
Rep. George Santos ousted from Congress by majority vote

Rep. George‍ Santos (R-NY) walks back to his ‍office after debate on⁤ the House floor on ⁢a ⁣resolution to expel him from Congress, at the U.S. Capitol November 1, 2023 in Washington, DC. On Wednesday evening,‌ Congress is​ scheduled vote‍ on an expulsion resolution⁣ against Rep. Santos and censure resolutions against Rep. Rashida ​Tlaib (D-MI) and ⁣Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).⁤ (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

OAN’s James Meyers
9:12 AM – Friday, December⁢ 1, 2023

The‌ House Votes to Expel Representative George Santos

The House of Representatives has made a decisive⁣ vote to expel Representative George Santos from Congress.‌ Santos, who has been embroiled in allegations of finance crimes and campaign fabrications, faced⁢ a vote requiring⁢ two-thirds majority support⁢ to ‌pass. The final tally of 311-114 in favor ​of expulsion marks a significant moment ​in U.S. history, as Santos​ becomes only the sixth House member to be removed from Congress and the third since the Civil War.


With the expulsion of Santos, the⁢ balance of power in the House ⁢of Representatives has shifted. The number of House Republicans now stands at 221, compared to 213 Democrats. This new dynamic makes it even more challenging for Republicans to pass legislation without the support of Democrats.

Following his expulsion, Santos now faces a ⁤special election to fill the vacant seat. New York law grants Governor Kathy Hochul (D-N.Y.) 10 days to announce the election, with the vote scheduled for February.

Notably, Speaker of‍ the ‍House Mike Johnson (R-La.) and Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) opposed the​ vote and have​ been vocal about their disagreement with the decision to⁤ oust⁣ one of their colleagues.

Since assuming‌ office in 2022, Santos has been charged with nearly two dozen counts of crimes, including identity theft, unemployment fraud, and submitting false campaign finance reports. While he has pleaded not guilty‌ to these charges, the House’s decision to expel him sends a strong message.

After the vote, Santos was⁢ asked⁣ by CNN if he would stay and use nonmember privileges because he is not convicted, he said “Why would ⁤I want to stay here? To hell with this place.”

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How did​ multiple whistleblowers contribute‌ to uncovering allegations of fraud​ and embezzlement in Santos’ campaign finances and personal business dealings?

Fraud, ⁤and embezzlement. These allegations stem ‍from an ⁤investigation into his campaign‍ finances​ and personal business ​dealings. Multiple whistleblowers ‍have⁤ come ​forward, providing evidence that Santos ⁢used campaign funds for personal expenses, including luxury vacations ​and ​expensive⁤ purchases. Additionally, it has been revealed‌ that he falsified documents⁣ and‍ reports to cover up these‌ illicit activities.

The ⁤decision⁢ to expel ‍Santos from Congress reflects a ⁣commitment⁤ to upholding ‍the integrity and ‍ethical ‌standards of the House of⁢ Representatives. It sends a strong message that corruption and malfeasance will not be ⁣tolerated among elected officials. The ⁤two-thirds majority support required for expulsion demonstrates a broad consensus⁣ among ⁣lawmakers that Santos’ actions were grave and⁤ warranted such decisive‌ action.

However, the expulsion of Santos also raises concerns about the potential impact on Congressional dynamics.⁣ With the loss ​of one Republican⁤ seat, the balance of power in the House ⁤of Representatives‍ has ​shifted. The ‌Republican Party now faces a more ‍challenging ⁣task in passing legislation without the support of​ Democrats. ⁣This could further exacerbate the already polarized and⁢ contentious political climate in the country.

It is ⁣worth noting that‌ Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and Majority Whip Steve Scalise‍ opposed the expulsion ​vote. Their dissent highlights the divided opinions within the Republican Party regarding the‍ consequences ⁤for members found guilty of misconduct.⁢ Some argue that expulsion ⁢is necessary ‍to maintain the ⁢integrity of Congress, while others believe⁤ that punishment should be left to the judicial system and that‌ the decision should rest with the voters in their respective districts.

Looking ahead, the vacant seat left ⁢by Santos’ ​expulsion will​ be filled through a ⁣special election. Governor ⁣Kathy Hochul of New ‌York has the responsibility of announcing the election within 10 days, with​ the vote scheduled ⁤for February. This election will be closely watched, as it could ⁢potentially impact the balance of⁤ power in ⁢the House even further.

The expulsion of ‌Representative George Santos from Congress serves as a reminder ‍of the importance ⁢of ethical ⁤conduct ⁢and accountability in​ public office. It is a reflection​ of the commitment ⁤of lawmakers to uphold​ the⁣ integrity of the‍ House of Representatives and to ​ensure ‌that ​elected officials act in the best interests of their ‌constituents. As the nation⁤ grapples with ongoing political challenges,⁣ it is crucial that trust and confidence in our elected representatives are upheld⁢ through transparent⁤ and ethical behavior.

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