Report: Democrats Want Change from the Biden White House


Democrats are beginning to want change in the White House, whether it is a new strategy since the administration has minimal accomplishments or new top staffers surrounding President Joe Biden.

While Biden’s poll numbers are falling — recently receiving his lowest approval numbers at 33 percent — it appears that he is failing on the political front, according to a recent report from NBC News. The report stated that the president’s message isn’t resonating with Americans. His party’s chances of keeping their congressional majority are slim, his Build Back Better plan is dead, he failed at fixing the Chinese coronavirus, and inflation is on the rise.

Democrats operatives who spoke with NBC are worried that if Biden’s path is not strengthened out soon, the Democrat party’s chances in November could worsen, affecting his plans moving forward.

“A sign of a good leader and a successful executive is to identify the policies or personnel choices that have not resulted in success and make necessary course corrections — because it’s too important not to,” said Rep. Stephanie Murphy, who announced last year that she will be retiring from Congress after her current term.

On the other hand, a handful of Democrats have also called for exits from the White House staff surrounding Biden. NBC wrote that even in private conversations, “there is broader agreement within the party that Biden can’t keep doing the same things and expect different results” with the same staff.

NBC spoke with a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), the far-left caucus on Capitol Hill, who spoke under anonymity to avoid conflict from Biden. The member said that replacing top aides like Ron Klain “would send a signal to the public that Biden understands something has to change,”

“Biden’s the star quarterback, and you can’t fire the star quarterback, so you start looking at the head coach and the offensive coordinator and the defensive coordinator,” the lawmaker added, referring to Klain, who was the mastermind behind the president’s agenda. “Fairly or unfairly in a situation like this, you start looking at the person who is in the chief of staff position.”

Different Democrat lawmakers welcomed Biden’s recent promise to promote his agenda across the county and agreed that the president needs to change his top staffers.

“I don’t think there’s anything abnormal after a year of looking at your staffing situation and maybe shaking things up,” this lawmaker said. “My hope is that he does do that.” The lawmaker added that Klain’s lack of enforcement on the far-left Democrats has resulted in delays in the Biden agenda. “You’ve got to crack some heads sometimes.”

Despite all of this, Biden appears to not want to change his veteran staffers, who have been with him since he was either vice president in the Obama administration or as a senator: Klain, his deputy chief of staff Bruce Reed, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, and others.

Last month when Biden said he would be traveling more, he added, “I’m satisfied with my team.”

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter.

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