Washington Examiner

Rachel Levine faces criticism for suggesting that hormone treatments can prevent children from experiencing the “wrong puberty.”

Department of⁢ Health and Human⁤ Services Assistant Secretary Rachel​ Levine⁣ Faces Backlash Over Hormone Therapy‌ Comment

Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine⁢ of the ⁢Department of Health ‍and Human Services ‌is ⁤facing criticism⁣ after suggesting that hormone ‌therapy can be beneficial ⁤for ⁢children⁢ experiencing the⁣ challenges of‍ going ​through the⁤ “wrong ⁣puberty.” ⁤Levine, who⁢ is a‌ biological male identifying ‌as‍ female, made⁤ this ⁢statement in​ response‍ to‍ questions about why children should ​not have ⁢to⁢ wait ⁤until they reach ‌18 years⁢ old⁣ before making ⁣life-altering ⁣decisions.

Adolescence and⁢ Puberty:⁤ A ⁢Difficult Journey

“Adolescence is hard and ​puberty‌ is ⁤hard,” Levine shared during an ⁢interview with‌ Nightline⁤ for​ their Identity‍ Denied: ⁣Trans ⁣in⁢ America series.‌ “What if⁤ you’re going ‍through⁤ the ​wrong​ puberty? ‌What if‍ you‌ feel inside that you ‍are⁢ female, ⁢but your body ‍is‌ going through ⁢male puberty?”

When⁣ confronted ​with concerns about the young age of minors, ⁤Levine, formerly known ‌as Richard, attempted‌ to emphasize that no‌ permanent medical ⁣procedures⁤ are ⁢performed on prepubertal​ children.

“I‌ want to⁢ make it ‌clear that, for prepubertal children, ⁢there are ​no ⁣medical procedures done,”⁤ Levine clarified.⁣ “The standard ‍of care‌ allows them⁢ to ⁢explore their gender⁤ identity.”

Levine’s remarks‌ sparked a wave of criticism ⁣on social media platforms.

“During⁣ my adolescent ‌years, I was considered‌ a tomboy,” expressed ⁢one female‌ Twitter user. “I wasn’t interested​ in ⁢traditionally feminine activities.⁣ I preferred biking, ⁤fishing,​ hiking, and ⁤playing ​music. ‍I ‌naturally grew into my womanhood as the years went by.⁣ I’m ⁢grateful that no one persuaded me to ⁤take puberty‌ blockers!”

Another tweet raised‌ an⁢ important‌ question: “What⁢ if you ‍transition solely ⁢based on a ‘feeling,’⁤ and then that ‌’feeling’⁤ disappears? ⁣You​ would⁢ be ​left with irreversible⁢ changes to⁢ your ⁢body and a ‍lifetime of regret.”

It is‍ evident​ that⁣ puberty is a challenging⁢ phase ‍for‍ many individuals, as acknowledged by⁣ one ​social media⁣ user:

“Puberty​ is ⁤undeniably difficult, which ‌is​ why the ‍last thing ⁣children need is​ adults pressuring ⁤them into ⁢making‍ life-altering ‍decisions.”

Levine’s comments ⁢come amidst a movement to⁢ expand Pride celebrations beyond the month of ⁢June,​ with some advocating for⁤ a ‍’Summer of Pride’.

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