumbent president, Joe Biden.

Rather, the ⁤savvy political ⁤operator⁢ predicted that it’ll be a familiar name securing⁣ that⁢ Democratic presidential nomination: Obama.

Well, Michelle ⁣Obama to‍ be specific, ⁤but is ​there even a difference between her or ⁢her‌ husband at this point, politically speaking?

Stone ⁤made the prediction while speaking at ‌the Turning Point ⁢Action Conference in⁤ West Palm⁣ Beach,‍ Florida, on Sunday⁤ and took to ‌social media to share‍ his bold claim.

“I‌ predict that Michelle⁤ Obama will be the Democrat ⁢Party ‌Nominee ‌for President‍ in ⁢2024,” Stone tweeted.

He added: “You⁢ heard it here first.”

(With‍ all due respect to Mr. Stone, you actually heard ⁢that first ⁣from The Western Journal ⁢founder Floyd Brown.)

Regardless⁤ of who ⁤can ⁤actually lay⁢ claim to ⁣that ownership (to be even fairer,‍ Newt Gingrich posited this very same⁤ idea ​days before Mr. Brown) ​it’s an ⁣idea that’s clearly gaining⁣ traction‌ — at least on the Republican ‌side ⁣of⁢ things.

That’s ​not to⁣ say that ‌Democrats wouldn’t ​love⁤ the idea of a Michelle Obama ⁤presidency. It‍ would⁣ be a⁣ fever dream ⁣for them, ‌and ‌she would easily generate⁣ far more excitement ​than ‍literally anyone else that the Democrats could muster ⁤— including Joe Biden.

Obama,⁤ for her part, has‍ long⁤ denied any interest ⁣at ‌all ‍in being the primary occupant of 1600 ​Pennsylvania Ave.

Despite those‌ denials, ‌Stone does posit a very ‍logical path for how she ends up ‍as madam president, and it⁣ all⁣ begins with ‌the ⁢longstanding ‍Democratic concerns about⁤ the 80-year-old ‍Biden’s⁤ ability to finish out his first ⁢presidential term and the vice president’s deep-seated unpopularity.

“Joe Biden will not be⁤ the nominee of the Democratic party in 2024,”‌ Stone​ said⁤ at the ​conference. “Kamala Harris ‍will briefly become president. ⁣But⁤ the only⁤ way​ in ‍their‌ party they can replace ‌a ‌woman ‌of color is‌ with⁤ another woman of color.

“And​ yes, you heard it ​here⁣ first,⁢ the Democratic nominee​ for ​president ⁣will be⁣ Michelle Obama.”

(Cue the raucous boos.)

Stone continued: “They have already rigged their primaries.⁣ The reason⁢ that they have ⁣canceled ⁤the ​Iowa ⁤caucuses ⁢and the⁢ New Hampshire primary is ⁤to put South Carolina [first], a ⁢state where‌ a majority⁣ of ⁤Democratic primary voters ‌are African-Americans, and ⁣they will allow⁤ [California ‌Gov.] ⁣Gavin Newsom ⁤to‌ purchase‍ the​ vice‍ presidential ​nomination, ⁤but the ⁤Obamas‌ will hold him up for six or‌ $800 ‍million ‍to do⁢ so.”

As‍ much as that⁢ sounds like political fan ⁤fiction gone​ awry, ⁤there ​is some⁤ semblance of ⁤sense behind anyone ‍who ⁢thinks Michelle Obama⁤ will be the next presidential candidate ‌from Democrats.

Again, Joe Biden is⁢ a deeply unpopular ‍president, perhaps ⁤the⁢ most since fellow Democrat⁤ Jimmy ‌Carter was⁤ the commander-in-chief.

And​ just like Carter, ​who ignominiously ⁤is the last Democratic president ⁣to only serve ‌a single‍ term, all the makings are⁤ there ⁤for Biden to flounder⁤ his ​way to‍ just a⁢ lone term.

Democrats will do anything to avoid‍ that (apparently, ⁤they’ll even ​sell the ‌vice presidency to⁣ perhaps ‌the worst regarded ‍Democrat ‍leader in⁣ recent⁤ memory).

Is it⁢ really so far-fetched to think‌ that⁣ they wouldn’t tap ‌the​ left’s ‌most beloved woman​ of color this side of‌ Beyonce to⁣ dodge that Democratic doomsday scenario?

The post ‘Political Icon’​ Says Michelle ⁤Obama ‌Will Become Dem ‍Nominee‍ for ​President, VP ‍Role Will Be​ Bought⁣ appeared first on The Western Journal.

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