Washington Examiner

Tim Sheehy PAC launches radio ad targeting Democratic-aligned group

Exclusive: Pro-Tim Sheehy Super ⁤PAC‌ Launches Statewide Radio Ad Buy

A six-figure⁣ statewide radio ad buy is ⁣being ⁤launched by‍ a pro-Tim Sheehy super PAC, targeting⁢ a Democratic-aligned group that has been ⁢attacking Sheehy in the primary.

“Have you seen an ad from Last ⁢Best Place PAC? The one’s calling America-first⁢ conservative Tim Sheehy ‘shady Sheehy,'” the radio ad⁣ says. “But ​the group airing the ad? Well, they’re⁣ the ones ​who are shady. That’s because Last​ Best Place PAC is tied to big-money Democrat ‍donors. Why? Because⁢ Democrats are trying to interfere in the Republican primary to hurt pro-Trump Tim Sheehy and help liberal Jon ‍Tester.”

The ad from‍ More Jobs, Less Government PAC, the pro-Sheehy super ​PAC, highlights the extensive ties ⁣of​ Last Best Place PAC to Democrats while emphasizing⁣ Sheehy’s conservative⁢ record. In‌ addition‍ to⁣ the radio ​ad, mailers will also be sent out targeting the group.

Sheehy Leading the​ Republican ⁣Primary

Tim Sheehy is currently the‍ main candidate running in the Republican primary and is‍ considered the⁢ front-runner to challenge Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT). Although former Montana Secretary ⁤of State Brad Johnson has entered the race, he has gained little traction.

There is speculation that Rep. Matt Rosendale‍ (R-MT) may also join​ the race, which Senate GOP ​leadership​ is not ⁣in favor ​of as they believe it could jeopardize their chances of winning the⁤ seat. Rosendale previously lost ⁤to Tester in 2018, and his entrance into the race would likely shake up the field, providing an opportunity for Democrats in the general election.

Last⁣ Best⁣ Place PAC’s Ties to Democrats

Last Best Place PAC has spent $2.6 million attacking Sheehy in the Republican primary, but​ its connections to Democrats⁢ are extensive. While the PAC has not disclosed its donors, filings reveal that its registered bank is⁤ Amalgamated Bank, which is used by the Democratic National Committee, the ⁤Democratic Governors Association, and other Democratic groups.

Records from the Federal Communications Commission show that ⁣Mountain Media Agency, a media‌ buyer, purchased an ⁢ad⁤ for‌ Last Best‌ Place PAC.‌ Interestingly, the address ​listed by ⁢Mountain ⁣Media ‌is also ‍used by Old Town Media, a media buyer utilized by​ some Democratic campaigns.

These connections suggest that Democrats may be attempting to⁤ interfere​ in the ⁢Republican primary, similar⁢ to their actions in the 2022 midterm elections, where ‍they spent millions to boost Republicans in the primary whom they believed they could easily defeat.

A spokesperson for Last Best Place PAC ‌did ​not respond to a request for comment.

​How is More Jobs, Less Government PAC ⁢accusing Last ​Best Place PAC of being⁣ connected ​to Democratic donors?

AC, ⁣accuses Last ​Best Place PAC of ⁣being tied to ‍Democratic ​donors‍ and trying ‍to interfere in⁢ the‌ Republican primary to hurt Tim Sheehy and help Jon Tester. The ad, which ⁤is set ‍to air across the state, aims to discredit Last ​Best Place PAC and shift‌ public ‍perception in ⁤favor of Sheehy.

Last ​Best Place PAC has been running ads attacking Sheehy, ⁣labeling him as “shady Sheehy”‍ and attempting‍ to paint him in a​ negative light. ⁢However, More Jobs,⁢ Less ⁤Government‍ PAC argues that it is Last ⁢​Best ⁢Place PAC that ⁤is shady, as it is ⁢allegedly connected to big-money⁤ Democratic donors.

The pro-Sheehy super PAC claims ⁣that Democrats​ are intentionally trying to interfere in the Republican primary ⁤in order to weaken support for Sheehy,‍ who they⁢ argue is a ​strong pro-Trump candidate. The ad further suggests ⁣that Last ​Best Place PAC is working in tandem ‌with Democrats to⁤ promote Jon Tester,‍ a ⁢liberal candidate, as it‌ tries to undermine Sheehy’s‍ campaign.

The ‌radio ‌ad buy is focused on countering the negative⁤ messaging from Last ​Best ‍Place PAC and highlighting ​the alleged ties between⁤ the Democratic-aligned ‌group and⁢ its donors. ‍More Jobs, ⁤Less Government PAC‌ hopes ‌to sway ‌voters by ⁣framing Last⁣ ​Best Place PAC as an⁢ outside influence that ‍is seeking ⁤to undermine a conservative candidate.

Sheehy’s supporters see him as a strong advocate for conservative values and believe that by exposing the alleged ties between Last ​Best ‌Place PAC and Democratic donors, they can discredit⁤ the attacks against him. They argue that Sheehy is the true ⁢representative of​ Republican values and that outside ‍interference from​ Democrats should not be allowed to⁣ dictate ​the outcome of⁤ the primary.

The launch of​ this⁣ radio ad buy marks a ⁢significant escalation in the‍ battle between pro-Sheehy⁣ and Last ​Best Place PAC. Both sides are investing significant ​resources to influence‌ public opinion and secure​ a victory in the primary. With the primary rapidly approaching,⁢ the outcome of this ​battle will ⁣have a direct impact on the future of the⁤ Republican Party in the state.

As ‍the‍ radio ad‍ is ⁢set to hit the airwaves, it ⁢remains to be seen how voters will respond to the allegations made by More Jobs,⁣ Less Government PAC. Will‍ they view Last‍ ​Best⁣ Place PAC as an outside influence​ trying to undermine a pro-Trump conservative, or will they ⁤discount the ad ⁢as a‌ smear campaign? The primary will‍ reveal⁣ the ultimate impact of this radio ad buy on ​the electorate’s perception of ‌Tim ⁢Sheehy and⁤ the battle for the Republican nomination.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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