Rep. Gaetz to hold rally in Wyo. to call for ousting of Rep. Cheney

Rep. Gaetz to hold rally in Wyo. to call for ousting of Rep. Cheney

WASHINGTON, DC – OCTOBER 14: U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL). (Photo by Alex Wroblewski/Getty Images)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:46 AM PT – Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) is set to travel to Wyoming to urge Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) to step down over her vote to impeach President Trump.

In a recent interview, Gaetz said Republicans deserve a better leader than Cheney, who is the third-ranking House GOP leader.

“Unfortunately, Liz Cheney is just yet another in a long line of ‘America last’ politicians,’” Gaetz stated. “Willing to sell out to the lobbyists, to the military-industrial complex, to the elements in big corporations, big media and Big Tech that were always attacking President Trump.”

On Thursday, Gaetz will hold a rally outside the state’s capitol building in Cheyenne. He said he will talk about Cheney’s failed leadership and the failed policies she supports.

The Wyoming congresswoman is the most high profile Republican who joined all House Democrats in voting to impeach President Trump. Despite the criticism from members of her own caucus, the GOP conference chair continues to stand firm and said she will not step down from her role.

Gaetz has been a strong supporter of President Trump and has defended him amid the Democrat-led efforts to impeach him.

“It seems to me that impeachment is an itch that doesn’t go away with just one scratch,” Gaetz said. “It also seems that President Trump may be most likely to be impeached when he is correct. Before the last presidential impeachment, President Trump rightly pointed out the improper activities of the Biden crime family, and subsequently, he’s been proven right.”

Gaetz took to Twitter to reiterate the comments he made in a recent interview. He said, “By embracing the language and the arguments of the radical left instead of the America First movement, Cheney is spitting into the eyes of tens of millions of Americans.”

He also said he’s not seeking Cheney’s position in House leadership, but knows Wyoming can do better.


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