Washington Examiner

Trump criticized by Christie and DeSantis for debate absence.

Former President ‌Donald Trump Criticized​ for Skipping⁣ Republican Debate

Christie and DeSantis Call ⁤Out Trump’s Absence

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Gov.⁢ Ron DeSantis (R-FL) did not​ hold back in their‍ criticism of former President Donald Trump ‌for skipping the ⁢second Republican debate.

Christie, the first candidate to call out ‍Trump,‍ portrayed his absence as a cowardly move. DeSantis echoed ⁣this sentiment, deriding Trump as “missing in action” and‍ drawing a‍ comparison between him and President ⁢Joe⁢ Biden.

DeSantis Highlights Trump’s‍ Lack of Leadership

“Where’s Joe‍ Biden? ⁣He’s completely missing in​ action⁣ from ⁤leadership,” DeSantis‌ began. “And you know who else is missing in action? Donald⁤ Trump is ⁢missing in action. He ‌should be on this stage⁢ tonight. He owes it to you ⁢to defend his record, where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt. That set the stage for the inflation that we ⁢have ​now.”

The Florida governor then contrasted his criticism with⁤ his own ‍record‌ as governor ‌of Florida.

“I⁣ can tell you this as governor of ⁤Florida: We cut ‍taxes, we ran surpluses, we’ve paid down over 25% of our state debt, and I vetoed ⁣wasteful spending when it came in my desk, and ⁣as⁢ your president, when they send me a bloated spending ⁣bill that’s going to cause your ​prices to go up, I’m going ‍to take out this veto pen, and I’m going to ⁣send⁤ it right back to‌ them,” he‍ added, pulling out a pen.

Christie ​Compares Trump to Biden and Addresses ⁢National Debt

Christie’s comments were similar, comparing Trump⁤ to Biden and taking⁣ issue with the national debt.

“We don’t get any⁢ answers because Joe Biden‌ hides ‌in⁤ his ⁣basement and won’t answer as to why he’s raising ⁢the debt ⁢the way he’s done,” he said. “And⁤ Donald Trump, he‍ hides ​behind ‌the walls of his golf clubs and won’t show up here to answer questions⁣ like all the rest of us are up here to answer. He put ‌$7 trillion on the ⁣debt. He should be in this room to answer those questions ‌for the people you talk about who​ are ​suffering.”


How does the absence of former President Donald Trump from the recent Republican debate‌ impact the party and its values?

E recent Republican debate. The absence of Trump from ⁢the debate has sparked controversy within the Republican party and ⁤raised questions⁣ about his commitment to the party’s values and principles.

Both Christie⁣ and DeSantis, who ⁢are prominent figures within ⁤the party, expressed their disappointment and concern over Trump’s decision to skip the debate. Christie, who ran against Trump in the 2016 Republican primary,‍ stated that‍ the former President’s absence was disrespectful to ⁢the other candidates and‍ the American people. He emphasized the ⁤importance of participating ⁣in the democratic ⁣process and engaging in ‌debates to discuss⁤ important‍ issues and policy matters.

DeSantis, who⁢ is considered a potential presidential ⁢candidate ‍for the 2024‍ election, echoed similar⁤ sentiments. He highlighted​ the ‍significance of ​debates as a platform for‍ candidates ‍to present their ideas, defend their positions, and demonstrate their leadership qualities. According to DeSantis, ⁣avoiding debates sends a message of arrogance and disengagement from the political process.

The decision​ of Trump to ‍skip the debate has drawn criticism not only from within the Republican party but also from the media and the public. Many argue that his absence undermines the credibility‌ of the debate and diminishes the opportunity for voters to hear different perspectives and make⁢ informed decisions.

It is important to note that‌ Trump’s decision to skip the ‌Republican debate⁤ is not entirely unprecedented. During the⁣ 2016 primary, he opted out of attending a debate hosted by Fox News, citing unfair treatment by the network. However, the current situation is ⁤different, as Trump is no longer an outsider challenging the establishment but ⁢a former President⁤ who still holds considerable influence within the party.

Some speculate that Trump’s absence is calculated,⁤ as he may⁣ believe that participating in the debate would give credibility to other candidates and potentially undermine his own influence within the party. Others suggest that his decision reflects a lack of interest or commitment to the ​political process, highlighting concerns about his ⁤dedication to‍ democratic values.

Regardless of the reasons behind his decision, Trump’s ‌absence raises important questions about the role of​ former​ Presidents within the‍ political landscape. Should⁣ former ⁣Presidents actively engage in shaping party politics and supporting candidates, or⁢ should they step back and ‌let new leadership emerge? This debate extends beyond Trump and has implications for future Presidents and ⁤their level of involvement in the party’s affairs.

The ‌Republican party faces a crossroad, ​as it grapples⁣ with the ⁣influence ‍and popularity of ⁢Trump within its ‍ranks. The absence of ‌the former President from the recent debate adds fuel to the ongoing discussion about the ​party’s direction and the role of Trump moving forward. This episode will undoubtedly shape the future of⁤ the ⁣party, and‌ the way it ​navigates this challenge will have‍ significant consequences in the political landscape.

In conclusion, the decision of former President ⁤Donald Trump to skip‌ the recent ‌Republican debate has sparked controversy and‍ criticism within the ​party. Prominent figures‍ like Christie and DeSantis have publicly expressed their ⁢disappointment‍ and ⁤concern over his absence, ⁢highlighting the importance of ​debates in the political process. Trump’s decision raises questions ⁢about his commitment to the party and democratic values, as well as the role of former⁤ Presidents in shaping party⁣ politics. The Republican party now stands ⁤at​ a ⁣crossroad, facing an important decision about its direction and the influence ⁣of Trump within its​ ranks.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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