Washington Examiner

Republican debate: Winners and losers of third GOP matchup in Miami

MIAMI —‍ Former President⁤ Donald Trump Takes Center ​Stage in 2024 Republican Primary Debate

In a high-stakes third debate of the 2024 Republican primary, former President Donald Trump and ⁤foreign policy were the main focus. The five candidates, including Gov. Ron DeSantis, former‌ U.N.⁣ Ambassador Nikki Haley, biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former New Jersey Gov. Chris‍ Christie, and Sen. Tim Scott, engaged ‍in heated ⁢exchanges as they vied for the spotlight​ and attempted to​ distance ‌themselves from Trump’s influence.


  • Former ⁤U.N. Ambassador‌ Nikki‌ Haley: Haley’s strong performances⁤ in ‌the⁢ previous debates raised expectations for her. She clashed with DeSantis over their engagement ​with China and showcased her‌ foreign⁣ policy ​credentials,‌ making⁤ her a formidable ‍opponent.
  • Gov. Ron⁤ DeSantis: Despite facing pressure‌ to revive his campaign, DeSantis delivered a steady performance. He emphasized his⁢ commitment to defending ‍American interests and took a tough stance⁢ on‍ foreign ⁣policy.
  • The ‍moderators: Lester Holt, Kirsten Welker, and Hugh ⁣Hewitt commanded control of the debate, ensuring a more structured and​ controlled discussion compared to previous‍ debates.


  • Former President Donald Trump: ​Trump faced scrutiny from the candidates, who questioned his policies and‌ temperament. ⁤However, he⁢ did not‍ have the opportunity to respond in real time, leaving ⁢his presence diminished.
  • Biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy:⁢ Ramaswamy’s aggressive attacks on DeSantis, Haley, and others fell ​flat, drawing groans from ​the‌ audience. His⁤ attempts to make his opponents uncomfortable did not resonate.
  • Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie: ⁤Despite his substantive answers, Christie failed⁣ to make a significant⁣ impact during the debate, lacking the memorable one-liners⁤ he is known‍ for.
  • Sen. Tim Scott: Scott​ missed an opportunity to differentiate himself ‍by sidestepping the opening ‌question‌ about Trump. He also stumbled during a foreign policy and energy question, ⁢failing⁤ to make a strong⁤ impression.

According to‍ RealClearPolitics, Trump maintains⁣ a strong⁣ lead in‌ Iowa⁣ with 47% support, followed by DeSantis at 17%, Haley at 14%, ⁢Scott at 7%, Ramaswamy⁣ at 5%, and Christie at 4%.

How has Donald Trump’s influence‍ shaped the future of the Republican Party?

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Taking place in Miami, Florida,⁤ the debate showcased the influence and enduring presence of former President ​Donald⁢ Trump within the Republican Party. Despite leaving​ office in 2021, he continues to remain a towering figure and a key player in shaping the future of the party. His policies, approach to foreign affairs, and leadership style became the focal⁤ point of the evening.

Governor Ron DeSantis, often seen as Trump’s successor, sought to align himself closely with the former president. He emphasized his state’s successful handling of the COVID-19 pandemic,‍ echoing Trump’s messaging⁤ on the issue. DeSantis portrayed himself as a ​staunch supporter of Trump’s America First⁤ agenda, pledging ⁢to continue its implementation if he were‌ to become the party’s nominee in 2024.

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, on⁣ the other hand, attempted to​ strike a delicate balance ⁤between distancing herself from Trump’s controversial⁤ actions and maintaining his policy accomplishments. She emphasized the importance of strong leadership and diplomatic relations, striving to project a more ‌moderate and inclusive​ image in contrast to the perceived divisiveness of the previous administration.

Biotech ‍entrepreneur ⁢Vivek Ramaswamy⁤ took a different approach, ⁢positioning⁢ himself as a fresh face in⁤ the political landscape. He criticized both Trump and his fellow Republican candidates⁢ for focusing excessively ⁢on identity politics and divisive rhetoric. Ramaswamy advocated for a technocratic and pragmatic approach to governance, stressing the need for evidence-based policies rather than political grandstanding.

Former New Jersey‍ Governor Chris Christie offered a more⁤ centrist perspective, seeking to appeal to a broader​ range of Republican voters. ‍Emphasizing his experience in managing a state budget and confronting tough ‍challenges, Christie portrayed himself‌ as a pragmatic problem solver. He voiced concerns about the party moving too ⁤far to the right and urged for⁢ a more inclusive approach to win back moderate voters.

Senator Tim Scott, known for his articulate defense of conservative principles, presented himself as a unifying figure within the party. He emphasized the need​ for Republicans to⁣ expand their appeal and engage with communities ‌that have traditionally supported Democrats. Scott spoke passionately about‍ economic empowerment, school choice, and criminal justice reform, positioning himself as⁢ a bridge⁣ builder who can attract a diverse base of voters.

Throughout the⁢ debate, Trump’s​ presence loomed large, with many candidates explicitly or⁣ implicitly referencing his policies and approach to governance. The candidates’ strategies varied, but ⁤each recognized the necessity of⁤ addressing Trump’s legacy and appealing to ⁢the broader Republican base that remains deeply loyal to the former president.

As ‌the race for the 2024 Republican nomination intensifies, it is evident that Donald Trump will continue to play a significant role in shaping the⁣ party’s future. His enduring popularity and influence among​ Republican voters ensure that his policies and leadership style will continue to be major factors in the primary⁣ debates.⁣ Whether the party will coalesce around a Trump-like candidate or seek a new direction remains to be seen, but one thing ‌is certain – Donald Trump’s ⁣shadow will continue to loom large ⁣over the Republican primary debates ​in 2024.

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