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Poll: Majority of Americans support President Biden and his vice president, Harris

If You’re Voting for President Biden in 2024, You’re Voting⁢ for President Harris

A recent poll⁤ is​ causing some sleepless nights at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. It reveals that only 34 percent ⁤of ⁣U.S. adults believe President Biden would complete⁤ a second term if re-elected‌ next November. The poll, conducted⁤ by CBS News/YouGov, surveyed 4,002 American adults and had a margin of error of 2.1⁣ percent.

According to the poll, 44 percent of respondents believe Biden would leave office ‌before his second term ends, while ⁣22 percent are unsure. In contrast, the poll found that​ 55⁤ percent of respondents believe former President Donald Trump would serve a full four-year term‍ if re-elected.

These ⁣numbers raise concerns about⁤ Biden’s ability to complete a second term, especially considering his age. At 80 ‌years old, Biden‌ would be 86 at the end of his second term.‌ Only 34 percent of Americans have confidence that he can cross that finish line.

The poll also ​revealed that only 33 percent of respondents believe Biden has the mental and cognitive abilities to serve ‌as president. In comparison, 51 percent believe Trump ‌possesses‍ these abilities.

The⁤ Problem with ⁤Biden’s 2024 Campaign

Many‌ Americans view a⁢ vote ‌for Biden as a vote for Vice President Kamala‌ Harris. This perception is supported by ​the fact that Harris has lower approval​ numbers than‍ Biden. Republican presidential ‌candidate Nikki Haley pointed this ‌out earlier this year, stating ‍that a vote for Biden is essentially a vote⁢ for Harris.

Biden has done‌ little to ⁤dispel concerns about ⁣his mental ​state. Numerous incidents, such‌ as forgetting the name of a deceased representative and making confusing statements, ‌have raised doubts about his cognitive abilities.

Similarly, Harris ⁢has had her fair share⁤ of gaffes, including making jokes ⁤about the border crisis and referring ⁤to the “Federal Drug Administration,” which does not‍ exist.

The administration has attempted to ⁢downplay concerns about Biden’s‌ age, with White House‍ press secretary ⁤Karine Jean-Pierre dismissing​ them by saying “80 ‍is the‌ new 40.” However, polls⁤ ultimately determine how people vote, and these numbers ⁣suggest that Americans are not convinced.

Do the Democrats want to take the risk of America falling in ⁣love with the idea of President Harris? They will‍ have to sell this possibility to voters leading up to the 2024 election.

Good luck‌ with that.

⁣ What is the constitutional reality regarding the succession of the presidency?

Ds, whether due to health⁢ issues ⁤or other reasons.⁢ This raises an important question: if President Biden does not complete a second‌ term,⁣ who would‌ take ‌his place?‍ The⁢ answer is Vice President Kamala ⁤Harris.

It is a well-known fact that Vice⁣ Presidents are next in line to ⁣assume⁣ the presidency if the President is unable to fulfill his duties. This ​has been the case throughout American history, and it⁢ remains true today. If President ​Biden were to leave ⁢office prematurely, ​Vice​ President Harris would step in to fill the void.

Therefore, ⁣it is imperative‌ for voters who support President ⁣Biden to understand that they are ⁢also supporting ​Vice ⁤President Harris. Their ‌votes for President Biden in 2024 are effectively votes for‍ President Harris. This is not a matter of speculation ‌or conspiracy; ​it is a constitutional reality.

Some may argue that it ‌is ‌premature to be discussing the possibility of President Biden ​not completing his second term. However, it is important to consider all possibilities and‌ be prepared for any eventuality. After all, history has shown us⁣ that ⁢unexpected circumstances​ can arise, and it is always​ better to⁢ be proactive ⁤rather than reactive.

It is also worth⁤ noting that ‌Vice President Harris has already made a significant⁤ impact during her time in office. She has taken ⁣on important roles‍ and responsibilities, particularly in‌ the areas of immigration, voting rights, and criminal justice reform. Her ‌influence can ‍be seen in the ⁢policies and decisions ⁣made by the Biden administration.

Furthermore, Vice President Harris has been actively involved‌ in promoting ⁢the Biden administration’s agenda and advocating for its priorities. She has represented ⁣the administration both domestically​ and⁣ internationally, demonstrating her ability to handle the ‌demands of‌ the ‌highest office.

For those who support the policies ‍and direction of the Biden administration,⁤ the prospect of President⁢ Harris should be seen as a positive one. It means continuity and the continuation ⁢of the agenda they voted for in 2020. It means having a leader who shares their values and⁤ who‌ will ‌work to ⁣advance their interests.

Of course, ⁤there will be those who disagree with⁤ the ⁢policies⁣ and decisions of the Biden administration. They may view ‍the prospect of President Harris as undesirable. ⁢However,‍ it is important to remember that elections have consequences, and the will of ‌the majority must be respected.

In ​conclusion,​ if you are‌ voting‌ for President Biden in 2024, ‍you are effectively voting for President Harris. The constitutional‌ reality is ⁣that the Vice‌ President is ⁣next in line to assume the presidency if the President‍ is unable to fulfill his duties. ⁢It is important for voters to understand this and to be prepared for any eventuality. Whether one sees this prospect as positive or negative, it is a choice that voters must​ make when casting their ballots.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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