Poll: Biden's Job Approval Barely Above Water in California, Rhode Island


President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.’s job approval numbers are barely above water in California and Rhode Island, two states that typically vote for Democrats in presidential elections, according to CIVIQS’s rolling job approval average.

The eleventh month of CIVIQS’s rolling job approval average revealed that while his numbers are underwater in 45 states, two typically blue states — California and Rhode Island — showed the president’s approval numbers close to flipping. Biden’s approval in both states only showed him with a two-point margin.

California showed Biden having a 46 percent job approval, 44 percent disapproval, and ten percent who said they “neither approve nor disapprove.”

Last month’s rolling job approval showed Biden barely above water as well. The respondents gave Biden a 45 percent job approval and a 43 percent disapproval rating. At the time, there was also a higher percentage (12 percent) who said they “neither approve nor disapprove.”

Rhode Island showed Biden having a 46 percent job approval, a 44 percent disapproval, and ten percent who said they “neither approve nor disapprove.”

Last month’s rolling job approval showed Biden with higher disapproval, but while the numbers have slightly improved, the state is on the verge of flipping again. Forty-three percent approved of Biden, while a higher percent (46 percent) said they disapproved of Biden. At the time, there was also a higher percentage (11 percent) who said they “neither approve nor disapprove.”

Overall between all 50 states, the eleven-month rolling average of Biden’s job approval showed him with a 54 percent disapproval compared to only 37 percent approval and nine percent expressing they “neither approve nor disapprove.” Biden’s net approval is at negative 17 percent.

Broken down by age groups, the 65-plus age range showed 53 percent disapprove of Biden’s job performance. The 35 to 49 age range showed 54 percent disapprove. The 18 to 34 and 50 to 64 age ranges showed 55 percent disapprove.

The CIVIQS rolling job approval average is based on 142,054 responses recorded between January 20 and December 20. The number of respondents from individual states was not given. The CIVIQS tracking model is meant to capture the shifts in attitude of various groups over time across all 50 states. These changes can happen either over time or rapidly.

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter.

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