Protests Largely Peaceful In Minneapolis After Secondary Fence Erects Outside Brooklyn Center Police Department

Following the fourth consecutive night of unrest in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, over the fatal shooting of Daunte Wright, construction workers built a second layer of fencing and barricades in front of the Brooklyn Center Police Department.

One demonstrator hopped right up to it.(RELATED: Officer Kim Potter Arrested For Second-Degree Manslaughter In Shooting Of Daunte Wright)

As night fell, hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the double fences surrounding the police station, according to Daily Caller reporters on the scene.

A number of water bottles were thrown, but had to travel a longer distance to reach police who were stationed farther behind the fencing than previous nights, according to Daily Caller reporters on the ground.

One group of protesters wielding umbrellas carried construction barricades up to the fencing.

The curfew was set for 10 PM, though there was no declaration of an unlawful assembly when protesters remained. Forty minutes later, a majority of people left the area, according to Daily Caller reporters on the ground.

Dozens of discarded umbrellas still lined the secondary fence, though none were used to deflect riot control munitions.

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