Conservative News Daily

Republican representatives are enraged over Jordan’s defeat in the speaker vote, vowing that the matter is far from settled.

Republican Reps Furious That Jordan Got ‘Knifed’ in⁣ Speaker Vote: ‘This is Not Over’

Well, after this week, ⁣a conservative certainly can’t say that the establishment of the party that’s supposed to represent their interests in American politics — the Republican Party — won’t go out of their way to make sure they can’t ‍be trusted by the base.

As if Kevin McCarthy’s performance as House speaker wasn’t middling enough, there was the chorus of RINOs braying that​ Republicans voting to take the gavel away from him left the lower chamber in a dysfunctional state.

After House Majority Leader Steve Scalise and then Rep. Jim Jordan were nominated by the party to replace ‌McCarthy,‌ the same people complaining that the House was no longer functioning ⁤because no one had speaker powers were then willing to gum up the works⁢ by voting against them, making Scalise’s candidacy untenable and killing Jordan’s candidacy after⁢ three consecutive votes in which GOP opposition to him grew.

But no: It’s all about making the lower house functional, to hear Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania tell it:

Right. So after Fitzpatrick was one of 25 Republicans who voted against Jordan,‍ this was ‌the headline from CNBC on Friday afternoon: “House Republicans scramble⁤ to ‌find⁤ new speaker ⁢nominee after they ditch Jim Jordan.” (Remember the ⁤old media adage: In headlines, Republicans either “scramble” or they “pounce.”)

In a secret‍ ballot, the House Republican Conference ‍voted 112-86 to drop ‌Jordan as the ‌nominee after the third failed speaker vote, CBS News reported.

“I​ thought it was important that we all know [and] get an answer to the question if they wanted me to continue ​in that role,” said Jordan, an Ohio Republican who chairs the House Judiciary Committee.

“So we put the question ‌to them. ‍They made a different decision.”

Given that Jordan was arguably the most conservative of the contenders thus far and the origin of this vote was distrust engendered among the party’s most conservative members, they weren’t exactly thrilled over what Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz called ​“swampy.”

“The most popular Republican in the United States Congress was just knifed by secret ballot in a private meeting in the ⁢basement of the Capitol,” said Gaetz, who helped ‍lead ⁣the vote that dethroned McCarthy, as he left the​ meeting.

“It’s as swampy as swamp gets, and Jim ⁣Jordan deserved better than that.”

Other Jordan supporters ‍on the party’s right flank agreed.

“Jim Jordan gave it his all,” ‍Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie posted on X.

“He was the best Speaker candidate to⁣ reform Congress’s spending addiction that’s been bankrupting our country. But sadly today the GOP conference met privately and ended his candidacy‍ by a‍ vote of 112 to 86. I would have voted 1000 rounds for Jim.”

Texas Rep.⁣ Chip Roy agreed.

“This ‍is correct,” ‍ Roy said, reposting Massie’s statement.

“I am proud of @Jim_Jordan ​— he is my friend, and I am frankly embarrassed by @HouseGOP who⁣ knifed him to avenge what Jim had nothing to do with.

“This is not over – it’s just⁤ beginning,” he promised.

The problem is, as of CNBC’s reporting late Friday afternoon, there were at least 10 Republicans running or considering running for speaker: Florida Rep. Byron Donalds, Georgia Rep. Austin Scott, Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson, Michigan Rep. Jack Bergman, Minnesota Rep. Tom Emmer, Oklahoma ​Rep. ⁤Kevin​ Hern, ⁣Pennsylvania Rep. Dan Meuser,‍ and ⁢Texas Reps. Jodey Arrington, Pete Sessions⁤ and Roger Williams.

As a further problem, with the possible exception of Donalds ⁣— whose‍ star is on the rise, but is young (44) ‌and inexperienced (elected to the House only in 2020) — none of the names on ​those list have the pull, star power, experience or conservative bona fides that Jordan did. Yet, ‌moderate House Republicans knifed Jordan under the‌ pretense of wanting to get back to business as usual ASAP.

How’s that been going so far,⁢ all you Rep. Brian Fitzpatricks?

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The post Republican Reps Furious ‌That⁢ Jordan Got⁤ ‘Knifed’ in Speaker Vote: ‌’This ​is Not Over’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

Why were Republican representatives so furious that Jim Jordan got “knifed” in⁣ the ‌speaker vote?

T of the U.S. Capitol. This is not over. And this ‍is ​the beginning of the ‍end for concealed whispers and ​covered-​​up outcomes.

— ‌CSPAN (@cspan) October 20, 2023

So what⁤ exactly ⁢happened here? Why were Republican representatives so furious that Jim Jordan got “knifed” in ⁤the speaker vote? And what does this mean for the‍ future ⁣of⁤ the party?

It all started when Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan were nominated to replace Kevin‍ McCarthy as House speaker. However, despite the complaints⁣ that the⁤ House was no longer functioning due to the⁣ absence of a​ speaker, many Republican representatives voted against both Scalise and Jordan, ultimately leading to the end of Jordan’s candidacy ⁣after three consecutive ‍votes. This move by the Republican ​Party has left ⁣many conservatives feeling betrayed and distrustful of​ the establishment.

Representative Brian ⁣Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania argued⁢ that punishing individuals who promote bipartisanship⁢ is not the right message to send‌ to the American​ people. However, his words ⁤seem contradictory when he himself voted against Jordan.⁢ This inconsistency and lack of accountability have only further angered conservative Republicans.

The⁤ media coverage surrounding this ​incident has also been questionable. The headline from CNBC stated⁤ that House Republicans were scrambling to find​ a new speaker ‌nominee​ after ditching Jim Jordan. This kind of biased reporting only adds fuel to the fire and perpetuates the idea that Republicans are ⁢constantly in turmoil.

Jim Jordan, who ⁢chairs the House Judiciary Committee, ⁤expressed his disappointment and confusion over ⁣the decision to drop him as the nominee. As ⁢one of the most conservative contenders,⁤ many⁤ saw Jordan as a voice for their interests within the party. The distrust and animosity among ‍conservative Republicans⁢ has ‌only⁤ grown as a result of this vote.

Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida summed up ⁣the sentiment of many conservatives when he called this secret⁤ ballot and private meeting “swampy.” This incident signifies the beginning of the end for ‍concealed whispers and covered-up outcomes within the Republican ⁢Party.

This vote ⁤and the reaction it⁢ has garnered from conservative Republicans highlight the growing divide within the party.‍ The establishment’s actions have eroded trust ⁢and further‍ alienated ‌the base. ⁣Moving forward, it remains to be seen how the Republican ​Party will address these ‌grievances and restore unity.

In conclusion, the Republican⁢ representatives’ fury over Jim Jordan being “knifed” in​ the speaker vote is indicative of the deep divide within the party. Conservative Republicans feel betrayed and​ mistrustful of the establishment, and this incident has only further cemented their discontent. The future of the party hangs⁣ in the ⁣balance as they grapple with​ these internal divisions and work towards restoring unity among ‍their ranks.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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