Washington Examiner

Lower-tier Republican presidential candidates face increasing pressure to withdraw.

The Republican‌ Presidential Primary: A Battle for Survival

The Republican presidential primary is heating up, with candidates ‍feeling the⁢ pressure to make a ⁤splash or exit​ the race. However, ​one candidate seems to be standing strong amidst the chaos.

A memo from Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) Super PAC⁣ has⁣ raised eyebrows by revealing a surprising⁣ move. They are​ backing out of a $40 million ad buy,⁢ casting doubt on‌ the future of Scott’s campaign.


According to TIMPAC Co-Chairman Rob Collins, “We are doing what would be ‍obvious in the business world but will mystify politicos. We⁢ aren’t ⁣going ‍to waste our money when the electorate isn’t focused or ready for a Trump alternative.” The funds will now be redirected towards grassroots efforts, although‍ the specifics remain unclear.

“We ​already ‍have a robust grassroots operation underway,”​ a TIMPAC spokesman stated. “Began in ​June. Just additional support.”

Scott’s campaign faces immediate challenges, as he is ​polling ⁣at a mere 2% in the RealClearPolitics average. To qualify for the upcoming GOP debate, he needs at least 4% polling and a minimum of 70,000 contributors.

Despite these hurdles, Scott’s campaign remains optimistic. They assert that “Tim’s campaign was built for the long haul, powered by the most primary cash on hand and the⁢ highest candidate favorability of ‍anyone in the field.” Scott has even filed for the 2024 South Carolina presidential primary‌ ballot.

However, ‍it’s difficult to envision a path to victory for a candidate struggling to make it onto the debate stage.⁤ Scott is not alone​ in this predicament. Other candidates, such as Mike Pence, Chris Christie, Doug Burgum, and Asa Hutchinson, also face the risk of missing the third‌ debate.

While Pence’s campaign defends his candidacy, Burgum’s ⁣spokesman emphasizes their ⁤focus on peaking in Iowa and New Hampshire. Efforts to reach‍ the Hutchinson​ campaign have been unsuccessful.

If none of these candidates qualify for the debate, and former President Donald Trump chooses not to ⁤participate, the ⁤stage will ⁤be left with only three contenders:⁢ Gov. Ron DeSantis, former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley, and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. Trump himself is even calling for the cancellation of the remaining debates.

Nevertheless, ⁢there is still ‍hope for all candidates, as ​there are⁤ three months before the first votes are counted in Iowa.

“It’s a widely ⁣accepted axiom that candidates never ⁢really run out of reasons to run, but campaigns do, in fact, run out of money,” said Kevin Madden, a senior adviser to Sen. Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign.‌ “There’s really only room for one Trump​ alternative,‍ but we are still at‍ a point in the race where everyone in⁣ the field thinks they still have time for ⁣a breakout moment.”

Madden believes that a major consolidation in favor of one alternative-to-Trump candidate is necessary to stop Trump’s momentum.

“There will be some tough conversations and contemplations between⁢ Thanksgiving and Christmas for ⁤a few of these campaigns if they​ haven’t⁣ started to make big gains by then,” he added.

However, Rutgers University professor David ‍Greenberg argues that it’s too early to draw conclusions.

“If I were a candidate, I’d want to stay in the race,” he said. “However,​ if my main goal were‍ to stop Trump, ⁣I would work to whittle down the field. With opposition divided even two or ⁤three ways, it will be very hard to stop him.”

For now, candidates are engaged in a battle to determine who will be the alternative candidate. DeSantis holds a solid second place, but his support ‌has decreased significantly. Haley has recently surged into a solid third place, fueled by her rivalry with Ramaswamy and an escalating war with DeSantis.

If the Nov. 8 debate stage includes only these⁢ three candidates, it could greatly influence who carries the non-Trump flag into 2024.


What are the key factors that candidates must address to appeal to the diverse Republican electorate?

His‌ would significantly reshape the landscape of the Republican primary. Without these prominent figures, the remaining candidates would have a unique opportunity to differentiate themselves and gain momentum.

As the battle for survival intensifies, it is crucial for each ‍candidate to clearly articulate their policy positions and ​connect with voters on ⁢a personal level. The Republican ⁣electorate is diverse, and‌ candidates must appeal to a wide range of conservative values and priorities.

Furthermore, the upcoming ‍debates​ will​ provide a⁢ platform for ⁣candidates to showcase their leadership abilities and⁣ depth of knowledge on⁢ key issues. It is not enough to simply criticize the current administration;⁤ candidates must offer viable ⁣solutions​ and present a compelling vision for the ​future of the country.

While the odds may be stacked against some of the lesser-known candidates, the unpredictable nature of ‍politics means that surprises are always possible. History has ‌shown that a strong debate performance or a game-changing endorsement can dramatically alter the​ trajectory of a campaign.

In this battle for ‍survival,‍ candidates must also ‌be prepared‍ to adapt their strategies and seize every opportunity to gain an edge. A well-executed⁤ ground ⁤game, effective use of⁣ social ⁤media, and targeted advertising can make ‌all the difference in a crowded field.

Ultimately, the outcome of the Republican presidential primary will shape the future of the‌ party and have far-reaching implications ‌for the nation. It is a race of high stakes, intense ​competition, and⁢ the ultimate test of political survival.

As‍ the⁤ debates draw near and the ⁢pressure mounts for candidates to distinguish themselves, the Republican presidential primary‌ will undoubtedly‌ become even more intense. ⁢For those with a strong foundation and the ability ​to navigate these treacherous waters, the battle for survival may just⁢ be the beginning of a path to the White House.

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