Washington Examiner

Problem Solvers Caucus to fund government till January, provide Ukraine aid.

EXCLUSIVE: Problem Solvers Caucus Works to Avoid Government‍ Shutdown

The bipartisan Problem ​Solvers Caucus is⁢ taking action to prevent a government shutdown by proposing a continuing resolution that would last until January. This resolution⁤ not only addresses border security provisions but also provides crucial funding to Ukraine.

The plan ‌emerged from a meeting with House Minority Leader Hakeem⁤ Jeffries (D-NY) after the House Republican Conference failed to reach an agreement ​on a continuing resolution to fund the government.

Will House Democrats Come to the GOP’s Aid?

According to a framework obtained ⁣by ⁤the Washington​ Examiner, ⁤the first‌ step is to pass a continuing resolution that would keep the government funded until January 11, 2024. This would allow Congress to complete “FY24 regular order appropriations” ⁢by that date.

It’s important to note that this framework​ is subject to change before the caucus members​ vote on it.

The continuing resolution would include President Joe ⁣Biden’s ‍supplemental request​ for Ukraine aid, ensuring transparency and providing disaster relief funding. Additionally, it‍ would enforce border security ⁣provisions until December 31, 2024.

The ‌second‌ step is to⁤ pass the appropriations bills within the spending caps set in the⁤ bipartisan debt ceiling deal signed‍ by Biden in⁢ June.

Step three involves adopting appropriations process reforms to increase transparency, restore regular order, and reduce the excessive use of continuing resolutions. This⁣ would be achieved by implementing the bipartisan budget process reform recommendations from the House ‌Committee on Modernization and Joint ​Select Committee on Budget and ⁣Appropriations​ Process ⁤Reform.

These recommendations include following regular ‌order for the budget and appropriations process, issuing ⁣an annual⁣ report on the fiscal state of the nation by the comptroller general, and submitting a midyear report‌ on the nation’s budget by the president.

The fourth step ‌is ‌to establish mechanisms⁣ that address⁣ the ⁤long-term debt and deficit. This would involve creating ​a Fiscal Commission to review and⁢ recommend ⁤measures to stabilize long-term deficits⁣ and debt. Additionally, the ‍Congressional Budget Office would consider the cost of servicing the debt in its estimations.

While this framework still has a long way to go before becoming law, it offers an alternative for centrist Republicans in the ‌House who‌ have been hesitant to ⁢support spending cuts proposed by hard-line conservatives. With just five Republicans needed to join Democrats, this bill could ‌pass the House and ⁤provide a ⁤solution to avoid a government shutdown.


How⁢ is the Problem Solvers Caucus‍ actively engaging with House Democrats to gain support for‍ the continuing‍ resolution?

However, in order to pass this continuing resolution, support‍ from House Democrats is crucial. The Problem Solvers Caucus is actively engaging in discussions with House ​Democrats to gain their support and ‌ensure that the resolution can be passed swiftly and without complications.

The inclusion of border security provisions in the continuing resolution is a strategic move by the Problem Solvers Caucus. It aims ⁢to address the concerns raised by House Republicans regarding national security and the need ⁤for​ stronger ⁣border control measures. By including these provisions, the ⁣caucus hopes to garner support from House Republicans and ease the passage of the resolution.

In addition to border security, the continuing resolution also allocates‍ crucial ⁤funding to Ukraine.⁤ This move demonstrates the caucus’s commitment to global stability and the importance of supporting our allies in times of ⁢need.

The Role of the Problem ⁤Solvers Caucus

The Problem⁣ Solvers Caucus, a bipartisan group made up of 58 members from both parties, has been instrumental in finding common​ ground and working towards solutions. With the government facing the threat of a shutdown, the caucus recognizes the urgency to act and prevent the negative consequences that a shutdown​ would have on the American people and⁢ the economy.

The caucus has a‍ proven track record of bringing together lawmakers from ⁣across the aisle and finding bipartisan solutions. Their commitment to collaboration and compromise provides hope in a deeply divided‍ political landscape.

Avoiding a Government Shutdown

A government shutdown would have ⁢severe repercussions on various ​sectors of society. It would disrupt the functioning of essential government ⁣services, delay payments to federal employees,‌ and negatively impact the economy. The Problem Solvers Caucus understands the gravity of this situation and is determined to prevent a shutdown.

By proposing this continuing resolution,‌ the caucus is‍ offering a viable solution that addresses both border security concerns and provides vital funding to Ukraine. The resolution gives Congress the necessary time to work on regular order appropriations for the fiscal year 2024, while ensuring that the government remains funded and ⁣operational.

Now, it falls upon House Democrats to support this resolution and work together with the Problem Solvers Caucus to avoid a government shutdown. The American people expect their elected representatives to put aside partisan differences and work towards ‌the best‌ interests of the nation.

The ‌Importance of Bipartisanship

In a time of political polarization, the efforts of the Problem Solvers Caucus stand‌ as a⁣ testament ⁤to the power of bipartisanship. By working ​across party lines and seeking common ground, they are setting an example for other lawmakers and proving that effective​ governance is possible.

As ⁢the deadline for a government shutdown looms, it is crucial for all members of Congress to come together and prioritize the well-being of the American people. The Problem Solvers ⁢Caucus has taken the lead in proposing a solution, and it is up to their colleagues to join them in this endeavor.

In conclusion, the bipartisan Problem ⁤Solvers Caucus‌ is actively working to prevent a government shutdown ​by proposing a ‍continuing resolution that addresses border security concerns and provides funding to Ukraine. With the​ support of House Democrats, this resolution has the ‍potential to avert ‌a shutdown and ensure the smooth functioning of the government. The efforts ​of the caucus highlight the importance of bipartisanship and offer‌ hope for effective governance in the face ⁣of political ⁢divisions.

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