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Rep. McCaul criticizes Sen. Tuberville for causing military paralysis with abortion policy standoff.

A Top Republican Lawmaker Accuses Senator Tuberville of Paralyzing the ‍Pentagon

A top Republican House lawmaker is breaking ranks with Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), accusing the senator of “paralyzing” the Pentagon with his ongoing hold on military nominations.

Mr. Tuberville has maintained a hold on military promotions for months in opposition to a Department of‌ Defense (DOD) policy that reimburses service members⁢ for abortion-related travel. In an interview with⁢ CNN on Sunday, Rep. ‌Michael ‌McCaul (R-Texas) raised his concerns over⁢ how⁢ military readiness has ⁢been impacted by Mr. Tuberville’s method of protesting the DOD abortion policy.

“This is paralyzing ‍the Department of⁣ Defense—the idea that one man in the Senate can hold ‍this up for ⁣months,” Mr. ⁤McCaul, ⁣who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told CNN ‌host‍ Jake ‌Tapper.

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Mr. Tuberville’s hold‌ on military promotions blocks the Senate from being able ⁤to approve‍ large batches‍ of nominees‍ through unanimous consent procedures. The Senate can still confirm nominees⁢ through its normal procedural rules, ⁢but⁣ this makes for a slower‌ process. There are currently more than 300 ‍military officers awaiting⁢ a ‌Senate decision ​on their promotions, including three leaders⁤ of⁣ the Joint Chiefs‌ of Staff and in other command positions.

Current federal laws codified under⁣ the Hyde Amendment prohibit federal funds from ‌going toward abortions, except in cases where a pregnancy threatens the ⁢life of‍ the mother or a pregnancy comes about as a result of‌ rape⁣ or incest. ⁢The DOD contends that its policy of supporting abortion-related travel is distinct enough to skirt the Hyde Amendment rules,⁣ but Mr. Tuberville disagrees and has vowed to maintain his hold until ​either the DOD⁣ retracts the policy or Congress acts to change the laws.

“I think that is a national ‍security‌ problem and⁤ a national security issue,” ‌Mr. McCaul⁣ continued. “I really wish he would reconsider this.”

While criticizing the Alabama senator’s hold⁢ on military nominations, Mr. McCaul endorsed efforts in the Republican-controlled House to pass a provision in the​ 2024 National Defense Authorization Act ‍(NDAA) that‌ repeals the ⁤DOD’s abortion policy.
The provision to reverse the ​DOD’s abortion policy would still need the approval of the Democrat-controlled Senate, which is unlikely to‍ support repealing ‌the abortion‍ policy. Still, Mr. McCaul expressed confidence that the divided houses of Congress will ⁢”work⁤ out‌ this abortion ‌issue.”

Tuberville Deflects Criticism

While Mr. McCaul criticized Mr. Tuberville’s Senate hold,⁣ the Alabama senator’s office reiterated ⁢that he alone could not prevent military nominations and noted that Senate Majority Leader Chuck⁣ Schumer (D-N.Y.) has thus⁢ far refused to schedule votes ⁤for individual military nominees.

“No one can​ stop Chuck ‍Schumer from holding votes on these nominations. He just ⁤doesn’t want to,” Steven Stafford, a spokesperson for⁣ Mr. ‌Tuberville, told CNN.

Other Republican senators have also put the⁣ onus on the Senate ⁣majority to handle the ‌process ⁣for approving‍ military promotions and nominations.

“I think the ⁢majority‍ leader should take the chairman​ of the Joint Chiefs of Staff nomination ‌to the floor as we do our top Cabinet officials,” Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told NBC News last week.

Sen. John​ Cornyn (R-Texas) similarly said the military ‌nominations process is “entirely⁤ within Sen. Schumer’s control.”

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