Conservative News Daily

Pro-Palestinian protesters try to disrupt Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade but fail

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Rush Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Route, Learn Humiliating Lesson When Floats Refuse to Stop

At some level, the less-dedicated members of the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel contingent of the American left have to realize their people are reaching the point ‍of diminishing returns when some of the more-dedicated representatives of their cause thought what America really needed for the tide of opinion to turn was disrupting Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade with their shenanigans.

I’ve been searching social media since Thanksgiving morning trying to find “I’m sorry” messages from those‌ who view⁤ the leftist cause as a fashion and a personal brand rather than a lifetime call to idiocy and victimhood-worship.

I’ve drawn⁢ a ⁤blank, but surely they must⁢ be coming.⁣ At least, after a silly spectacle like this, the ‍left has to know it’s not winning hearts and minds with Main Street America:

According to WABC-TV, several disturbances were reported​ along the parade route and 34 people⁢ were arrested.

The ‍New York-based ABC affiliate reported that one “protest broke out at Sixth Avenue at West 45th Street at about 10 a.m., 90 minutes after the 97th annual parade began.”

“About 30 protesters were protesting along Sixth Avenue ⁤when a handful jumped the barricades, ran into⁢ [the] street and apparently glued themselves to Sixth Avenue,” it said.

The protesters — dressed in white jumpsuits with words such ⁢as “colonialism” and “consumerism” printed on them, all drenched​ in fake blood — tried to block the parade and ⁤refused to get⁤ out of the way until authorities made them do it — which didn’t take long.

At two ‌other locations — West 49th Street and⁤ West 59th Street — disturbances related to pro-Palestinian protesters were ‌also reported.

“Many of the parade spectators booed the protesters once they realized ⁢what was happening,” WABC⁢ reported.

“Thirty of the protesters were issued summonses for trespassing, and four were charged criminally for resisting arrest, obstructing governmental administration, trespassing and disorderly conduct.”

Not that this stopped the parade.

In fact, few noticed ⁤anything aside from ⁣the fact that‍ one ⁤individual on a float flashed a Palestinian flag ⁢ along the parade route.

Those who did notice — mostly along ‌the parade route — also didn’t seem too happy about it:

WARNING: The following video contains graphic language that some viewers⁣ will‌ find offensive.

According to‍ Fox News, there was ⁤also a contingent of activists along the⁢ route waving the Palestinian flag and chanting, inter alia, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Because just like​ there can never be a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade without giant balloons or Santa Claus to ‌close it out, there can ⁢never be a pro-Palestinian protest without that phrase being chanted — and an activist somewhere close nearby who’s more than willing to explain how it really isn’t anti-Semitic for tacitly calling for the expulsion of ‌Jews from the Jewish homeland.

Should these protesters face criminal charges?

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America, like​ the ​parade crowd, has had enough of this​ kind of nonsense — and those who ‍give it legitimacy by standing with the nonsense-creators.

I’m expecting those social media apology videos posthaste, sensible liberals that may still exist.

As for those who stand with⁣ the protesters,⁢ note that nobody cares — ‍and pulling ⁣more shenanigans like this will result in more arrests without an ounce more⁤ exposure‌ to people whose ​minds weren’t already made up on this.

But if you want to get arrested, you know, feel free.

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That happened to me recently. I got up, came to work here at The ​Western Journal, and when I got to my office, literally half of our readers had vanished. They were just gone. We had been nuked by Facebook, ‌and⁤ it had happened almost instantly.

But it was even worse. Facebook hit us at‌ the same time 90 percent of advertisers had⁣ essentially boycotted us. “Brutal” is a word I’ve used a lot lately.

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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing‌ Editor

The Western Journal

The post Pro-Palestinian​ Protesters Rush Macy’s Thanksgiving Day ‍Parade Route, Learn Humiliating Lesson When Floats Refuse to Stop appeared first on The Western Journal.

What⁤ were the goals of the pro-Palestinian protesters in ​attempting to disrupt the Macy’s Thanksgiving ⁣Day Parade?

Pro-Palestinian protesters recently attempted to disrupt ‍Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City, but their efforts were‍ met with​ failure and‍ a lack of support from the general⁤ population. The parade, a​ beloved tradition for ⁤many Americans, was interrupted by protesters ‍who were hoping to raise awareness for the Palestinian cause. However, their disruptive‌ behavior only served⁢ to alienate and​ anger parade-goers.

The protesters, dressed in white jumpsuits covered⁤ in fake blood and with slogans such as “colonialism” ‍and “consumerism” printed ‍on them, attempted ​to block the parade route and refused to move until authorities intervened. Several disturbances were reported along the parade route, ‍leading to the arrest of‍ 34​ individuals. Spectators ‍at ⁢the parade booed the protesters once they realized what was happening, showing ‌their⁣ disapproval of the disruption.

While‍ some activists waved Palestinian flags and chanted slogans​ advocating for Palestinian ⁣liberation, many parade spectators were not supportive of their ⁤cause. ‍One ⁤parade participant⁢ even flashed a Palestinian flag from​ a float, ⁤but few noticed or seemed to ​care. Videos capturing the disruption and ‍offensive language used by the ⁢protesters have⁢ been widely shared ⁣on social​ media.

This incident serves as a reminder that‌ such disruptive protests⁤ are counterproductive and fail to win over hearts and ⁤minds. Instead of generating sympathy for their cause, the‍ protesters only succeeded in frustrating and alienating the ⁣general public. The vast majority ​of Americans, like the ​parade crowd, have grown tired of these ⁤types of disruptive tactics.

It is⁤ disheartening⁤ to see the lack of condemnation or apologies⁤ from those who view activism as nothing more than a fashion statement or a personal‌ brand. It ‌is crucial for sensible liberals to distance ‌themselves from such behavior and​ to⁤ recognize that these antics‌ only further divide the country. Instead of⁣ disrupting beloved events and causing public disturbances, activists should focus⁣ their ⁢efforts on engaging in respectful dialogue and finding​ peaceful ⁤solutions to the issues ⁣they care⁣ about.

Whether or not these protesters should face ⁢criminal charges is up for ‌debate, but ⁤it is ⁤clear⁢ that their actions were not well-received by the general population. Further attempts to disrupt public events like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade are likely to lead to ‍more arrests without⁤ achieving their desired goals.

In conclusion, the attempt by⁢ pro-Palestinian protesters to⁢ disrupt the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day ​Parade ⁢was met with resistance and⁢ disapproval‍ from the general public. Their ⁢disruptive ‍behavior only‌ served to alienate ‍the very people they⁢ were⁢ hoping to win over. It is important for ‍activists⁤ to recognize ‍the futility of such tactics and to instead focus on ‍constructive engagement and dialogue. Ultimately, it is through peaceful means and respectful discourse that progress can​ be made towards a more ⁢inclusive​ and understanding‌ society.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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