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Rep. Greene on House Rules and Trump as Next Speaker

Lawmakers Weigh Options After Motion to Oust House Speaker

Lawmakers⁤ on ⁢both sides ​of the House are considering their next moves following‌ a motion to remove Rep. Kevin McCarthy from his position as House speaker. The motion, brought by Rep. Matt Gaetz, received support from eight Republicans and‍ 208 Democrats.

This decision comes less than a year after McCarthy assumed the speakership. ⁤He secured ⁣the position after ‍a series of votes ‌in January, with reluctant Republicans eventually backing his bid.

In an effort to maintain support, McCarthy ⁤made ⁢concessions, including‌ lowering the‍ threshold for triggering a motion to remove​ him. However, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is now among the Republicans calling for a higher threshold for the next⁣ House ‍speaker.

“We need to‌ talk as‍ a conference about the ‌rules,” said​ Rep. ‍Marjorie Taylor Greene. “Motion to vacate is‍ a tool to hold a speaker ⁤accountable. But‍ we⁣ don’t want to continue in a situation where ⁢anyone can motion to ​vacate at any time for any reason.”

Greene previously supported McCarthy’s speakership but has expressed dissatisfaction with ⁢the House Republican majority’s⁣ handling of budget negotiations. Rep. Matt Gaetz also ‌criticized McCarthy’s leadership in these negotiations, prompting his‌ effort to remove the House speaker.

‌ ⁣Prior to the vote, Greene urged her fellow​ Republicans to avoid a “family feud” over the‍ speakership. She ⁤referred to‍ Gaetz as “my friend” and​ emphasized ‍her concerns about the budget process.

Greene’s Support for Trump as Speaker

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise and​ House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan have already launched bids to replace McCarthy.

Gaetz has indicated his potential⁣ support for speakership bids by⁣ Rep. Kevin Hern, Rep. Mike Johnson, House​ Budget Chair Jodey Arrington, and House Majority Whip Tom Emmer.

While ⁤some House Republicans are considering candidates ⁣within Congress, others are entertaining the idea of an outsider as speaker. Some‌ Republicans have even suggested former President ⁢Donald Trump for the role.

Greene is among those Republicans who firmly support Trump over ‍the announced speakership candidates.

“He has a proven track ‌record. His policies align with making America great again,⁣ which is what everyone wants,” said Greene, who has endorsed Trump’s 2024​ presidential run.

When asked about the speakership, Trump didn’t give a ⁤definitive answer but expressed his ‍focus on his current presidential campaign.

“We’re leading by‍ like 50 points,” Trump said. “My focus⁤ is totally on that. If I can help them ⁢during the process, I would do ​it. But we have great people in the Republican Party who will do⁤ a fantastic job as speaker.”

Greene insisted that ⁤Trump remains ⁢open to ⁤the idea of becoming the next House speaker.

​ ‍ “I’ve talked with him about it. I will nominate him. I’m‍ supporting him to everyone I talk to, and I think he’s definitely open to it,” she said.

Other Issues to Consider

‍ ⁢One potential point of contention during the speakership contest is support for Ukraine. Jordan​ has indicated that additional rounds of Ukraine aid are not a top priority, emphasizing⁢ the border situation and ‍crime‌ instead.

Jordan, Gaetz, and Greene‍ were among the House Republicans who voted against a $300 million Ukraine aid ‌package. Scalise and⁣ McCarthy, ⁢on the other hand, joined⁤ House Democrats in‌ passing ‍the spending. This division within the majority party could pose challenges as Republicans seek a new speaker.

Rep. Ro Khanna suggested that the next House speaker should focus on issues beyond party ⁢politics, such as congressional reform.

“We need to ⁤ban members from trading stock. We need to ban members from becoming lobbyists. And I was encouraged that Representative Gaetz agrees with that. ‍These reforms should⁤ be part of the conversation, regardless of who becomes the new speaker,”⁢ said Khanna.

Last Congress, Gaetz and Khanna cosponsored legislation to ban congressional ​stock trading. Gaetz also ​joined⁢ a bipartisan letter⁢ calling for a vote on such legislation.

From NTD News

How might the outcome of the motion to remove McCarthy as House speaker shape the ⁢future of ⁤the Republican party and its leadership

Example, the current poll numbers are fantastic. We’re doing really well. I’m⁣ focused on ⁢that,” Trump said in a recent interview.

Regardless of who ultimately becomes the next House ⁣speaker, it‌ is clear that ⁤there is ‌a growing discontent⁢ within the Republican party. The split between those who ‌support McCarthy ⁣and those who are calling for his removal highlights the internal conflicts and power struggles that are taking place.

In ‌addition to the question ​of who should be the next House speaker, there are also broader concerns about the direction ⁣of the Republican party and its agenda. While some are ‍pushing for a more conservative and Trump-aligned approach, others are advocating for a more moderate and bipartisan stance.

The outcome of this motion to remove McCarthy as House speaker will ‍undoubtedly shape ⁢the future of the Republican party and its leadership. It‍ remains to ⁣be‌ seen whether the party will unite ‌behind a single candidate or if the ​divisions within its ranks will continue to widen.

One thing is for certain, however: the next few weeks will be crucial for the future of the House Republican leadership and the party as a whole.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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