Pro-Choice Jenner Supports Texas’ Right To Choose To Ban Abortions

Caitlyn Jenner is pro-abortion, the California candidate for governor said Tuesday, but supports Texas’ right to choose to ban abortions.

“I am for women’s right to choose,” Jenner said on CNN. “I am also for a state having the ability to make their own laws. And so I support Texas in that decision. That’s their decision. I’m okay with that. But as far as being a woman’s right to choose, I don’t see any changes in our laws in California in the future.”

New Day host Brianna Keilar pressed Jenner, asking, “But you’re fine with the Texas law, even though you say that you support abortion rights, you are fine with a law that essentially outlaws abortion?” (RELATED: FLASHBACK: Caitlyn Jenner Said Every Trans Person Should Have An Opportunity To Compete In Sports)

“I think they have the right in their state to do what they want to do,” Jenner replied. “Now, do I agree with the decision or not? No, to be honest with you, I actually probably do not agree with the decision. But I agree that they have the right to make their own decision.”


Jenner’s comments sparked criticism from conservatives and pro-life advocates on social media.

“You can’t have it both ways,” tweeted Live Action founder Lila Rose. “No state has the right to deprive preborn children of their right to live, California included. A woman’s right to choose doesn’t include the right to kill a child.”

“California friends — remember to vote for @larryelder, who is pro-life without exceptions,” Rose added, referring to California Republican candidate for governor Larry Elder, who has said that he is “pro-life, period.”

“That’s why California voters should support Larry Elder instead, because he’s pro-life,” pro-life news outlet tweeted.

Jenner did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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