Washington Examiner

Ramaswamy confirms dad isn’t US citizen, unveils immigration policy.

Presidential⁢ hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy: A ⁣Unique⁢ Perspective on‌ Citizenship

In‍ a recent​ interview⁢ with NBC News, Vivek⁣ Ramaswamy, a candidate for the GOP presidential nomination, ‍opened⁤ up about his‍ parents’ citizenship status ⁤and how ⁣it has shaped his own policy.

Ramaswamy revealed that while his mother became a U.S. citizen after he was born in the United States, his father is ⁤not a citizen.​ This makes Ramaswamy a naturalized⁢ American citizen by birthright.

“He ​did not [take the citizenship test], and that’s a⁢ choice ⁤that he has made for familial reasons, but‍ my mother did,” Ramaswamy explained.

While the 14th Amendment of ‍the Constitution grants U.S. citizenship‌ to children born ​in ⁤the country to immigrant‌ parents, Ramaswamy ⁣expressed his‍ desire to do​ away with ​this provision.

“So, ​I want to give you my⁣ full⁣ perspective on⁢ this issue because‌ I⁢ will acknowledge ‌this is a difficult question,” Ramaswamy ⁢stated. “And I⁣ think the only way we’re going to be able to‌ stand‍ as a nation really committed to the ​rule of law is​ to behave in a manner⁣ that actually means it.”

Ramaswamy emphasized the importance of a legal‍ and meritocratic immigration system, offering a path for law-abiding individuals who have ⁢contributed ⁤to the country.

“But I think that we will provide a path back‍ through legal, meritocratic immigration for those who have demonstrated themselves to be ⁢law-abiding⁤ contributing ‌citizens‌ of this country,” Ramaswamy added.

Interestingly, Ramaswamy’s wife, Apoorva, also immigrated to the ⁣U.S. The couple married in 2015 ​and has​ since⁣ welcomed two children.

At‍ just 37 years old, Ramaswamy is the youngest contender in the race for the GOP presidential nomination. He faces​ formidable opponents ⁢such as ⁤former President ⁢Donald Trump, former Vice President Mike ⁤Pence, and political‌ commentator Larry⁢ Elder.

A recent New Hampshire poll showed Ramaswamy gaining significant ⁢support from⁢ likely Republican primary voters, securing second place behind Trump who maintains a lead with 39%⁤ of support.

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What are Vivek ⁣Ramaswamy’s views on earned citizenship and why does he believe it‍ is important?

Born, his father remained a citizen of India. ‌This unique background has given Ramaswamy a fresh perspective on citizenship ⁢and immigration policies in the United States.

As the child of an immigrant father and a mother who went through the process of becoming a U.S. citizen, Ramaswamy understands​ firsthand the‍ challenges and opportunities that come with the pursuit of the American dream. He believes that immigrants can contribute greatly‌ to the fabric of American society, and he is passionate about creating⁣ an immigration system ⁤that is both fair and just.

One ⁢of the key components of Ramaswamy’s‌ immigration policy is⁤ the idea of earned⁢ citizenship. He believes that immigrants who come⁤ to the United States‍ legally and work towards assimilation should have a path to citizenship. Ramaswamy argues that this system would⁤ not only be fair to those who are already in the ⁤country, but it would also encourage immigrants to fully embrace American values ⁣and contribute to their communities.

In addition ⁤to earned citizenship, Ramaswamy also advocates for comprehensive immigration reform. He recognizes the need to secure the⁣ nation’s borders but also believes in finding a solution that addresses ⁣the millions of​ undocumented immigrants ‌already living in ‌the United States. Ramaswamy proposes a combination of improved border security, a simplified and efficient⁣ visa system, and a pathway to legal status​ for those already in​ the country.

Ramaswamy’s unique perspective ‍on citizenship also extends‍ into other ‍areas⁤ of policy.​ He believes that being a citizen ‌of⁤ the United States comes with certain responsibilities,‌ and⁣ he is committed to promoting civic engagement and volunteerism. Ramaswamy ⁤argues ‌that a strong and⁢ vibrant‌ democracy requires active⁤ participation from its citizens, and he plans⁤ to implement policies that encourage Americans to get involved in their communities and ‌make a ⁣difference.

Another aspect of Ramaswamy’s platform is his emphasis on economic equality and opportunity. He understands that the American dream can only be achieved when everyone has a fair shot at‌ success. Ramaswamy advocates for policies that support small businesses, promote ⁢job growth,​ and ensure that hard work is rewarded.​ He believes that ‍by​ creating an environment where all citizens have the opportunity to thrive, America can truly live up to ⁣its promise.

Ramaswamy’s unique perspective on citizenship has ⁤resonated ‍with many voters who feel ⁢that the current immigration ‌system is in need of reform. His personal experience as the⁣ child of an immigrant and his understanding ⁣of the‍ challenges and opportunities faced by immigrants make him a candidate who brings a fresh and thoughtful approach to the table.

As the campaign for the GOP presidential nomination heats up, Vivek Ramaswamy’s unique perspective on citizenship ⁤will undoubtedly ‌continue to shape the conversation ​around immigration ​and the American dream. Whether ‌or not he secures the nomination, ⁣Ramaswamy’s‌ ideas and ⁤experiences serve as a reminder that an inclusive ⁣and fair immigration system is essential for the future of America.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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