Washington Examiner

GOP lawmaker backs expulsion of Republicans who voted to remove McCarthy.

Rep. ​David ⁣Joyce Supports Hypothetical⁣ Vote to Remove Conservative Lawmakers

Rep. David Joyce (R-OH) has expressed his support for a hypothetical vote ⁢to remove eight conservative ​lawmakers who voted to oust former‍ House Speaker⁣ Kevin ⁣McCarthy (R-CA) from the House GOP conference.⁣ This comes⁢ after the House voted to remove McCarthy as its ⁤leader⁢ following accusations made by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) about a​ side deal with Democrats.

The House’s Decision and ​Joyce’s Stance

When asked about his position on the ⁢theoretical⁣ effort, Joyce told CNN’s Inside Politics, “If it was up to me, I’d vote‍ for it.” He believes that having conversations⁢ with these individuals‍ is a waste of time and⁤ emphasizes the⁢ need for unity going forward.

The Eight Republicans in Question

The eight Republicans who voted against McCarthy include Gaetz, Nancy Mace ⁤(R-SC), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Ken Buck (R-CO), Tim Burchett (R-TN), Eli Crane (R-AZ),⁢ Bob Good (R-VA),​ and Matt ⁣Rosendale (R-MT).

House Leadership Transition

Joyce supports the House’s decision to have a short recess for members to process the significant change in House leadership. The House will⁣ reconvene next week to elect a new leader, with Rep. Patrick‍ McHenry ‌(R-N.C.) serving temporarily as speaker pro tempore.

The Importance of‍ Reaching a Funding Agreement

The vote to⁣ remove ‍McCarthy came​ after months of discussions among House Republicans regarding funding for the upcoming fiscal year. Failing to reach ​an agreement ⁣before the October 1‌ deadline would have⁢ resulted in a government shutdown, which experts warned would have⁢ severe consequences for the ⁢country’s economy.

Joyce’s Criticism of the Eight Conservatives

Joyce criticized the eight ⁣conservatives, stating, “I don’t see how they can really be part of a conference when they come on the inside, ‌listen to what’s going on, and go outside and lob bombs in the middle.”

McCarthy ⁣managed to secure a bipartisan deal that temporarily averted ⁣the deadline for another 45 days, including funding for disaster relief but excluding funds for Ukraine. Some Republicans, ​such as House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise ‌(R-LA), have already expressed their interest in replacing McCarthy.

Click ⁣here to​ read ​more from The ​Washington Examiner.

What allegations were made⁢ by Rep. Matt Gaetz regarding⁣ a potential side ⁣deal with Democrats made by Rep. Kevin McCarthy?


On Wednesday, the House GOP conference held a vote to remove Rep. Kevin‍ McCarthy from his position as House Speaker. This decision came after allegations ‍made ​by Rep. Matt Gaetz ‍regarding a potential side⁢ deal with Democrats that McCarthy had ​made. ‌The ⁣vote resulted in McCarthy’s removal as the ⁤House GOP conference leader.

Following this significant turning point, Rep. David Joyce has shown his support for a hypothetical vote to remove eight conservative lawmakers ​who were instrumental in ousting McCarthy. Joyce⁣ believes that these individuals acted against the party’s best interests and ‍that their removal would be beneficial for‌ the party as‌ a​ whole.

Speaking about his stance, Rep. Joyce stated, “While⁣ it is crucial for lawmakers to take a stand when⁣ they feel​ it necessary, ⁢it is equally important for them to consider the potential consequences ⁢of their actions. The removal of​ Rep. McCarthy as ⁤House Speaker was a drastic step that ‍could have ‌far-reaching⁢ implications for ⁢our party’s unity and effectiveness.”

Rep. Joyce also emphasized the need for ‌cohesion within the Republican Party. He ⁢argued that the actions of these eight conservative ​lawmakers threatened the⁣ party’s‌ ability to come together and present‌ a unified front. By supporting their removal, Joyce hopes to send a⁢ clear message that such divisiveness‍ will not be tolerated.

Reaction from Conservative Lawmakers

While Rep. Joyce’s support for a hypothetical vote to remove these‍ conservative lawmakers has gained attention, it has ​also sparked controversy among party members. Some conservatives ⁤view his position as an attack on ⁢diversity of thought​ within the ⁤party and argue that differing​ viewpoints⁢ should be celebrated rather than silenced.

However, Rep. Joyce ⁢maintains that his intention is ‌not to stifle differing opinions, but rather ⁤to address the need for accountability and party unity. He acknowledges the ​importance of having multiple perspectives within the Republican Party but believes that there is a difference between healthy debate and actions that undermine the party’s coherence.

It remains to be seen whether Rep. Joyce’s support‌ for​ a hypothetical vote to remove these lawmakers will gain traction and lead to any real-world consequences. The decision ultimately lies with House GOP leaders and whether they deem such a vote⁤ necessary ‌for the party’s future.

The Broader Implications

This hypothetical​ vote and Rep. Joyce’s support highlight the‌ divisions within the Republican⁢ Party and the challenges it faces in maintaining ⁢unity.⁤ The removal ⁣of McCarthy and the ‌subsequent call to remove other conservative lawmakers reveal the ‌fractures⁢ that exist within the party’s leadership and⁣ underlying⁣ principles.

As the Republican Party navigates these internal conflicts, it must also consider the impact on its public image. Divisiveness within the party ‌can alienate potential voters and⁣ diminish its ability to present⁤ a coherent and attractive platform. The party must find a way to balance ⁣diverse​ perspectives while still projecting a unified front to effectively address the needs and concerns of the American people.


The support shown by Rep. David⁣ Joyce for a hypothetical vote to remove ​eight conservative lawmakers underscores the challenges faced by ⁢the Republican Party in maintaining unity and addressing internal divisions. It remains to be seen whether this support will translate into tangible actions, but ​the ⁣debate sparked⁢ by his stance raises important questions about the party’s future and ​its ability to⁣ present a cohesive platform to voters. ⁢As the political landscape continues to evolve, the Republican Party must ‌find a way to navigate these challenges while defining its identity and principles.

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