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Athletes alarmed by USA Boxing’s transgender policy, fearing fatal outcomes

Athletes Slam USA Boxing for Allowing Males ‌to Compete in Women’s Division

Athletes, including former​ NCAA swimmer ‌Riley Gaines, UFC star Colby ‌Covington, and tennis great​ Martina Navratilova, have strongly criticized USA Boxing for a ‍recent policy change⁣ that⁢ permits certain males to compete in the women’s‌ division.

The new ‌policy, proposed in August 2022, allows male athletes to fight women ‍if​ they claim to be‌ female, undergo “gender reassignment surgery,” and⁤ maintain testosterone levels within specified limits for four years after‍ the procedure.

Gaines, now an advocate for girls’ and ⁣women’s sports, argues that the boxing organization’s ‌decision ⁢is not only​ unfair ⁤but also compromises the safety of women.⁣ She expressed her concerns on Fox News, stating,⁢ “Let me be the first‌ to say women are not just a testosterone level.‍ And we’re not just men ​who merely don’t have male genitalia, which is ‌the policy that‌ USA ‍Boxing has ‌in place now.”

Gaines further emphasized the issue,⁣ saying,​ “We know about ​the unfair competition aspect, ​but the safety ​of women has been compromised‌ by USA⁤ Boxing’s new policies and guidelines. My‌ biggest problem with this new implementation is that we are now glorifying​ men⁣ — we’re calling them champions, giving them​ titles, and they’re ⁣winning prize money — for punching women in the face. That’s the purpose of ‍boxing or MMA, any ‍fighting ⁣sport that requires ‍physical⁣ contact like boxing does.”

Covington also⁤ condemned the policy, describing it as “despicable.” He firmly stated, “Biological men shouldn’t be allowed⁣ to⁣ compete in women’s sports. Doesn’t matter what their hormone levels‍ or pronouns are, they’re still biological ‌men.”

Navratilova expressed her disapproval ⁣online, posting, “So ‌not ⁣ok…beyond ⁣irresponsible.”

Puerto Rican professional boxer and MMA fighter Amanda⁤ Serrano joined the criticism, questioning ⁢the logic behind the transgender policy. She wrote, “Make it make sense! Women ⁣who ‍were ⁢born⁤ women can’t​ compete against women under the‌ same‍ rules as men according to ‍the⁢ WBC…BUT men can identify​ as a woman, transition, and⁢ then fight‍ us women? All I want is equal opportunity for all. Our bodies. Our decision.”

Related: ⁢ USA Boxing Allows Men To Fight Women‍ With ‍New Transgender⁤ Guidelines

What are some concerns raised by athletes like Riley Gaines, Colby ‌Covington, and Martina Navratilova regarding ⁣USA Boxing’s‍ policy change

⁣ Cified limits⁤ for at least one year prior to competing. This policy change has⁢ sparked intense ⁣debate and controversy within the ⁢sporting community, with many athletes expressing their concerns.

One of the⁤ main points of contention is the ‌potential for unfair advantages that⁢ male athletes​ may have over their female counterparts. There are​ inherent differences in physicality between ⁤males ⁣and females, including muscle⁢ mass, bone⁣ density, and hormone levels. These differences ‌can significantly impact athletic performance. Allowing males who identify as females to compete in ‍women’s sports ⁤raises valid ⁢concerns ‍about the‍ integrity and fairness of the competition.

Riley ⁣Gaines, a former NCAA swimmer and advocate ‌for gender equality in‌ sports, voiced her disappointment in USA Boxing’s decision.⁣ She emphasized the‌ importance ​of‌ respecting the biological differences between males ⁣and females and the need to create a level playing field for all athletes. Gaines argued that the inclusion of male ⁤athletes in‍ women’s sports ​could have serious implications for the future ‍of female sports, potentially ​discouraging young girls from‌ participating if they ‌feel they cannot compete on⁣ an ‍equal basis.

Colby ‍Covington, a renowned‌ UFC⁢ star⁣ known for his outspoken views, criticized USA⁣ Boxing’s policy change⁣ as ⁣a threat ‍to women’s safety inside the ring. He argued that the physical advantages ⁤that males possess could lead to serious injuries for female fighters. Covington also suggested that allowing males to compete in women’s sports could diminish the legitimacy and ‍credibility of ⁢female athletes’⁤ accomplishments.

Tennis legend Martina Navratilova, who has been a longstanding advocate for⁤ LGBTQ+ rights, expressed her concerns about‍ the ⁣potential​ for manipulations⁣ and abuses of the new​ policy. She raised ⁤the question of⁢ whether male athletes, who have already experienced‌ the benefits of physical development attributed to their biological‌ sex, can truly achieve a level playing⁢ field with female ​athletes. Navratilova highlighted the importance ⁢of protecting the ⁤integrity of women’s sports and ​ensuring fair competition for all participants.

While USA Boxing’s decision⁤ to implement this policy change may have been driven by a desire to be inclusive and accommodating​ to the‍ transgender​ community,⁤ it is ⁢essential⁣ to consider the potential consequences. The concerns ​raised by athletes like Gaines, Covington, ⁢and Navratilova are valid ​and must be thoroughly addressed.

It is crucial for sporting organizations‍ to find a balance between inclusivity and fair competition. This may involve exploring alternative frameworks that ‍create separate divisions or categories for ​transgender athletes. By ‍providing equal opportunities for all athletes while recognizing the biological differences that ‍can impact performance, a more equitable system can be established.

In conclusion, the recent policy change by USA Boxing allowing‍ males⁣ to compete in women’s sports has faced strong criticism from numerous athletes. Concerns about fairness, ⁤safety, and the integrity of women’s sports have been‍ raised by athletes such as​ Riley Gaines, Colby Covington, and Martina Navratilova. It⁤ is imperative for‌ sporting organizations to listen to ⁢these concerns and find a solution that‌ upholds‍ both‌ inclusivity and fair competition. Through open​ dialogue and‍ careful consideration, a more balanced and equitable framework can be established for ⁤all ​athletes.

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