
Trump seeks to disqualify DC judge in Federal J6 case.

(Photo credit should read MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

OAN’s Daniel⁤ Baldwin

1:21 PM – Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Former​ President Donald ⁤Trump’s ⁣legal team has submitted a court​ filing that argues the ‌federal judge in Washington D.C. presiding over his 2020 election interference case ought to‌ recuse herself.


“[Trump’s team] ​has cited a statute, which says that a judge shall disqualify him or⁢ herself if his or her⁢ impartiality might reasonably be questioned,” Paul‌ Kamenar, counsel ⁣for the National​ Legal and Policy Center, told One America News.

Trump’s​ legal team points to statements that District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan ​has ‌made‍ in​ the past while serving on the bench that could “create‍ a ⁣perception of prejudgment incompatible with our ‍justice‍ system.”

“Judge Chutkan ‌has, in connection ‍with other cases, suggested​ that President Trump should ⁢be prosecuted and imprisoned,” the ⁣motion reads.⁢ “Such ⁤statements,⁢ made before ‌this case ⁣began⁤ and⁣ without ‍due process, are⁢ inherently disqualifying.”

Kamenar believes the ⁤Trump team has a plethora of evidence to back⁣ up their claim.

“They have a good ⁣case that she did indicate her impartiality,”‍ Kamenar ​said.

The ‌motion highlights two⁤ specific statements made by Chutkan. Chutkan, in October 2022, said​ in a sentencing, “It’s a blind loyalty ⁢to one person who, by ‍the way, remains free to ‌this day.”

“[Chutkan] was basically ‍editorializing in her other cases and implying that Donald Trump is the real culprit here and ⁢should be tried and convicted,” Kamenar explained.

The Trump team also highlighted another ‌statement⁣ from Chutkan in  December 2021 where she said, “And it is true, Mr. Palmer — you have ‍made a very good point, one that has‌ been made before — that the people who exhorted you and‌ encouraged you and rallied you to go and take action and to‍ fight​ have not ‌been charged.”

“These⁢ were statements ‍she made​ while she was ​on the bench,” Kamenar told OAN. “She didn’t ​make it at some cocktail⁤ party, which would be bad enough. But here she’s proclaiming her bias to everyone.”

Chutkan has set a trial⁤ date of Monday, March⁣ 4th, 2024, only one day before Super Tuesday in⁤ the Republican​ primary.‌ Kamenar says Chutkan ought‌ to ‌step ‌aside on her own.

“It’s a high visibility case,”⁤ Kamenar said. “The judge‍ should do [recuse herself], so that there’s no question, because it’s clear that her bias ​appears to be there against Trump.”

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