Conservative News Daily

Republican Adam Kinzinger Runs to Biden, Endorses Biden Over Fear of Trump – ‘Direct Threat’

The article discusses former GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger’s decision to endorse President Joe Biden for re-election, noting his⁢ break with Republican party lines and criticizing his involvement​ in the Jan. 6 ⁣committee as aligning with Democratic ​interests. Kinzinger⁣ is portrayed⁣ as betraying conservative values, despite his assertion⁤ that he is ​endorsing ⁢Biden to protect American democracy and the ‌Constitution. ⁢The article critically assesses‍ Kinzinger’s statements about former President Donald ‍Trump, challenging his accusations and⁢ defending Trump’s ‌actions and ​intentions. The overall‍ tone‌ of the article⁤ is skeptical of Kinzinger’s motives and ‌critical of his endorsement of a ​Democratic candidate. Additionally,‍ the narrative reflects a broader concern‌ about media and political⁣ bias, calling into question the reliability⁢ and motivations behind certain political actions and ⁣media coverage. The article ends with a plea for support from readers to ‍help continue their work against perceived ⁤threats from Big ​Tech and elite⁣ groups.


By Randy DeSoto June 26, 2024 at 3:40pm

Never underestimate former GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger’s ability to play the part of the useful idiot for Democrats.

He, along with former Rep. Liz Cheney, did so in a big way by being the only “Republicans” on then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s sham, anti-Donald Trump Jan. 6 committee.

Now Kinzinger’s at it again with his announcement Wednesday that he is endorsing Democrat President Joe Biden for re-election.

In a slick video announcement that looks like it could have been put together by the Biden campaign, Kinzinger says, “As a proud conservative, I’ve always put democracy and our Constitution above all else. And it’s because of my unwavering support for democracy that today, as a proud conservative, I’m endorsing Joe Biden for reelection.”

“While I certainly don’t agree with Joe Biden on everything, and I never thought I’d be endorsing a Democrat for president,” he continues, “I know he will always protect the very thing that makes America the best country in the world — our democracy.”

“Donald Trump poses a direct threat to every fundamental American value,” Kinzinger asserted.

Biden re-posted the former GOP congressman’s video announcement writing, “This is what putting your country before your party looks like.”

This is what putting your country before your party looks like.

I’m grateful for your endorsement, Adam.

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) June 26, 2024

Well, apparently putting your country first in Biden’s eyes means it’s okay to lie about Trump.

Are you voting for Trump?

Kinzinger said, Trump will “hurt anyone or anything in pursuit of power. We saw that when he tried to overturn an election that he knew he lost in 2020.”

The former lawmaker further alleged that the 45th president “encouraged a violent mob to march on the Capitol.”

That’s all categorically false.

Trump questioned the integrity of the official election results, given the unilateral changes to election procedures by Democrat officials in some states, and wanted state legislatures in places like Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia to take a closer look before the Electoral College vote was certified.

(Something that is well within his rights to ask for.)

Far from encouraging a mob to attack the Capitol, Trump told his supporters attending a Jan. 6, 2021 rally near the White House, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

Kinzinger also parroted the fake Democrat talking point that Trump “wants to be a dictator on Day 1.”

“He actually said that,” the Biden sycophant emphasized.

December or so of last year is the genesis of the talking point when multiple media outlets warned that Trump would be a dictator in a second term. Surely unrelated, the Republican candidate was surging in primary election polling at the time.

The alarm has gone off. Around this time in 2015, some in political/commentary class realized Trump could win GOP nomination. Freakout ensued, although many remained confident Trump could not win general. Now, warning machine has kicked into higher gear.

— Byron York (@ByronYork) December 4, 2023

All the over-the-top coverage prompted Fox News host Sean Hannity to ask Trump directly during a town hall that month: “Under no circumstances you are promising America tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?”

“Except for Day One,” Trump quipped in response.

“Meaning?” Hannity queried.

“I want to close the border, and I want to drill, drill, drill,” Trump said.

Hannity noted that Trump was really just saying he would re-institute the border policies and energy development policies he had in place as president.

Biden reversed them by executive order when he came to office, and Trump plans to put them right back in place.

The real tell that Kinzinger is no longer among the ranks of most Republicans is his statement that he doesn’t agree with Biden on “everything.”

If he were a real Republican, he would not agree with the president on pretty much anything, much less choose to endorse him.

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Randy DeSoto has written more than 3,000 articles for The Western Journal since he joined the company in 2015. He is a graduate of West Point and Regent University School of Law. He is the author of the book “We Hold These Truths” and screenwriter of the political documentary “I Want Your Money.”


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