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Reporter Catherine Herridge concerned about potential unexpected event in 2024

CBS News Investigative ‍Correspondent Raises Concerns About ​a ⁤”Black Swan Event” in 2024

Catherine Herridge, senior investigative correspondent for CBS News, has sparked alarm ​with her prediction of a potential “black ⁢swan event” occurring in 2024.

This ominous statement was made during an ​episode ‍of “Face the Nation” when moderator Margaret‍ Brennan asked the panel to share their bold predictions for the upcoming year.

Herridge explained⁤ that this potential “national security event with high impact” is extremely difficult to predict⁤ due to ongoing global conflicts and internal‌ issues ‍within the United ​States.

“Not only are we facing an enduring,‌ heightened threat level with ​conflicts ‍in ⁣Israel and⁢ Ukraine,” Herridge stated, ‌”but we are‍ also deeply divided as a nation in unprecedented ways. This‍ creates fertile ground for our adversaries like North Korea, China, and Iran, and that’s what concerns me the most.”

Other panelists also shared their predictions for 2024. CBS News chief national affairs and justice correspondent Jeff Pegues believes that ⁣crime, particularly violent‍ crime, will continue to decline across the country ⁤next year.


Robert⁢ Costa, ⁣chief election and campaign correspondent for ⁢CBS News, predicted a ​potential crisis within the GOP if former President Donald Trump is convicted of ​a felony ⁢and the party has no backup plan for the presidential election. Chief legal correspondent Jan ‌Crawford speculated that the ⁤Supreme Court will not intervene to protect Trump from criminal prosecution.

CBS News ‍national security correspondent David Martin jokingly suggested that he would ‌have to predict the discovery of​ alien life to compete ​with the other shocking predictions.⁤ However,⁢ he settled ‍on the idea of North Korean‌ leader Kim Jong Un reaping the rewards of sending munitions to Russia, as reported by the White House in October, such‍ as technical aid for their nuclear⁣ weapons program.

Brennan concluded ⁢the discussion by emphasizing‌ the uncertainty surrounding ⁢the future. She stated, “The only certainty⁤ is uncertainty. Anyone who claims to know exactly what will happen in this election​ and how‍ it ‍will unfold over the next year is simply trying to sell you something. There are countless variables that we are all monitoring and considering. But it’s also why none of us will be getting much ​sleep in the coming months.”

How have internal⁢ divisions within⁢ the United States created vulnerabilities for external adversaries to exploit and weaken⁢ the country

Also have internal divisions within the United States that provide fertile ground for our adversaries to take ⁤advantage⁤ of.”

Herridge specifically mentioned North Korea, China, and ⁣Iran as potential adversaries who may exploit this ​situation. These countries have long been⁤ seen⁢ as threats to⁤ U.S. national security, and their actions in recent years have only heightened concerns.

North Korea, under ‍the leadership of Kim Jong-un, has continued to develop its nuclear capabilities despite ⁤international sanctions and diplomatic⁣ efforts. It has repeatedly conducted missile tests, showing the ability to ⁢reach not only‍ neighboring countries but ‌also potentially the ⁣United States. The unpredictable⁢ nature of the regime and its willingness to disregard international‌ norms further fuels anxiety about‍ the potential for a major security ‌crisis.

China, on the other hand, has steadily grown its ‍economic and military power over the past few decades. Its assertive actions in the South China Sea and its increasingly aggressive stance towards Taiwan ⁣have raised⁢ concerns‍ about its intentions and ambitions. The ongoing trade war between ​China and the United​ States has further strained relations between ⁤the two ⁣countries, and the potential for a major conflict ⁣cannot be ruled out.

Iran,‌ a longtime adversary of the United States, is another potential source of concern. The nuclear deal reached in 2015​ was⁤ seen as a step towards improving relations and preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. However, with the withdrawal of the United States from the ​deal and the subsequent increase in tensions, the situation has become more volatile. Iran’s support for proxy groups in the Middle East and its strategic interests in the ‍region‌ add another layer of ‌complexity to an already fragile situation.

In addition ‌to these external threats, Herridge‍ also highlighted the internal‍ divisions within the United States that make the country vulnerable. Political polarization, social⁢ unrest, and a lack of trust in institutions have eroded the country’s unity and‌ strength. These internal ​concerns create opportunities for adversaries‌ to exploit and weaken the ⁢United⁣ States.

While Herridge’s prediction may be ​worrisome, it is important to remember ‍that it is⁤ just a forecast. The future is uncertain, and events may unfold differently than anticipated. However, her statement serves as a reminder of the⁤ challenges and risks that the United States and the world face in ⁣the coming years.

It is crucial for policymakers, intelligence agencies, and the public to remain vigilant and proactive in addressing⁤ these threats. Diplomatic efforts, ⁣international cooperation, and domestic unity are key to mitigating the⁣ risks and ensuring national security. Only through a comprehensive ⁤and coordinated approach can the United⁢ States navigate the uncertain waters ahead and safeguard its ‍interests ‍and ‍values.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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