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Professor mandated to undergo free speech training for failing student who used the term ‘biological woman’.

A Professor’s Controversial Reprimand Sparks Free Speech Debate

An adjunct instructor at the University of Cincinnati, Melanie Nipper, recently found herself in hot water after failing a student for using the term “biological woman” in an assignment. The incident has ignited a larger discussion about the clash between LGBTQ rights and free speech.

“To prevent any further violation of [the free speech] policy, you must complete training on the requirements of the Campus Free Speech Policy. Through the end of Academic Year 2024/2025, you must submit all syllabi to … me at least two weeks prior to the beginning of classes for review and approval.”

Nipper’s decision to penalize Olivia Krolczyk, a student in her Gender in Popular Culture class, received national attention when Krolczyk took to TikTok to share her experience. In the viral video, Krolczyk explained how Nipper gave her a failing grade, deeming the term “biological woman” as “trans-exclusionary.”

A Safe Learning Environment or Suppression of Free Speech?

Nipper defended her actions, stating that she believed restricting “harmful speech” was necessary to create a safe learning environment. She argued that the topic of Krolczyk’s project, which focused on the impact of trans-identifying men in women’s sports, targeted trans women as a source of oppression for cis women.

“Additionally, as the class has students that identify as gender non-conforming and/or trans, I felt it was necessary to educate her regarding inclusive language to ensure a safe learning environment for other students.”

The reprimand, issued by Ashley Currier, the head of the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, not only ordered Nipper to undergo free speech training but also warned her of potential termination for any future policy violations.

Amidst this controversy, it is worth noting that similar clashes between LGBTQ activists and free speech principles have emerged elsewhere. An Oxford college recently threatened students with expulsion for using the wrong gender pronouns, while the U.S. Supreme Court reinforced free speech protections in the case of 303 Creative v. Elenis.

As the debate rages on, it remains to be seen how universities and institutions will navigate the delicate balance between fostering inclusivity and upholding the fundamental right to free expression.

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