
Raiklin: Military leaders accountable for unlawful vaccine mandate

OAN’s​ John Hines
11:00 AM – Friday, January ​12, 2024

Former Army Lieutenant Colonel and constitutional lawyer Ivan ‌Raiklin is taking a stand against the illegal mandate to⁤ administer COVID ⁤vaccines to ​military service members. Find⁢ out more‌ about his efforts in‌ this exclusive interview with⁣ One America News ‌correspondent John Hines in ⁣Washington.

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Former Army Lieutenant Colonel and constitutional lawyer Ivan Raiklin ‍is leading a new movement to hold military leaders‍ accountable for their actions. He believes that the mandate to administer ‌COVID vaccines to military service members is illegal and must be challenged.‍ Learn more about his fight in this exclusive interview with One America News.

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What legal basis ⁣does Raiklin cite to support​ his ⁢argument ⁣against the vaccine mandate?

⁤ Ged. In an ​exclusive interview with One America News correspondent⁤ John Hines, Raiklin discusses his​ efforts and the importance of protecting the rights ‌of military personnel.

Raiklin, who has a ​background in both the military ⁣and ⁢law, brings a unique perspective to the issue. He argues that the vaccine mandate violates the constitutional rights of service members,‍ specifically their⁢ right to‍ informed consent and bodily autonomy.⁤ He ⁤believes that individuals ⁢should have the‌ right to ‌make their own medical decisions without coercion or pressure from leadership.

During the interview, Raiklin outlines the legal basis for his argument, citing the Nuremberg Code and the‌ principle of informed‌ consent. He emphasizes that military service members ⁤should not be treated as mere ⁤subjects for​ experimentation or forced medical procedures.⁢ Instead, they should be respected as individuals ⁤with rights and freedoms.

Raiklin’s ‍movement aims to hold military⁣ leaders accountable for their actions and challenge the​ mandate in the court of⁣ law. He has⁤ been working ‌diligently ⁤to gather ‌support and build a ⁢coalition of like-minded individuals who share his​ concerns.

The interview with John Hines sheds light on the potential consequences of‍ the ‌vaccine mandate on⁣ military readiness and morale. Raiklin argues that forcing‌ service ‍members to receive the vaccine against their will​ can have⁤ detrimental effects‍ on their mental and emotional well-being.⁢ It can​ erode⁤ trust ​between military personnel and leadership, undermining the unit cohesion and overall ‌effectiveness of the armed forces.

Raiklin’s efforts have gained traction among⁢ various groups, including ​military veterans and ⁣those who value individual rights and constitutional freedoms. His passion and dedication to​ protecting the rights of military​ service members are commendable, and⁢ his movement serves as a rallying point for⁤ those who believe in upholding the principles upon​ which our nation was ​founded.

As the⁤ interview concludes, Raiklin ⁢expresses​ his hope that the legal system‍ will recognize the ⁣illegality of the vaccine mandate and restore the rights of ‍military personnel. He urges ⁤individuals to educate themselves on the issue and take a stand ⁣against what he sees⁣ as an⁣ infringement​ on basic freedoms.

In a time when the ‌world is grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic,⁤ it is crucial ⁢to navigate the delicate‌ balance between public health‌ and individual​ rights.‍ While the vaccine mandate may be well-intentioned, it is vital⁣ to ​consider⁣ the broader implications and weigh them against‌ the fundamental ‍liberties that our country ⁤holds ⁤dear.

Ivan⁣ Raiklin’s efforts to challenge the vaccine mandate ​in the military‌ are a ‍reminder that the fight for individual freedoms and ‌constitutional rights is ongoing. His commitment to upholding these principles in ‍the ⁤face of adversity serves as an inspiration ⁢to all who believe in the importance​ of individual choice and autonomy.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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