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Premiering at 10 PM ET: The Pursuit of Freedom | America’s Hope (Sept. 1)

Episode: The Pursuit of Freedom

Finding Balance in Government

Dmitriy Chebotarev, representing the Lincoln Club of Orange ​County, Calif.,⁤ emphasizes the importance​ of Democrats and Republicans working together to achieve a harmonious government. He highlights key issues such as human trafficking and the critical​ supply chain for essential components that require bipartisan cooperation.

The Singing Revolution

Simona Smirnova, a talented singer/songwriter ‌originally from Lithuania, shares not only her beautiful music but⁤ also her parents’ remarkable story. They actively participated‌ in the peaceful 1989 “Singing Revolution” where millions of people formed a human chain across the Baltic states. Through protest songs, they expressed their⁣ collective desire for freedom from ⁣Soviet occupation.

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