Washington Examiner

Rep. Dean Phillips considering 2024 bid against Joe Biden.

Rep. Dean Phillips Considering 2024 Challenge to ⁣President ‍Biden

Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) is contemplating ‌his own bid for the presidency in ​2024 after ‍no viable primary opponents emerged. In an episode of ‌The Warning, ⁤Phillips revealed his thoughts to political strategist Steve Schmidt.

Seeking an ‍Alternative to Biden

Phillips has‍ previously urged President Biden ‌to “pass ‌the torch” to other​ rising stars‍ within the Democratic Party, but his ‍calls⁤ have gone unanswered. The‌ Minnesota‌ Congressman believes that ‌Americans are looking for an alternative to both Biden and former President Donald ​Trump.

Despite encouraging ‌popular Democratic governors ​like Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer,‍ JB Pritzker,​ and Josh Shapiro‍ to challenge Biden, they have‌ instead rallied behind him for his 2024‍ reelection⁤ campaign.

Phillips acknowledges‌ that these individuals would​ be more suitable candidates due to their national recognition and campaign infrastructure, which he lacks. However, he emphasizes the importance of ⁢democracy having choices and competition.

While he still believes ⁤there is time for someone else to enter the race, Phillips continues to encourage those he⁣ deems better prepared ​to run a successful campaign.

Concerns for‌ the Future

Expressing his concerns, Phillips worries ⁤that the absence of an alternative candidate could lead to a disastrous ‌Democratic​ Convention in Chicago. With‍ Biden’s⁤ age ⁢of 80 ‌and the possibility of him serving a⁤ second term until ‍he⁣ is 86, Phillips believes there should be other⁤ options.

His likely opponent, Trump, ⁤who currently leads⁢ the⁤ Republican field, is 77 years old.

Phillips has met with donors over the summer‌ to discuss⁢ a potential presidential bid ‌for himself. Despite his ‍efforts, prominent Democrats have not ⁢responded to his calls for them to challenge⁣ Biden.

Increasing Calls for ‌Other Candidates

Recent ⁤polls indicate that over half of Americans believe both Biden and​ Trump are too old to effectively serve another term as ⁤president. As‍ a ‌potential matchup ‌between the two becomes more likely, the demand for alternative candidates has grown.

The​ bipartisan No Labels‌ Party ​is considering nominating ⁢a ⁤presidential ​candidate if the major ⁣parties fail to put forward candidates that the majority of⁢ the country wants. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is ⁣reportedly considering ⁤joining a potential No Labels ticket‍ in ⁢2024‌ and has sought advice from former President Bill Clinton. He has not ruled out the possibility.

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What challenges will Rep. Dean Phillips face if he decides ⁤to run⁢ for president in 2024

‌ Ay Inslee to consider a presidential run, ⁤none of them have shown interest in ‍challenging Biden. This has‌ pushed Phillips to seriously‌ consider entering ⁤the race ⁤himself.

A Fresh Face⁤ in Politics

Rep. Dean Phillips is known for being a fresh face in politics. He was elected to Congress in 2018, defeating Republican incumbent Erik Paulsen in Minnesota’s 3rd congressional district. Phillips, a former businessman, ran on a platform of bipartisanship and ending the influence ⁢of money in politics.

Throughout his time in Congress, Phillips ⁢has focused ⁢on bridging the partisan divide and finding common ⁣ground. He has worked on bills related to campaign finance reform, healthcare, and education, positioning himself ‌as a moderate voice⁣ within the Democratic Party.

Phillips’ bipartisan approach and willingness to work across the aisle have garnered him support from both Democrats ‍and Republicans in⁤ his district. ​This ‍has made him a popular figure among constituents who ⁤are tired of ​extreme partisanship and are⁣ looking for⁣ pragmatic ‍solutions to the country’s ⁤issues.

Challenges Ahead

If Rep. Dean Phillips decides to run for president in 2024, ⁢he will face numerous challenges. ‌The Democratic Party is known for its crowded primary ​elections, with a wide range of candidates vying for the nomination. Phillips will need to build name ⁢recognition and gain support from key party figures to stand out in such a field.

Additionally, Phillips will need ‍to distinguish himself from President Biden and his ‍policies. While he has been critical of Biden in the past,‌ he will⁣ need to articulate a clear and compelling vision for the future of the ‌country that⁢ resonates with voters.

Furthermore, Phillips will need to showcase his ability to handle the pressures and demands of the highest office in the land. As a⁤ relatively new member of Congress, he lacks the experience of other potential candidates who have held executive positions or ⁢have served ‍in higher-level government roles.

The Importance of ⁤Primary Challenges

Despite the challenges,⁤ Rep. Dean Phillips’ potential bid for the presidency in 2024 highlights the​ importance of primary challenges in ⁢a healthy democracy. Competition within political parties ⁣allows for different voices and ideas to be‌ heard and considered.

By considering a primary challenge to President Biden,⁢ Phillips is pushing for a ⁢broader conversation ‌within the Democratic Party and offering ‍an alternative choice to voters. This can only strengthen the party and ensure that the ‍nominee truly represents the diverse interests and perspectives ‌of its members.


Rep. Dean Phillips’ contemplation of a presidential run in 2024 signifies the desire⁢ for an alternative to President Biden within the Democratic Party. Phillips’ bipartisan approach and fresh perspective have earned him support among constituents,⁤ but he will ‍have‌ to overcome significant challenges to stand out in ⁢a crowded primary field. Regardless of the outcome, ‍his potential run highlights the importance ‍of primary ‌challenges in fostering a healthy democracy.

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