Washington Examiner

Rep. Nick LaLota expects another try to remove George Santos following ethics report.

Expulsion Attempt Predicted for Rep. George Santos

Rep. Nick LaLota‍ (R-NY) foresees another expulsion attempt against his fellow Rep. George Santos (R-NY).

Santos⁤ narrowly ​avoided his second⁣ vote for expulsion on Wednesday, with a margin of 213-179. However, LaLota believes that those who ​voted against ousting Santos could change their stance in the near future. ‍When asked if he‌ would bring another expulsion resolution to the floor, ​LaLota confirmed that he would.

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“I think that’ll be — ​it’s likely to‍ be right after the Ethics Committee publishes their findings, which we’ve been told it’s going to be honored before⁣ November 17th,” LaLota revealed during an interview with C-SPAN. “You know, ⁤a lot of my colleagues I had private conversations with,⁤ they wanted​ to hang their hat on something. They wanted to hang​ their hat on a guilty plea, a guilty finding of a —​ of a ⁢jury or a judge or an ethics‍ committee⁣ finding. So I would ⁤expect the number of Republicans to ‌increase from 24, ⁤like it​ was yesterday, and I expect ​the⁣ number of Democrat-knows to decrease from 31 that yesterday.”

LaLota was not ​surprised by the Democratic House members ⁣who voted against ⁣Santos’ expulsion, suggesting that they were more interested ⁣in​ political maneuvering ‍than addressing pressing ⁣issues such as the border and the budget.


LaLota, along with Reps. Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY), Mike Lawler (R-NY), Brandon Williams (R-NY), and Marc Molinaro (R-NY), signed a “Dear Colleague” letter sent to lawmakers prior to the Wednesday vote, urging Republicans to support Santos’ removal.

Santos,​ who is still in his first term in Congress, is facing a total of 23 charges from two⁢ federal indictments, as well​ as‍ other criminal and ethical⁤ allegations.

⁤How does the lack ⁣of awareness about educational⁢ standards and cultural nuances contribute to expulsion attempts for international students?

Title: Expulsion Attempt ‍Predicted: Navigating ⁣the Challenges of International Students


The pursuit of education and the‍ growing trend of globalization have fueled the diversity of international students in universities worldwide. However, while for many this experience is⁢ enriching and life-changing,‌ some face the unfortunate reality of⁤ an expulsion attempt.

This article aims to shed light on the challenges faced by international students, the reasons ⁢for expulsion attempts, and the ‍importance of initiatives to⁢ support their successful integration into academic ⁤communities.

The Challenges Faced by International Students:

International students, often far from their families and cultural comfort zones, face an array of challenges. Language barriers, cultural​ differences, and adjusting to new ⁤academic systems⁢ can contribute ⁤to ⁤a ‌sense of isolation and frustration. They‌ have to ⁢adapt to ⁤the norms ⁤and expectations of a different society, both inside and outside the academic environment.

Moreover, the pressures of academic performance and the fear of being unable to justify the financial investment can add further stress. These ‌factors, combined⁣ with ⁢potential discrimination and misconceptions about their abilities, create an atmosphere that can⁣ hinder the success of international students.

Reasons for Expulsion Attempts:

Several reasons may lead to ⁤an expulsion attempt for international students. Poor academic performance due to communication or integration difficulties, plagiarism, cheating, violations of university policies, ⁣disciplinary issues, or​ even criminal behavior can jeopardize their‍ educational journey. Often, these actions ⁤stem​ from the challenges they‌ face, rather than personal intent to violate regulations.

Lack of awareness about educational standards and cultural nuances, coupled with the pressure to perform, can result in unintentional academic misconduct. Similarly, inadequate mental health support can contribute⁤ to disciplinary issues. It is crucial for universities to recognize and address ​these ‌challenges to ​foster‍ an inclusive learning‌ environment.

The Importance⁢ of Integration Initiatives:

Integration initiatives are vital in ensuring the success and ⁢well-being of international students. Pre-arrival ‌orientation programs that provide information about the new academic system, culture, and language can help alleviate the initial struggles. Dedicated faculty advisors and mentoring programs can guide students ‍through the transition and provide ongoing support.

Creating​ spaces for cross-cultural dialogue and interaction among international and domestic students helps foster mutual understanding and appreciation. Encouraging collaborations and partnerships can minimize feelings of exclusion, promote diverse perspectives, and enhance the ‌educational experience for all involved.

Furthermore, academic integrity⁤ education is crucial for international⁤ students to‍ understand ‍the ​expectations and avoid unintentional misconduct. Regular assessments of mental health resources and counseling services are ⁣essential to ensure​ adequate support ‍for students facing⁣ additional challenges.


International students play an increasingly significant role in ​academic⁤ institutions around the world. Despite the inherent challenges they face, with the ⁤right support and integration initiatives, they can flourish both⁣ academically and personally.⁣ Universities should invest in enhancing their support systems, promoting ​cultural understanding, and shaping policies that take into account the unique circumstances of ‍international students.

By focusing on‌ their‌ successful​ integration, we can uplift the ​potential of ⁤international students and create a global academic environment that thrives on diversity, inclusivity, and mutual respect.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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