Red State Passes Measure Preventing Candidates Over 80 From Running

In 1995, the U.S. Supreme‌ Court decided that individual ⁣states are not allowed to set extra restrictions like ​term limits on federal office holders. Yes, your statement is correct. In ​1995,⁣ the⁣ U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the⁤ case​ of​ U.S.⁣ Term Limits, Inc. ​v. Thornton that states cannot impose qualifications for prospective members⁢ of the U.S. Congress stricter than those specified in the⁤ Constitution. The⁢ Supremeature ruled that the qualifications listed in the Constitution are exclusive and cannot be added to by the states, deeming such additions as violating the‍ Constitution’s supremacy and federal structure. This decision effectively invalidated state-imposed⁣ term limits on their federal representatives.

In 1995, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states ‘cannot impose additional restrictions, such as term limits’

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