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GOP-Appointed Judge Orders Unsealing of Over 170 Names in Epstein Case

This is going to be name-dropping for the ⁢ages —⁤ but ⁤it’s only a start.

A federal judge‌ on Monday ruled that the names of those associated ‍with⁢ convicted sex offender and accused sex trafficker⁢ Jeffrey Epstein ⁤that​ have been⁤ under seal since⁣ his 2019‍ death must be made public, according to news⁢ reports.

Meanwhile, a Republican congressman ⁣went public the​ same day‌ with an accusation that some of‍ his “colleagues” have​ been ⁤“compromised ​in this area.”

According‍ to the U.K.’s Daily‍ Mail, a publication that has followed ‍the Epstein case closely because of its British⁣ ties, the names are ⁣part of documents associated ​with a now-settled defamation ​case between Epstein ⁢accuser⁣ Virginia Roberts-Giuffre and Ghislaine Maxwell,‍ Epstein’s former‍ lover and ‍procurer.

U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska of the ​Southern⁤ District of New York made the ⁢ ruling on Monday.

“Under the ruling, dozens⁤ of⁤ individuals — who‍ have⁤ previously‍ only been identified ⁢as ‘Jane Does’ or ⁤‘John Does’ in various court filings linked ‌to the suit — will likely be identified when ⁢materials tied to them are ‘unsealed in full,’” the ⁢Daily⁤ Mail reported.

Some of ⁤the “Jane Does” are Epstein’s victims — young​ girls who were brought into‌ his⁢ orbit — though their names‌ will still ⁤be withheld in some cases, according‍ to the Daily Mail.

But the more than 170 names in question include ⁤far more than ⁣the unfortunate females who happened to fit Epstein’s ⁤questionable tastes.

The John Does are likely to be Epstein’s “powerful friends,” as the Daily Mail ⁢described it, and many will become public come the beginning ⁣of‌ 2024.

Their names ‍are “are set to be exposed as part of a vast unsealing that a judge ordered ⁤on Monday will take place in 14 days,” the ⁤Daily Mail reported.

That’s not set in ⁣stone. ​The parties involved ⁢have 14 days‍ to appeal Preska’s ruling, according to the Daily Mail. And⁣ given the way the Epstein case⁤ has proceeded under a⁢ cloak of secrecy — from‌ Epstein’s free-wheeling days hosting the likes of ‌Britain’s Prince ⁢Andrew, Microsoft founder ‍ Bill Gates and former President Bill Clinton to ⁢ Epstein’s “suicide” in⁢ a federal prison in 2019 — it would not be terribly surprising if snags developed in Preska’s order.

But ​that hasn’t stopped social media users ​from speculating on what might‌ be revealed:

But Preska, a judge nominated to‌ the bench in March 1992 by then-President George H.W. ⁢Bush and ‌confirmed by a Democratic-controlled⁢ Senate the following August, wasn’t the only one making headlines Monday ⁣when⁣ it came to ​the Epstein saga.

As Newsmax reported,⁤ Tennessee‍ Republican Rep. Tim Burchett said he was pushing House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer to release flight logs from Epstein’s plane — dubbed “The Lolita Express” because⁢ of Epstein’s penchant ⁢for surrounding himself with teenaged girls along with wealthy, middle-aged men.

He was doing it, he told Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo, because Tennessee Sen. ‍Marsha Blackburn had been​ “snubbed” by Senate Judiciary Committee⁣ Chairman Dick Durbin when she ⁣tried⁣ to get the Epstein⁣ flight ⁢logs made public.

“Too​ many of my colleagues, I’m afraid, are compromised in this area for⁤ whatever reason,” Burchett said. “Somebody’s whispered⁤ in their ear and said, ‘Hey, you don’t want ‌something to come out on ​something else, you better keep your mouth shut⁣ on this.’ And that’s exactly what they’ve​ done.

“And it ⁢continues to go, whether it’s the honeypot the Russians⁣ used to use or ‍something worse, I don’t‌ know. But it’s clear and ⁣you see that up and down the line.​ You ​see good conservatives vote for liberal policies and, frankly,⁣ you see some⁤ liberals ​occasionally ⁤will vote for something ‍else.

“So obviously, ⁢the Congress has⁣ been compromised, and this continues ‌on through‍ the White House, through the Justice Department. The trash​ can is very deep. It’s not a swamp, it’s an‌ open sewer.”

On a day when a ​federal judge ⁤has ruled for the unsealing of court records ‌related to the Epstein case, ⁤Burchett’s words carried even ‌more of⁣ a punch than they would have normally.

Blackmail and extortion⁤ against Epstein’s friends ‌and clients — men‍ in⁤ positions of wealth and power — has‍ long been a suspected part of the Epstein story (at one point, Epstein threatened to expose a Gates affair, according to a New York Post report in May), but ‍Burchett’s message was ​still jarring.

Maddeningly, he‌ didn’t cite any examples ⁣of “good conservatives” voting for liberal policies‍ for reasons that⁣ had nothing to do with politics, and he‌ didn’t cite any instances of ‌the Justice Department behaving out of ⁢bounds (though it would take‌ a lot from the Justice Department ⁢ these days to surprise anyone who follows the news).

But if there is ‌blackmail being used against U.S. ⁣politicians in positions of power — no matter what party they’re from — Americans deserve to know it, and⁣ the system set up by ⁣the Founders gives them the power to purge it.

The first​ step is ⁤getting the names of everyone associated with Epstein and his sick ‌enterprise.

And ‍Judge Preska’s ruling Monday ⁣is a start.

The post Republican-Nominated Judge Drops Massive Epstein Ruling: Over 170 Names ​Must Be Unsealed appeared first on ⁣ The Western Journal.

⁤What is the significance of⁤ Judge Preska’s ruling to make the names ⁤associated with Jeffrey Epstein public?

​Of⁢ names‌ associated with Jeffrey Epstein, ‌the notorious convicted ⁤sex offender and accused sex ⁢trafficker, the ⁣world eagerly awaits the public disclosure of these ⁢names. The ruling by⁢ U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska ⁢states that ‌the ​names of those connected to Epstein, which have been under seal‌ since his death ‌in 2019, must be made public. This decision comes as a result of a defamation case involving Epstein’s​ accuser ‍Virginia ⁢Roberts-Giuffre and ⁣Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s former‍ lover and‍ procurer.

According to reports, these‌ names include not only Epstein’s victims but also‍ his powerful friends. The⁣ unsealing of these ⁤documents is expected to⁣ take⁣ place in 14 days, unless‍ the parties involved decide to ‍appeal the ruling.⁤ Should ⁣the⁣ unsealing proceed, it will shed light on the extent ⁤of Epstein’s network and reveal​ the identities of individuals previously referred to as “Jane Does” and “John Does.”

The​ anticipation surrounding the release of ‌these names has​ sparked speculation and discussions on social media. People are eager to learn the identities of Epstein’s associates ⁣and are ‍hopeful⁢ that justice will‌ be served. Judge⁤ Preska’s ruling signifies a significant breakthrough in the long-standing battle ⁣for transparency in the ‌Epstein case.

In addition to this ruling, Tennessee Republican Congressman Tim‍ Burchett has ‌called for the release of flight logs ⁣from Epstein’s plane, known ⁢as “The Lolita Express.” ‍Burchett believes that many of his colleagues in Congress‍ may⁣ be ⁤compromised in ‍this area, preventing the full truth from being exposed. He claims that conservatives sometimes vote for liberal policies, ⁢while liberals occasionally vote against‍ their⁢ own party, ⁢suggesting a deeper ⁤level of compromise within the government.

As the public eagerly ‌awaits the unsealing‍ of these names and the potential ‌revelation of hidden truths, it‌ is important to acknowledge the significance of ‌this ruling. ‌Judge Preska’s decision is ‌a step ‌toward accountability,​ transparency, and ensuring that justice is served for the victims‌ of⁤ Epstein’s heinous crimes. The unsealing of these names has‌ the⁤ potential ​to expose‌ the depth of Epstein’s network and ⁤shed light on the extent​ of his associates’ involvement. The world waits ​in‍ anticipation for the truth to be revealed.

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