Washington Examiner

GOP Rep. John James proposes bills for child online safety and school security.

EXCLUSIVE — Freshman ‍Rep. John James (R-MI) Introduces Legislation to Improve‌ School Security and Keep Students Safe

On Thursday,⁤ Freshman Rep. John James (R-MI) made a significant ⁣move by introducing three bills to Congress aimed at enhancing school security and ensuring the‌ safety‌ of ⁤students.

School ⁣Safety Measures Addressing Social Media’s‌ Negative Impact on Children

One of the bills, known as the Protecting Kids on Social Media Act, focuses on tackling‍ the mental health crisis ‍affecting children. It holds social media companies more accountable for the content ‍they recommend and requires ⁣minors to obtain guardian permission before creating ⁤an account. ⁤This act complements a bipartisan bill introduced by Senators⁤ Chris ⁤Murphy (D-CT), Brian Schatz (D-HI), Tom Cotton (R-AR), and Katie Britt (R-AL).

  • Social media companies would be prohibited from recommending content to ⁤users under⁤ 18 through algorithms.
  • The minimum age for social media users would be set at 13, with age verification measures implemented.
  • A pilot program for a government-issued age ‌verification system⁢ would be established.

“We’ve witnessed the devastating impact of unchecked social⁤ media‌ practices on our children’s safety and mental ⁣well-being,” said co-sponsor ‌Rep. Pat⁢ Ryan ⁢(D-NY). “It’s time for the government to catch up with Big Tech and fight ​for sensible regulations that protect our‍ kids from predatory ‌practices.”

Incentivizing Responsible Gun⁤ Storage

The second bill,​ named the Incentivize Motivated Parents with Responsible Options for Vital Education (IMPROVE) Safety for Schools Act,‌ addresses the⁤ issue of firearms⁣ as⁢ a leading cause of death among children.⁤ It offers a $300 tax⁤ credit to parents or guardians who purchase gun safes or other ⁢storage safety equipment.

  • Parents would be required to undergo firearm safety training.
  • A⁢ $300 nonrefundable tax credit would be provided for firearm safety⁤ technologies, including ‍gun locks and gun safes.
  • Access to information about gun safety would be expanded through various channels.

“This bipartisan⁤ legislation mandates firearm safety training for parents, provides tax incentives ‍for responsible storage, and promotes awareness of gun safety,” explained co-sponsor Rep. Marcy ‌Kaptur (D-OH). “I am eager to collaborate with colleagues from both sides of the aisle to pass this commonsense bill.”

Ensuring School Security is National Security

The final bill, ‌known as ​the School Security is National ‍Security Act, aims to incorporate a school safety plan into President‌ Joe Biden’s national ​security strategy. This strategy serves as a guiding ‌document for‌ the nation’s international and domestic interests and policies, which vary with each administration.

“No⁣ parent should have to worry about their child’s safety when dropping them off at school,” emphasized ​Rep. Ryan, co-sponsoring another⁤ bill. “I am proud to join Congressman James in taking this crucial first step towards securing⁤ our schools and ensuring that every ‌child returns ‍home safely at the end ⁣of the day.”

Rep. John James’s legislation reflects a ‌commitment to ⁣protecting students and addressing ⁤the pressing⁢ issues surrounding school security. By proposing ‌comprehensive measures, he aims ⁣to create a safer environment for children ‍to learn and grow.


‍How does the Safe Storage Act promote responsible gun ownership and‍ storage?

Safe Storage Act, aims ‍to encourage⁤ responsible gun ownership and storage. The legislation would provide tax incentives for gun owners⁤ who invest in⁤ secure storage ⁤solutions, such as gun safes or lockboxes. ‌The bill ‌also includes provisions for education and awareness campaigns to⁤ promote⁤ responsible gun ⁣storage practices.

According to⁣ Rep. James, this legislation seeks⁢ to prevent tragic accidents and ⁢ensure ‌that firearms are kept safely away ⁣from unauthorized individuals, particularly children. “By incentivizing responsible gun storage, we can reduce the risk of accidental shootings‌ and keep our children safe,” he said.

The proposed ⁤tax incentives would provide​ a financial benefit ⁣to gun owners who take proactive steps to secure​ their firearms. This approach not only promotes responsible ownership but also‌ helps to address the issue of ⁢stolen firearms ‍that often end up ‌in⁢ the wrong hands.

Enhancing School‍ Security Measures

The third bill introduced by Rep.‍ James focuses ⁤on enhancing school security measures. The School Security Improvement Act aims to provide funding for schools to implement safety protocols and infrastructure upgrades. This includes investments in‍ surveillance systems, ‍access control‌ measures, and emergency response training for ⁢school⁣ staff.

“Ensuring the safety of our children‍ while they are in school is of utmost importance,” Rep. ⁤James emphasized. ⁤”By ⁤providing the necessary resources‍ to ‍schools, we can improve security measures and ​create a ⁤safer learning environment for our ⁢students.”

The legislation recognizes ‍that schools need ‌support​ in implementing effective‍ security ⁣measures to address the evolving threats faced by educational ⁣institutions. By investing in infrastructure ‍and training, schools will be better​ equipped ⁢to respond⁢ to⁢ emergencies ⁣and protect students and staff.

Bipartisan Support and Path Forward

These three bills have garnered bipartisan support in ​Congress,‍ highlighting the urgency ‍and importance of school security and the well-being of children. With increased awareness of the ‍risks‍ posed by unchecked‌ social media practices, the ‍need for responsible gun ownership, and the demand for enhanced school security, these‌ bills⁤ provide targeted solutions to address these pressing ‌issues.

Moving forward, Rep. James ⁤plans to work with his colleagues to build consensus and gain additional support for these​ bills.‌ “It’s critical that we come together and prioritize the safety of‌ our children. I am hopeful that my colleagues on both sides of the⁢ aisle will recognize the importance of these​ measures and join us⁢ in‍ ensuring the well-being of our students,”⁣ he stated.

In conclusion, Rep. John James’ introduction of these three ‍bills demonstrates his‌ commitment ‌to improving⁤ school security and keeping​ students safe. By addressing​ the​ negative impact of social media on children, incentivizing responsible gun storage, and enhancing school security measures, ‌these‍ bills offer comprehensive solutions ⁤to ⁣ensure the ‌well-being of students across the nation. With ​bipartisan support and a determined approach, Rep. James aims to ⁣make a meaningful ⁣difference in protecting the safety and‍ future of American students.

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