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City official proposes controversial plan to combat gang violence, potentially transforming streets into battleground.

Crime⁢ in Chicago: A Controversial Proposal to Limit Gang Activity

Crime in Chicago has​ reached alarming‌ levels, prompting city ‌officials to consider unconventional solutions. One such proposal, put forth ⁣by a​ group called⁤ Native ⁤Sons, suggests ⁢asking gang ⁢members to restrict their criminal activities to nighttime hours.

The plan, known as “The People’s ‍Ordinance,” urges residents to refrain ⁢from shooting at each other between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. The goal is to minimize the impact of gang violence on innocent bystanders, particularly ⁢children, the elderly, and those not ‌involved in high-risk activities.

Tania Atkins, a representative of Native Sons,⁣ acknowledges that completely eradicating‍ crime is unrealistic. She believes that some individuals⁤ find it ⁤difficult ​to break away from ⁣the gang lifestyle. “Not everyone is willing to‍ drop their beef,” she explains.

While the proposal has gained traction ​among certain groups, no‍ formal legislation⁢ has been drafted to increase penalties for daytime gun violence. However, ⁣Democratic Alderwoman Maria ‍Hadden of‌ Chicago’s 49th Ward ⁣has expressed support for the ​plan in ⁢a‍ recent email newsletter.

A‌ Controversial⁢ Approach

Despite some backing, ⁤critics argue that this proposal ‌is misguided and sends the wrong message to violent ‍criminals.⁢ They contend that it implies certain times of the day are more acceptable for criminal activity than others, which⁤ is unacceptable.

Crime should never be tolerated, regardless of the time it ⁤occurs. Gang members are unlikely​ to adhere to voluntary restrictions or new ​laws. Breaking the law is ingrained in their behavior.

Some have drawn comparisons between⁤ this proposal and ​the movie “The Purge,” where all crime is allowed for one​ night a year. While not as extreme, the comparison highlights ⁣the problematic nature of the plan. ⁢It essentially says, “You can shoot⁤ people, just not during the day!”

If officials truly want to combat gang ​violence, they must adopt a tough stance on crime at all times. ⁣A prime example is Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele, ‍who implemented ‍a zero-tolerance policy against gangs, transforming his nation from a crime-ridden mess to one ​of ‍the safest in Central America.

Unfortunately, Chicago’s leaders​ seem to have resigned themselves to ‍the situation, ⁤offering half-hearted solutions ⁤instead of addressing the ‌root causes of ‌gang violence.

The post ⁣ Real-Life ‘Purge?’ – City Official Floats Plan To Stop Gangbangers That Will Turn Streets into War Zone ⁣appeared first on The Western⁢ Journal.

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