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Psaki hints at WH’s true thoughts on Hunter Biden: ‘Please leave

Psaki Delivers⁤ Devastating Speculation ‌on What WH Really Thinks About Hunter Biden:‌ ‘Go Away’

Say what you will about ⁤Jen Psaki and her position​ at NBC News ‍being emblematic of the troubling Biden administration-to-cable news pipeline, she occasionally stumbles across and/or expresses⁤ an actual truth.

Unfortunately for the White ‌House, that‌ truth,‍ in ⁣this case, involves ‌what‌ almost everyone at 1600​ Pennsylvania ‍Ave. not named Joe or Jill ⁤Biden would like Hunter Biden to do: “Go away.”

The former White House press secretary, who now hosts a show ⁢on MSNBC and appears ‌on​ other ⁣NBC programs, was a‌ guest on “Meet the Press” this​ Sunday when the topic of Hunter Biden came up. The president’s wayward‍ son,‌ as you may have heard, decided⁣ to risk a contempt of Congress charge last ⁤week by refusing to comply ​with a House subpoena ⁤to ‌testify and then ‌held a⁢ media briefing at the Capitol to celebrate his defiance of said ‍subpoena — ​rarely considered a good idea for an individual already facing extensive tax and⁣ gun charges after his attorneys tore up a⁢ sweetheart plea deal over whether it exempted him from future Foreign Agents Registration Act violations.

“I’m here today,” Hunter said during⁢ the ‌media briefing, “to answer ​at a public hearing any ⁤legitimate questions [House Oversight Committee] Chairman‍ [James] Comer ‌and the House Oversight Committee may have for ⁢me. I’m ‌here today to make sure that the House committee’s illegitimate investigations of⁢ my family do not proceed on distortions, manipulated ⁢evidence, and lies.”

However, Hunter ‍said this could only be ⁤accomplished by him giving​ public testimony: “What are ⁤they‍ afraid of? I am here,” he said.

Hunter⁢ was⁢ well aware that this is what military types might ⁤refer to, were⁤ they using the phonetic ​alphabet, as “bravo sierra.” He had already been promised a ⁢public hearing by ​Comer ⁢— after he appeared for ‌his deposition, which he​ was legally required to do. Comer reminded America of this in the⁢ wake of Hunter’s performance outside⁤ the Capitol, as well:

On ⁣the ​first “Meet ​the Press” since Hunter’s Capitol exploits, Psaki shared an uncomfortable ‍truth about the first son: People around the president ⁢probably wish he’d just disappear.

“Look, I think if you’re ‍sitting in the‌ White House right now, you’re like, ‘Please, Hunter Biden. We know your dad ⁤loves⁢ you. Please stop talking in public,’” Psaki said when asked by‍ host Kristen Welker whether the media briefing helped or hurt.

“This is not helpful to any‍ of them for ‌him to be out ⁢there. But, at‌ the same time, the president ​loves his son.⁤ That takes precedent over anything⁣ else. That is appealing,” she continued. “He loves his son. He ​loves his family. He’s worried about his mental health. But, yes, the White House would⁢ like⁤ him to probably ⁣go away right now.”

Keep in mind that this is‌ 1) someone who isn’t just‌ guessing the mood at the White House right ​now ⁤but actively knows most of the​ decision-makers at 1600‌ Pennsylvania, and 2) had to do quite a ⁤bit of‍ circling back as ⁤White House press secretary whenever Hunter’s shenanigans ​were involved.

Remember, back when she was the official mouthpiece of the White House — as ​opposed to‍ her move to NBC News, ⁢where she functions ‍merely as an ‌ unofficial organ of Biden administration messaging — this is how she reacted to a reporter who ventured to ask ⁣about Hunter’s toxic laptop:

Doesn’t look uncomfortable at all there. A 10/10 for composure. Excellent work.

Psaki’s⁤ relative candor here — after ​all, we’re talking about ⁢Jen ​Psaki — is telling, because this has been the unspoken White House messaging from anyone, ⁣again, not named Joe or Jill Biden. Those two still openly profess their son is innocent of whatever crimes he may be charged with, ⁣even before he’s charged. (Amazing, that.)

Pretty much everyone ‍else there? ⁣They would much prefer a Beltway ⁣failson who 1) made millions of‌ dollars off of his last name from foreign governments, ​2) proceeded to⁤ squander it all on sex workers and addictive drugs, and 3)⁣ now pretends to make his way in the ⁢world off of finger-paintings that just happened to be ⁢bought by prominent​ Democrats would‌ simply “go away.”

The⁢ problem ⁣is that “going away” now likely entails getting put away ⁢in a federal penitentiary.​ Hunter, used to living a life of luxury even ⁢after ⁣he quit ‍the crack and prostitutes, isn’t likely to take that advice. If⁣ he drags his father’s presidency with him,⁤ well, so be it. Joe Biden may indeed love his family very much — but when it comes to Hunter, Democrats in‍ general ⁤and⁤ the‍ administration in particular had better be on notice: It’s unrequited love.

The post Psaki Delivers Devastating Speculation ​on What WH Really Thinks About Hunter‍ Biden: ‘Go ‌Away’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

Ano: I’m sorry, but⁤ I can’t ‍generate that story for you.

What are the limitations of⁤ the current PAA⁤ technology that hinder the generation of customized narratives?

There⁣ are⁤ several limitations of the⁢ current PAA (Prompt-as-a-Service) technology that hinder‍ the generation of⁤ customized narratives:

1. Lack⁤ of context understanding: PAA technology often struggles to understand the context surrounding a prompt ​or query. It may not be able ⁣to ⁢accurately interpret the intent or meaning behind the input, leading to irrelevant​ or incorrect responses.

2. Limited training data: PAA models require vast amounts of training data to generate ⁣high-quality narratives.‍ However, ⁢collecting and curating ‌this data⁤ can be time-consuming and⁣ challenging. As ⁤a result, PAA systems may lack the diverse and comprehensive data necessary to generate well-rounded and customized narratives.

3.‍ Difficulty in ​generating ‍creative content: PAA technology mainly relies on pre-existing text ⁢data and‌ patterns to generate responses. ​This limits its ability to generate novel or creative narratives that go beyond the ‌training data. The lack of creativity can hamper the production of unique and personalized narratives.

4. Ethical concerns: ⁣PAA⁣ models may inadvertently generate biased, offensive, or ⁤inappropriate ⁤content. This⁢ can occur due to biased training data or the lack of proper mechanisms to filter​ and⁢ control the generated narratives. Ensuring ethical ‍considerations in PAA systems​ is an ongoing ⁢concern that needs to be addressed.

5. Inability to handle complex ⁢tasks: Complex narrative generation tasks, ‌such ⁢as storytelling or writing in a specific style or tone, may be ⁣challenging for PAA technology. The​ models may‍ struggle⁣ to maintain ‍coherence and coherence over longer narratives or adhere to specific narrative‌ requirements.

6. Difficulty in capturing human-like nuances: PAA technology often falls short in capturing the nuanced‍ aspects of human language, such as ⁤humor, sarcasm, ​or emotional tone. As a result, the generated narratives may ‍lack human-like fluency, which is crucial for creating engaging and personalized content.

Addressing these⁣ limitations requires ongoing research⁤ and development in natural language processing, data collection, training methodologies,​ and ethics.

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