the federalist

Regime’s Assault on Russell Brand: A Battle Against Free Speech

The Battle for Free Speech: Russell Brand and⁣ the Threat to Rumble

The widespread cancellation of Russell Brand following allegations made by mostly anonymous sources is shaping up to be a proxy war waged by Western elites against the free-speech video app Rumble. Rumble dares⁢ to platform ‍countless ⁣dissident voices like Brand, and for this, the site may‌ soon be banned in the UK thanks to a new, repressive law. Rumble’s executives may even face arrest‍ if⁤ they step foot on British soil.

Last week, Rumble received an open letter from a committee ⁤in Parliament pressuring the video platform to join YouTube in demonetizing Brand after he was accused of ⁤sexual assault. Rumble refused to comply. “We regard it as deeply inappropriate and dangerous that the UK Parliament‌ would attempt‍ to control who is allowed to speak on our platform or to earn a living,” Rumble wrote in a statement.

It’s important to note that the allegations levied⁢ against Brand by mostly anonymous sources via the‌ British⁣ media have not been evaluated in a court of law, and ⁢Brand emphatically denies their validity. Irrespective of ​whether or not the allegations are true, ⁢however, Brand should not be⁢ demonetized or de-platformed. Convicted criminals should be punished by the criminal justice system, not tech companies.

Moreover,‌ neoliberal elites in Big‌ Tech, the corporate media, and Parliament do not sincerely care about Brand’s alleged victims because they do not care about women. The left endangers⁤ women every single day by pushing policies and ‌norms that allow potential predators to enter women’s public restrooms and prisons. When⁤ women report feeling‌ afraid, these same ⁢people intimidate them into silence.

To ⁣the left, Brand is guilty of something far worse than sexual​ assault — something that requires no official ⁣conviction ​or ‌sentencing. Since launching‌ his “Stay Free” podcast, Brand has ⁤eloquently ‌spoken‌ out on topics like deep state corruption, censorship, the war in Ukraine, and Big Pharma. Perhaps his greatest crime has been ⁤critiquing drug companies ⁣for using Covid to make billions off of ineffectual vaccines funded by the public and pushed by the global elites ​at the World Economic Forum‌ who used fear of the virus to push for increased social control.

Make no mistake, Brand is guilty of ⁣ thought crimes, and in our ‌current social ⁣credit system, his punishment is ⁣Orwellian-style unpersoning. Brand has been demonetized on YouTube, media outlets are purging content featuring him, and⁤ Paramount+ removed ⁣his ⁣2009 comedy special.

The primary target, however, ‌is currently Rumble, which is ​responsible for platforming thousands of dissenting voices like Brand.⁣ Thanks​ to the UK’s new, anti-free speech “Online Safety Act,” ‌Rumble is now facing expulsion in ⁢Britain. British tabloid The Sun even suggested ‍ that Rumble​ executives could be arrested for entering the country.

Meanwhile, Burger King, Hello​ Fresh, and fashion company‌ ASOS have ceased advertising on the platform, thereby restricting Rumble’s ability to generate ad revenue. The pressure will likely increase.

We know the American surveillance⁣ state and globalist organizations like NATO collaborate with social media companies to gather⁣ information ⁢and data. In the case of some companies, ⁢such as Facebook, American intelligence played key roles in their ‌ creation. Most tech companies, like TikTok, are swarming with⁣ former intelligence agents and globalist bureaucrats.

These former agents and bureaucrats are often hired to censor‍ digital speech, with responsibilities related to​ “content moderation” in departments of “trust and safety.”⁢ Still in close partnership with current intelligence agents and NATO and United Nations officials, these‌ professional speech policers spend their work day silencing anyone who challenges the ‌official narrative, whether that be about Hunter Biden and his laptop from hell or Covid-19 and its plausible origins in a Chinese lab.

In giving the finger to the UK Parliament, Rumble made it clear that it is‌ not just another​ platform for Western technocrats to use for mind control.⁤ This is extremely ⁢threatening. Indeed, ⁢”The top priority of [W]estern elites is internet control,” wrote Glenn Greenwald in response to the attacks on Rumble.

The Western ruling class is constantly trying to convince us that⁤ we should not experience freedom — the freedom platforms⁤ like Rumble offer. They guilt trip the public into⁤ thinking it is‍ somehow unethical to use ‍apps like Rumble and X that‍ encourage freedom of speech. They gaslight us when we discuss vaccine ​injuries ​or Biden family corruption, ⁤claiming that these things are “disinformation” promulgated⁤ by “Russian bots” ⁣or lunatic conspiracy theorists.

Authoritarians do ‍not view the people as individuals worthy of inalienable‍ rights. To them, we are merely extensions ⁢of ‌the⁤ state, and our ⁢lives exist purely to meet the needs and desires of the ruling⁣ class. Anytime the regime realizes that it cannot control a person or platform for its own benefit, it sets out to​ destroy.

Rumble and Brand represent everything the Western ruling class fears: free expression outside the purview of the state. The regime is not afraid of Brand and Rumble promoting ⁢harmful​ or ​false information (the regime does that all ‌the time); it is afraid of them spreading the truth, which is why it ⁤will do everything in its power to obliterate them both.

Es the ⁢mainstream narrative ⁤or expresses dissenting‌ views. They are the guardians of the corporate and⁢ political establishment, and ‌their goal is to suppress divergent⁢ opinions and‍ maintain control over ⁢the flow of information.

The⁣ case⁢ of Russell Brand exemplifies this battle for free speech. Brand, a comedian, actor

In what ways do “guardians of⁣ the corporate and political establishment” influence public‌ opinion and control the flow of information?

The guardians of the corporate and political establishment have various ‌ways to influence public⁣ opinion and control the flow of information. Some‌ of the key methods include:

1. Ownership and control of media outlets: Corporate and political ‌elites often own or have significant control over major‌ media⁢ outlets, including newspapers, television networks,‍ and⁣ online platforms. This ownership allows them to shape the ⁤narrative and prioritize certain stories or⁤ perspectives while suppressing others.

2. Advertising and ​funding: Corporations⁢ and established politicians can use their financial resources ​to heavily advertise ‌their preferred messages or support ⁣media⁤ outlets that align with‌ their interests. This creates a⁢ financial dependency that⁣ may⁤ influence the editorial decisions and coverage.

3.⁢ Political lobbying and campaign donations: Through lobbying efforts and ⁤campaign donations, powerful entities can exert influence on politicians and⁤ policymakers. This influence can impact⁢ the formulation of laws and ⁢policies,​ which may subsequently shape ⁤the information ⁤that‌ is disseminated or restricted to the public.

4. Think tanks and policy institutes: Corporations and political elites⁤ often⁣ support and establish think tanks or policy institutes ⁣that promote their interests and produce ‍research or reports supporting their ⁤positions. These ⁣institutions can shape public opinion‍ by generating and disseminating favorable ⁣information and analysis.

5. Control‍ over information sources: The ‍corporate and political establishment can exert‌ control over official sources of​ information, such as ⁣government ⁤agencies or regulatory bodies. By controlling these sources, they can filter information and ⁢tailor ‌it to their interests, limiting the access to accurate‍ and​ unbiased data for the general public.

6. Public relations and spin: Corporations and political ⁣elites employ public relations⁤ strategies, including spinning information⁣ or presenting it in a way that favors their ⁤interests. They may strategically frame issues, ⁢manipulate statistics, or use emotional​ appeals⁢ to shape public‍ opinion.

7. Influence over educational institutions: Elite actors ⁢may ‍exert influence⁣ over educational institutions, such as universities or research⁢ centers, by funding⁤ programs or providing grants. This⁢ influence can impact the curriculum‌ and research priorities, ‍shaping ​the perspectives and knowledge transmitted to the⁤ students and ​researchers.

8. Surveillance ‌and control of ​online platforms: With‌ the rise of social⁤ media and online platforms,‌ corporate and political elites have‌ gained means to monitor and control ⁤the online discourse. This control may involve censorship, ⁣algorithmic ⁣manipulation, or the ‍promotion of certain ⁣content ⁣that⁢ aligns with their interests.

It ‌is important to note that these methods may not be exclusive⁣ to​ the “guardians of the corporate ⁢and⁣ political establishment” but⁤ can also be employed ⁣by other powerful ​entities seeking to shape public opinion and control the flow of⁣ information.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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