Progressive leader defends Harris against ‘communist’ attacks – Washington Examiner

In a recent article, Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, defended Vice President Kamala Harris against former⁢ President Donald Trump’s accusations of labeling her a “communist.” Trump has intensified this rhetoric since Harris ​joined the Democratic ticket and proposed a plan aimed‍ at curbing corporate price gouging, particularly related ‌to grocery and⁤ gas prices heightened during the COVID-19 pandemic. While Harris’s initiative aims to address concerns about rising living costs, it has faced significant criticism from Republicans, with Trump referring to it as “SOVIET Style Price Controls.”

Green argued ⁤that most ​Americans would not align Harris’s efforts with communism, emphasizing the public’s desire for political accountability in tackling price‌ gouging. He stated that Harris’s recent economic focus reflects a continuation of President Biden’s agenda but with ⁤her unique perspective. Despite Harris’s recent polling boost as the Democratic nominee, an ABC News-Washington Post-Ipsos poll indicates that Trump currently leads her regarding voter trust on economic issues. Trump continues to oppose her proposal, linking it to ‌failed historical ⁢attempts‍ at price controls and warning ⁢of potential negative consequences.

Progressive leader defends Harris against ‘communist’ attacks as Trump doubles down on label

Co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee Adam Green defended Vice President Kamala Harris against attacks from former President Donald Trump labeling her a “communist.”

Trump has increasingly used the term to refer to Harris since she took over the Democratic ticket, especially after she announced her plan to ban corporate price gouging. Harris’s campaign has sought to paint her plan as a way to end high grocery and gas prices that consumers have struggled with since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, Republicans have slammed the proposal, with Trump referring to the plan as “SOVIET Style Price Controls” in a post on Truth Social last month.

Green dismissed criticism against Harris’s proposal during an interview with the Washington Examiner on Aug. 20, saying, “Kamala Harris fights to avoid the price of eggs going from $7 to $9 in a couple weeks. It’s great if people on the right want to call that communism because most Americans will be like, ‘What are you talking about?’”

Green continued, “Most Americans want to see Democratic politicians and Republicans acknowledge that there’s price gouging at the grocery store and do something about it.”

The economy remains a top concern for voters that plagued President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign before he stepped aside and endorsed Harris.

“​​The biggest thing she’s done in the last few weeks is lift things from being a mystery as to what direction she would go, to making very clear that she will continue the general thrust of the Biden-Harris economic agenda, fighting for working people, taking on corporate interests and billionaires, but do it with her own unique flavor and style,” said Green. “So her saying that she will challenge corporate price gouging on groceries is a new point of emphasis that Biden hadn’t necessarily made, but it speaks right to the center of the bullseye of what most Americans are thinking.”

Green continued, “It was very gratifying to see her first big economic announcement being corporate price gouging with groceries.”

While Harris has enjoyed a relative bump in polling since she became the Democratic nominee, a recent ABC News-Washington Post-Ipsos poll showed Trump leading Harris by 9 points regarding voters’ trust in handling of the economy and inflation.

Trump has also not slowed down his attacks against Harris’s proposal and candidacy, doubling down on labeling Harris a communist and his opposition to her plan during an interview with podcaster Lex Fridman that aired Tuesday.

“She came out with price control,” Trump said. “It’s been tried like 121 different times at different places over the years, and it’s never worked once. It leads to communism, it leads to socialism, it leads to having no food on the shelves, and it leads to tremendous inflation.”

While Trump is attacking Harris’s economic plan, her campaign is returning the favor, releasing a new ad on Tuesday that targeted Trump for his corporate tax cuts that simultaneously touted her own plans.

“We all know costs are too high. But while corporations are gouging families, Trump is focused on giving them tax cuts. But Kamala Harris is focused on you,” the ad’s narrator says. Still, attempts to curb rising prices have been implemented on the state level as well, with over 30 states enacting laws to address price gouging, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Most of the laws are triggered by natural disasters or emergencies and prohibit sellers of essential goods from raising prices beyond a certain amount. Notably, some of the bans have been promoted by state Republican officials as well.

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One Comment

  1. Two tier Legal system awakens
    After years of China first, Iran first, Illegals first, Biden and of course Harris, are acting like they are Americans again. This is to fool the voters, they are in our corner, what BS, what nerve, what stupidity, what Gaul. Biden looks like just what he is, a little man, with a little mind, behind a little desk, with coloring books, to keep his mind from wondering. Harris is trying to seem like she is on the side of US Steel workers now, what a joke, they were going to let that sale complete itself, up until it was time to make it look like they wanted to protect union jobs. No body is believing their fake approach to govern it’s much too little ,much too late, they made their choices and now they can’t reverse their prior actions. The fact that America needs it’s Steel mills never entered their pretend minds. Can you imagine Harris is taking a week off to prepare for an hour debate with Trump, talk about political weak leaders, again up jumps Biden and Harris, Ask you what is their plan for America ii illegals are not allowed to vote in elections. Guess what? the two tier DOJ legal system has resurfaced again with Russia Russia Russia BS with all that’s going on against the Jews and hate crimes ,open borders, illegal crimes waves, leaving America not safe, this DOJ seems way out of place on their priority scales.

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