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Putin prefers Biden as the next US President, calling him a typical and predictable politician

Russian President Vladimir Putin Prefers Biden ⁣Over Trump ⁢for Re-election

In a​ recent interview, Russian President⁤ Vladimir Putin ⁣expressed his preference for President ‍Joe Biden ​to win re-election rather than former President ‌Donald Trump.

During the interview with state television, Putin was asked to choose between Biden and⁤ Trump. Without hesitation, Putin replied, ‌”Biden. He‍ is a more⁣ experienced, predictable person, a⁢ politician of the old school.”

However, Putin emphasized ‍that⁤ regardless of the outcome,​ Russia is ⁤willing to ‌work with any U.S. president who has‍ the confidence of‍ the ‍American people.

Biden’s Mental⁢ Fitness ​Under Scrutiny

These remarks ​from Putin come at a time when⁤ President Biden has faced‍ criticism and‍ doubt regarding his mental⁤ fitness for office. Special ​Counsel⁤ Robert Hur’s ‍criminal investigation into Biden’s ⁣handling of classified material concluded that while he ⁤”willfully retained and disclosed classified materials,” no criminal charges‌ were warranted due to concerns about securing a conviction.

The report highlighted Biden’s struggles to⁢ remember important‌ details⁣ about major events​ in his life, including‍ his time as⁣ vice president and the death of his son. Biden’s attempt⁢ to demonstrate his mental fitness during a ⁤press conference resulted in⁤ him yelling at reporters and forgetting key ⁢details.

Addressing these concerns,‍ Putin stated that ​the attacks on‌ Biden’s age⁣ and ⁢mental fitness were ​becoming increasingly vicious.⁤ He recalled⁣ their meeting in 2021, where people were⁤ already questioning ‌Biden’s competence, but Putin ‌saw no evidence to ‌support those claims. He dismissed​ minor incidents like Biden banging his head​ on a helicopter, stating‍ that such accidents⁣ happen to everyone.

Putin also‍ acknowledged the logic behind Trump’s recent remarks ⁣about NATO, particularly ​the⁣ need for European ⁣countries to contribute ⁣their fair share financially.



What concerns have been raised about Biden’s mental fitness and cognitive abilities?

Did not find evidence of ⁣criminal wrongdoing,‌ it did raise concerns about Biden’s mental⁤ ‌fitness. Additionally, there have been instances where Biden has stumbled⁤ over his words or forgotten important details‌ during public appearances, which has further fueled ⁤speculation about ‌his ​cognitive abilities.

However, despite these concerns, ‌Putin seems to view Biden as a more⁣ predictable and experienced politician. This perspective may stem from Putin’s ‍interactions with ​Biden during his time as Vice⁤ President​ under Barack Obama. Biden played a key role in shaping U.S. ⁤foreign policy, ‍including the Obama administration’s approach to Russia.

The Shift in Russian-U.S. Relations

It is worth noting that Putin’s preference for Biden represents a significant shift in the dynamics ‍of Russian-U.S. relations. During Trump’s⁤ presidency, there was a perceived friendly rapport between him⁢ and Putin, leading‍ to speculation ‍of collusion or favoritism. However, Trump’s stance ⁢on issues such as NATO, economic sanctions, ⁢and Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election created a complex relationship between the two‍ countries.

Under⁣ the Biden administration, there has ⁢been a more confrontational approach towards Russia. This includes condemning Russia’s aggression ⁢in⁢ Ukraine, imposing‍ new sanctions, and holding the country accountable for cyberattacks and ​election⁢ interference. It is possible that Putin’s preference for‌ Biden is ⁢based on the belief that a more predictable and experienced‌ politician will be more favorable to Russian interests.

The Implications for U.S.-Russia Relations

Putin’s preference for Biden raises questions about the ⁣future of U.S.-Russia relations. If Biden is re-elected, it is possible that there may be a ⁣shift⁢ towards a more cooperative approach between the‍ two countries. Biden’s ​experience and familiarity with Russian ⁤affairs could potentially lead to more productive negotiations and dialogue.

However, it is essential to approach this preference with caution. Putin’s endorsement should not be interpreted as​ a positive endorsement for Biden’s policies or as an indication of a close relationship between the two leaders. Russia’s‌ interests may differ significantly⁢ from those of the United States, and Putin’s preference​ may be based on what he perceives as beneficial for Russia rather than a genuine belief in Biden’s abilities.


Vladimir Putin’s preference for Joe Biden in ‍the upcoming U.S. ‌presidential ⁢election ⁢reflects a ⁢belief that Biden is a more⁣ predictable and experienced politician. However, ‌it​ is crucial⁢ to consider the underlying motivations behind Putin’s statement and approach ​it with caution. The relationship⁢ between the United ⁤States and Russia is complex and multifaceted, and a ⁣preference‌ expressed by Putin should not be taken at face value. The ​outcome of the election and its implications‍ for⁢ U.S.-Russia relations remain to be seen.

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