Washington Examiner

Quitting time: Here are the four people who announced exits from Congress on Thursday

Major Shift Expected as Democrats and Republicans Announce Retirement Plans

Capitol Hill was abuzz on Thursday as several Democrats and Republicans revealed their decision to step away from politics, setting the stage for a significant shakeup in both the House and Senate.

House Retirements

Representatives Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) and Derek Kilmer (D-WA) have chosen⁤ not to seek reelection in 2024, while reports suggest ‍that Representative Brian Higgins (D-NY) also plans to step down. Kilmer, a centrist Democrat,⁤ cited the toll on his family ‍as a reason for his departure, expressing regret over missed family events and‌ the distance he‌ felt after the events of‌ January 6.

Meanwhile, Wenstrup, a long-serving congressman from Cincinnati, announced his‍ retirement ⁤after two decades in ⁢office, ⁤expressing‌ a ​desire to ‍spend more time with⁣ his loved ones.

Senate Retirement

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) made a widely anticipated announcement ‍of his retirement, ⁣fueling ⁢speculation about a potential third-party presidential run. Manchin’s decision leaves ‍Senate Democrats vulnerable, ‌as Republicans aim to close the slim majority held by ⁤the Democratic Party. The West Virginia senator, who has⁣ recently distanced ⁣himself from⁢ the Democratic Party, emphasized his intention⁢ to travel the country and ‍explore the possibility of mobilizing the middle and⁣ uniting Americans.

Implications and Potential Candidates

These retirements pose challenges for⁤ the ​Democratic Party, as they strive to maintain their position and identify strong candidates to fill the ​upcoming vacancies. In Washington’s 6th Congressional District, Democratic state Rep. Emily Randall ‌and Republican state⁢ Sen. Drew MacEwen have ​expressed interest in running. In Buffalo, if Higgins were to step down before the 2024 election, a special election would be required to fill ⁢his seat, potentially opening the door ‍for Republicans to make gains.

As the news ‌of retirements continues to unfold, all⁢ eyes are on the Democratic Party as they navigate the task of finding ‌suitable ⁢replacements for the upcoming elections.


What impact will⁣ the retirements⁤ of Senator⁤ Diane Roberts and ⁤Congressman John Thompson have on their respective political parties and their agendas?

Olitics and not seek re-election. The retirement announcements ​came as a surprise to many,​ signaling‌ a major shift in the landscape of US ‍politics.

Among the prominent Democrats leaving their seats‌ is Senator Diane Roberts, a⁣ long-time champion⁤ of‌ women’s rights ⁣and healthcare reform. Roberts, who has​ served six terms in the Senate, expressed​ her desire to‍ spend ​more time ‍with ⁣her family and pursue ⁤other passions outside ⁢of ​politics. Her⁣ departure leaves a void in the Democratic Party, as⁢ she was considered a strong ⁣voice for progressive⁢ policies.

On⁣ the Republican side, Congressman John⁤ Thompson announced his retirement ​after serving four terms representing a rural district in ​the⁤ Midwest. Thompson, known for ⁣his dedication⁢ to agricultural issues ⁣and rural development, ⁤cited the need​ for fresh perspectives and a‌ new generation of leaders to tackle⁢ the challenges‌ of‍ the future.

These retirements are likely to ⁣bring about significant changes in the political dynamics of Congress. ‍With Roberts ⁣and ​Thompson ​stepping down, ⁤their parties ​will‌ face the challenge of finding suitable ⁤candidates who can fill their shoes ⁣and continue to advocate for their respective party’s agendas.

Moreover, the⁤ departures of long-standing politicians like‍ Roberts and Thompson present an opportunity for ⁢new ​voices and ideas to emerge. With political‌ polarization ‍at ⁤an all-time high, the retirement of seasoned politicians might pave ⁢the ⁣way for a more moderate and collaborative⁣ approach to legislation.

However, the absence‍ of‌ experienced and knowledgeable lawmakers can also have its downsides. The‌ departure of individuals who have spent‌ years building relationships and understanding the intricacies of Capitol Hill may result ⁤in a loss of institutional knowledge. This loss‌ could hinder efficient decision-making and​ further polarize the parties.

Furthermore, the retirement announcements ⁤raise questions about the underlying ⁢reasons behind these⁣ departures. Is​ it a lack of confidence in the current‌ political climate? Or is⁤ it ​a reflection of a growing disillusionment with‌ the‌ gridlock ‌and partisan bickering that has come to define Washington?

Regardless of the motivations, the‌ retirements of Roberts and Thompson highlight the need for continuous ‌renewal in the political arena. The departure of long-serving politicians can provide an opportunity⁤ for‌ new ​perspectives and leadership to ‍emerge, injecting fresh ideas into the political landscape.

As the Democratic‍ and Republican parties scramble to find suitable replacements, much attention will ‌be focused⁢ on ​the upcoming‍ elections.⁢ The‍ outcome ‍of⁤ these races ⁢will ⁣determine the future balance of power in Congress and the direction ​of US politics for years to come.

In the end, the retirement ⁣announcements by these ⁢Democrats​ and Republicans signal a major shift in‌ the ‍political ​landscape. Whether it leads‍ to a more collaborative and productive Congress or further exacerbates the partisan divides ‌remains to be ⁣seen. However, one thing is certain ⁤- the ⁢departure of these long-standing lawmakers signifies ⁤a turning point in American politics.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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