The federalist

Regime media conceals Hunter Biden’s plea deal and his father’s tainted DOJ.

The Explosive Truth Behind Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal

The recently imploded sweetheart plea deal for ⁣Hunter Biden⁣ was even ​more sugar-infused than previously‍ known,⁣ according to ⁣weekend stories by Politico and The New York Times. ⁢But rather⁣ than condemn the Department of Justice for interjecting itself in the case against the president’s ‍son to ⁣pressure Delaware U.S. ⁣Attorney David​ Weiss to end the investigation,‌ the lengthy articles by Politico ‌and the Times attempted to spin that fact ​and many more ⁣as evidence that Hunter‌ Biden was‍ being ‌unfairly targeted.

The narrative, however, ⁤just won’t fly. Instead, it exposes more troubling details and provides further proof the House of Representatives needs to open impeachment inquiries against ⁤President Joe Biden, ‌Attorney General Merrick Garland, U.S. Attorney Weiss (and possibly the D.C. and California U.S. attorneys),⁢ and FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Collapse of ‍a Plea Deal

A little over a week ago, ‌news broke that Hunter⁤ Biden’s plea deal had collapsed and Garland had named Weiss as a special⁢ counsel to continue ​the investigation and prosecution of Hunter Biden. The⁣ news ⁣came after the president’s son ​appeared‌ in late July before‌ federal Judge ‌Maryellen Noreika to plead guilty ​on two misdemeanor tax counts and to resolve a gun charge with a pretrial diversion agreement.

Things didn’t go according‌ to plan, however,‍ with Noreika instead quizzing‌ the parties on the⁣ unusual inclusion ‍in the pretrial diversion agreement of​ a broadly worded promise of immunity, as well as ⁤the parties’ relative‌ understanding ​of the deal, ‌and then⁣ ordering the parties to ⁤further brief the ‍question‍ of the propriety of the arrangement. The⁤ hearing‍ concluded with Hunter Biden pleading not​ guilty, pending the additional briefing.

The briefing never came, though, with Weiss, after obtaining special counsel authority, instead filing a⁤ motion to “vacate” the court’s order to​ brief ⁢the issues,⁣ noting the parties were⁤ at an impasse and⁤ a trial would likely be needed. Weiss ​later filed a motion⁣ to dismiss the tax charges, noting his office was‌ “considering what tax charges to bring in another district and‌ may elect to ‌bring‍ the same charges​ set forth in​ the instant information or different ones.”

Judge Noreika ‌granted that motion last week, dismissing the tax charges; ​the gun charge remains pending in the federal⁢ court in Delaware, with⁤ the parties disputing the ⁤validity of the pretrial diversion agreement — an issue on which we will likely see further developments this week.

Full ‍Court‌ Press

Thursday’s ⁤dismissal of the tax charges,⁤ coupled‍ with Weiss’s earlier⁢ representation that he planned to refile those charges — or possibly others — ‍in a different federal court, seemingly pushed Hunter Biden’s legal team into⁤ the arms of its more reliable ally: ​the left-wing press. The⁤ results? Two ‌nearly identical articles, one at Politico and one in The New York⁤ Times, hit the internet on ‌Saturday, both of ‍which spun​ Hunter Biden’s legal problems as Trump and Republican-created.

But rather than ​exonerate⁢ the president’s son, the details revealed in the⁢ articles — which were purportedly based on documents, emails, and interviews with Hunter Biden’s ⁤legal team — deepen the scandal,⁣ while also providing a laughable defense ⁤to ⁢the alleged criminality.

Spinning a Devastating Timeline and a ‍Sugary‌ Sweetheart Deal

When ‌news broke that ⁢U.S.⁢ Attorney Weiss had agreed to a plea agreement with Hunter Biden — which​ included only ‍the⁤ two misdemeanor ⁣tax charges ⁤with ⁣a recommendation of ‌no jail time,​ and a separate pretrial diversion agreement on the felony gun charge with a grant of broad immunity ​— Republicans ​were outraged. They weren’t ⁣outraged⁢ enough, however, ​because ‍thanks to Hunter Biden’s team feeding Politico and the Times the backstory ​of the deal, we​ now know it was much⁤ worse, and Biden’s​ DOJ is likely responsible.

According to The New York Times, on Monday, May 15, 2023, Lesley Wolf, a high-up lawyer in the Delaware⁣ U.S. ‍attorney’s office “with⁢ whom Mr. Clark‌ had developed a rapport over the previous two years,” called Biden’s ​legal team with a proposition: Hunter Biden need not ​plead guilty to ⁣ anything, but instead they could end the investigation by entering⁢ into ⁤a deferred prosecution agreement.

Hunter Biden’s lawyers were, according to the Times, “amenable” to the agreement, with his lead attorney, Christopher ⁢Clark, telling Wolf “he would draft language for such an ⁢agreement…”

While the Times article,‍ “Inside the Collapse of Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal,” portrayed Wolf’s call to Clark as ⁤a mere four-month⁣ follow-up to an earlier ⁣meeting‍ between‍ Hunter’s legal team and U.S. Attorney Weiss in January, Politico ⁣added‌ some helpful additional‍ details.

According to Politico, from the fall of 2022 through the spring of 2023, ‍Clark, ‍on behalf ⁣of Hunter, sought meetings with high-level Justice Department officials, including the head of ⁢the Criminal Division, the head of the Tax Division, ​the Office of Legal Counsel, the Office of the Solicitor General, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, and the attorney⁣ general⁢ himself. ⁢Clark ⁣finally succeeded in his efforts to meet with a higher-up⁤ at Main Justice, when on April ⁣26, 2023, Clark‍ met​ with Associate Deputy⁤ Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer ​and ⁢Delaware ‌U.S. Attorney Weiss.

What Could ⁤Have Prompted ​That Breakthrough Meeting?

Just one week ​earlier, Mark Lytle, ⁤a partner at the law firm Nixon‍ Peabody, had penned a ⁣ letter to key House and⁢ Senate committees informing them that his client, a ‌career⁢ IRS criminal supervisory special agent, ‌sought to make “protected whistleblower ⁤disclosures to Congress,” concerning an ⁤investigation into a politically connected individual. Those whistleblower disclosures, the letter ‌explained, would “contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior political appointee,” would show the “failure​ to mitigate clear conflicts of interests,”⁢ and would provide “examples​ of⁣ preferential treatment” and improper political influence. While the whistleblowers did not identify the politically connected taxpayer, Just The News confirmed ⁤ the allegations concerned‌ Hunter Biden.

So ​that means‍ that after Hunter’s lawyer spent‌ some​ six months trying to swing a meeting⁢ with top DOJ officials, a meeting materialized a week after news broke ​of ​the whistleblowers’ claims that political favoritism prevented them from properly⁣ investigating Hunter Biden.

The ​Timeline Gets ⁢Worse

Soon after Weiss, ⁤Hunter’s attorney Clark, and ⁤Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley⁢ Weinsheimer met in late April 2023 to discuss the Hunter ‌Biden investigation, the​ House Ways and Means⁣ Committee⁣ met on‌ May ⁣5, 2023, and received a ⁢“proffer” ‌from the whistleblowers’ ⁣attorney concerning the testimony ⁣their client would provide Congress about the political interference into the Hunter ​Biden investigation.

Less than a week ⁤later, on ⁤May 11, 2023, Weinsheimer ⁢“thanked Clark for the ​meeting and told‌ him Weiss would handle the next steps.”⁤ Then, on ⁢May 15, 2023, “at the request of the Department of Justice,” the​ two‍ whistleblowers and their‌ entire elite‍ team of IRS investigators were removed from the⁢ Hunter ⁤Biden investigation. It was the⁣ same day, according to the Times’ weekend ⁤reporting, that Wolf proposed⁢ resolving the investigation ⁢into⁤ Hunter⁣ Biden with only ⁢a deferred ‍prosecution ⁤agreement.

Biden’s legal team presented a first draft of ⁤a⁢ proposed⁤ diversion agreement ⁢to Wolf on Thursday, May 18,⁣ 2023,‌ which⁤ reportedly included a ⁣sweeping grant of immunity for⁢ “any other federal crimes relating to matters​ investigated by the United States” the ‍president’s son may have committed.⁣ After additional negotiations, the pledge of ​immunity was​ changed to the ‌government promising not to prosecute ​Hunter ⁤“for any of​ the ⁢offenses ⁤‘encompassed’ in the statement of facts”​ that would accompany the ⁢diversion agreement.

In sending a revised agreement to Clark, Wolf ​made clear‍ that she “had not discussed or obtained approval” from ⁢Weiss about “the terms of the final agreement.” ⁣Weiss apparently refused ⁤to approve the deal Wolf had‍ attempted to carve out with Hunter’s attorney, telling Clark on Tuesday, May 23, ‌that Weiss required “Hunter Biden to plead guilty to⁢ two misdemeanor counts of failing to pay his⁤ taxes.”

“Erupting‌ in⁣ anger, Mr. Clark accused Ms. Wolf‍ of misleading him,” the Times reported, but Hunter‌ Biden nonetheless agreed to‍ the deal, which is the sweetheart ⁢plea⁤ agreement ‌the public would learn about on June 20, 2023.

Some Crazy Spin

So had U.S. Attorney ⁢Weiss not objected,‍ the sweetheart⁢ plea deal ⁣gifted to Hunter Biden would ⁣have included no guilty pleas at⁢ all and just​ the pretrial‌ diversion agreement on the gun charge. Now Hunter Biden’s legal team, ‍with ‍the ‌assistance​ of Politico⁤ and‌ The New York Times, ‍is spinning Weiss’s refusal to go​ along with Wolf’s proposed diversion‌ agreement as ⁢politically motivated and stemming ⁢from pressure⁢ from Republicans.

Now that’s some chutzpah given the facts and the timing — including all of ‌the facts revealed​ by the whistleblowers‌ that Politico and⁣ the ‌Times basically ignored, such as the political interference that prevented the⁣ IRS ⁢investigators from conducting a​ thorough investigation‍ into Hunter Biden’s foreign ⁣business dealings and⁤ evidence connecting​ Joe Biden to those affairs.

But equally⁣ damning is ‌the timing, which suggests that as ⁢soon‌ as the whistleblowers ​alerted Congress to their evidence of political ⁢favoritism toward the president’s son,⁤ Biden’s DOJ intervened, with Weinsheimer meeting with⁣ Weiss and Hunter’s attorney. Then the whistleblowers were quickly booted from​ the case, and Wolf ⁢promptly‌ proposed resolving the entire‌ investigation through the pretrial diversion agreement.

It ‍wasn’t Republicans ‌playing⁣ politics⁤ that⁢ doomed that agreement, however; it was the ​whistleblowers’ exposure of the political favoritism⁢ behind the Hunter Biden investigation ⁣that ⁣led to Weiss offering Hunter Biden ‍a sweetheart deal​ that was just not quite as sugar-infused as the one Wolf baked up.

The Scandal Is So Much Bigger

While Hunter Biden’s​ spin‌ failed to launch, the inside story nonetheless proved explosive. It provided further proof that both Weiss and⁤ Garland misled Congress when⁤ they claimed Weiss was totally in charge of the ⁢Hunter ⁣Biden investigation. Furthermore, Garland claimed the investigation was ⁣insulated from political interference because Weiss⁤ was a‌ Trump holdover.

As the weekend reporting revealed, ⁤Hunter Biden’s attorney continuously contacted high-level DOJ political appointees, including Garland, seeking someone to rein in ‍Weiss. And Associate Deputy⁤ Attorney General Weinsheimer finally answered his call and arranged the meeting with Weiss that led ‌to what would have been a done deal if ⁢not for the⁤ federal judge questioning ⁤the ⁤parties on the irregularities in the agreement.

But Clark did more than solicit the intervention of Biden’s DOJ. According to‍ Politico, Clark ‍threatened ⁢Weiss with a promise‌ to⁣ put President Joe Biden on⁣ the stand in any trial of Hunter ⁢Biden and thereby⁣ cause a “constitutional ⁢crisis.”

That‍ threat came⁤ in a ⁢32-page⁤ letter Clark​ sent Weiss⁢ on Oct. 31, 2022, according to Politico. “President Biden now‌ unquestionably would be ‌a fact witness for the ⁣defense in any criminal trial,” Clark wrote in the letter⁣ reviewed by Politico. “This of all cases justifies neither the ‍spectacle of ⁤a⁣ sitting ⁢President testifying at a ⁢criminal trial nor the potential for a resulting Constitutional crisis,” the letter continued, suggesting “a trial of the president’s​ son would create ‍political and constitutional chaos by pitting the president⁤ himself against his own Justice Department.”

The⁢ moment Clark leveraged President Biden as a⁤ witness ⁤to ⁢negotiate a plea deal on behalf ​of his son, Weiss should have advised the attorney general of the need for‌ a special counsel. And the‌ moment Clark contacted DOJ ⁤political appointees to ⁢discuss any ‍impending charges against Hunter ⁢Biden, Garland should have appointed one.

Instead, both Weiss‍ and Garland represented to the American public ⁢and Congress that​ Weiss⁤ had ⁣ultimate authority over the investigation and that there was no ‍political interference. Yet even after making ​those public pronouncements,⁤ Weinsheimer intervened, prompting Wolf to push forward with a diversion-agreement-only deal, only to be trumped by Weiss.

For the Love of All That Is Holy, Launch an Impeachment Inquiry

While Wolf is now reportedly removed from the⁤ Hunter Biden case and ‍Weiss currently holds ⁢special counsel status, the weekend backstory to the⁣ plea negotiations ⁣provides‍ further proof that Weiss‌ is both incompetent and untrustworthy and must ⁢be removed from office. ⁢The articles also further implicate⁣ Garland.

The House must ⁢act now and launch impeachment inquiries for Weiss‍ and Garland, as well⁣ as President‍ Biden and Christopher Wray for their roles⁣ in‍ the⁢ scandal. ‌Anything less will create a real constitutional crisis.

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