Conservative News Daily

Republican reacts to ex-CIA Director’s assassination remark.

Former CIA Director Calls for Assassination of Republican Senator

It seems like something you’d only hear in a banana republic, but believe it or not, it happened right here in the United States.

Former Gen. Michael Hayden, ⁢who once led ‌the CIA and the National Security Agency, openly called ⁣for the removal of Alabama Sen. Tommy‍ Tuberville from “the human ‌race” due to his opposition to military appointments. Tuberville wasted ⁣no⁣ time in responding,‌ reporting the incident to the Capitol Police and vowing to protect members of Congress.

Tuberville has been⁢ making headlines recently for his stance​ on military appointments and ⁤his objection to the Pentagon’s policy⁢ on abortion. This caught the attention of liberal social media personality Nathalie⁤ Jacoby, who questioned whether Tuberville should be removed from the Senate Armed Services Committee. Hayden’s⁣ response, suggesting​ that Tuberville ‍should not be considered a‍ member of the human race, raised serious concerns about assassination.

Mollie Hemingway, author and editor of The Federalist, didn’t⁢ let Hayden’s statement go unnoticed.‍ She called ⁣out Hayden for his history of civil liberties​ violations and his promotion⁣ of the Biden laptop⁤ coverup and Russia ⁤collusion scam.

Hayden attempted to backtrack, claiming he only meant to imply that⁤ Tuberville should‍ not be ‍considered a member of the human race. However, Tuberville and others pointed ​out that this was not what Hayden actually ⁢wrote.

Tuberville⁣ responded⁢ by ⁢reporting⁤ Hayden’s statement to the ‌authorities and condemning his ‌disturbing history. He also criticized the lack of condemnation from Democrats, stating that their⁤ silence speaks volumes about their commitment to democracy.

Tuberville also ‍criticized Hayden’s record in the intelligence community, highlighting his involvement in intelligence failures and ⁢his ‌role in promoting the Russia hoax and‌ covering up Hunter Biden’s laptop. He called on others to condemn Hayden’s reckless⁣ statements.

While it’s unlikely that Hayden will face legal consequences due to the First Amendment, there should⁢ be other repercussions. Calling for‌ assassination should not go unpunished. Tuberville’s response is just the beginning of Hayden’s problems.

We must remember​ that ⁣we are not a banana republic​ and should not act‌ like one.

What does the incident reveal about the mindset and values of individuals entrusted with protecting national security?

‌Candal. Hemingway questioned the credibility ⁤and ethics of someone who was once‍ in a position of power and authority⁣ within the intelligence community.

The fact that a former CIA director would openly call for the assassination of a sitting senator is deeply troubling and undermines the principles of democracy and freedom of ⁤speech.⁣ It is unacceptable for someone with Hayden’s⁣ background and influence to use such violent‌ and extreme language against ⁢a political ‌opponent.

This⁢ incident also raises​ concerns about the culture within the​ intelligence community and its respect for ⁣the​ rule of law. If a former ⁤CIA director feels comfortable publicly ⁤advocating for the assassination of a senator, what does this say about the mindset and ⁢values of the ⁣individuals ⁣who are entrusted with protecting our national security?

The attempted censorship and silencing of political opponents ‌has become all too common in our⁤ society. ⁢Instead of engaging in respectful and civil discourse, individuals like Hayden​ resort to personal attacks and threats. This not only undermines the⁣ democratic process but also⁣ creates a toxic environment ‌where differing opinions are not ​tolerated.

It is important ‍for‌ leaders in positions of authority to set an example for the rest of society. Hayden’s⁣ actions and statements are a clear violation of ⁤this responsibility. As a former CIA director, he⁢ should be held to a higher standard and be ⁤respectful of the democratic processes that our country is built upon.

The response from Sen. Tuberville, reporting⁣ the incident ‍to the⁣ Capitol Police and vowing to protect members of⁢ Congress, is ⁤commendable. It is crucial that we⁣ protect the ⁤safety and well-being of our⁤ elected ‍officials, regardless⁢ of their⁣ political affiliations or policy positions.

In conclusion, ​the call ⁤for the assassination of ⁣a⁤ political opponent by a former ⁣CIA director is a disturbing and ⁢dangerous incident. It⁤ highlights the need for a ‍reevaluation of the culture ‌within the intelligence community and the importance of respect for democratic values and freedom of⁢ speech. It is essential‍ that we hold those ⁣in positions of power accountable for​ their actions and advocate for a society marked by civil discourse and tolerance.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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