Republican House Judiciary Members Send Legal Demand to Ex-FBI Agent Timothy Thibault Warning Him to Preserve Hunter Biden Docs

Top Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee fired off a letter Friday to former FBI agent Timothy Thibault, warning him to preserve any and all documents related to his work on the Hunter Biden investigation.

“Whistleblowers have come to Congress alleging that you were part of a scheme to undermine and discredit allegations of criminal wrongdoing by members of the Biden family. Accordingly, we believe that you possess information relating to our investigation and we request your assistance with our inquiry,” wrote Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the committee’s ranking member, in the note obtained by The Post.

“You should construe this preservation notice as an instruction to take all reasonable steps to prevent the destruction or alteration, whether intentionally or negligently, of all documents, communications, and other information, including electronic information and metadata, that are or may be responsive to this congressional inquiry,” the missive continued.

The letter was co-signed by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-California) another senior member of the committee.

Timothy Thibault resigned from the FBI last August.

In October 2020, Thibault ordered that a probe into Hunter Biden’s alleged “criminal financial and related activity” be closed, an agency whistleblower told Sen. Chuck Grassley in July.

Post columnist Miranda Devine reported that Thibault had been assigned as the agency “point man” to manage Hunter Biden’s business partner Tony Bobulinski — whose revelations about the first son also went ignored by the agency.

Thibault resigned from the FBI in August. FBI Director Christopher Wray said the allegations against Thibault were “deeply troubling.”

Close on Seal of FBI on Federal Bureau of Investigation headquarters building ion Pennsylvania Ave.
Rep. Jim Jordan alleges the former FBI agent Timothy Thibault has information on Hunter Biden’s alleged business deals.
Shutterstock / Bob Korn
Then Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter.
Republicans have accused President Biden of taking profits from Hunter’s foreign business deals.
Kris Connor/WireImage

“Thibault is seemingly wrapped up in every whistleblower investigation. He’s tied to the Hunter Biden scandal, the January 6th investigation, and even Joe Biden’s phony quest to tackle ‘extremism’ throughout the United States. If Republicans take the majority, he will be a top target for Congressional inquires, and this preservation notice is the first step to doing just that,” a person close to Jordan told The Post.

The notice to Thibault almost certainly suggests he will become a target of a broader House probe into Hunter Biden which has been promised by Republicans should they retake the chamber in the November midterm elections.

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