Washington Examiner

Republicans claim that Haley had no chance in Nevada, which is considered a stronghold for Trump supporters

LAS VEGAS — Nikki Haley’s Nevada Primary Campaign ‍Falls Short

The campaign of former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley explained away a disappointing‌ finish in the Nevada primary ⁢on Tuesday, noting that she had not spent an “ounce of energy” ‍in the state.

However,⁣ Republican supporters of Donald Trump argue that Haley never ‌stood‍ a chance, as the former president is​ expected ‌to secure ‍Nevada’s delegates in the GOP caucuses on Thursday night.

Trump is ​predicted to ⁤dominate ‍the contest, ​with only one other relatively unknown candidate, Ryan Binkley, ‍as an alternative​ option for voters. Haley’s absence ‍from the ballot is due to her ​campaign’s claim that the election was “rigged” in favor of Trump.

The state’s ⁣26 Republican delegates ⁣are allocated solely through the‍ caucuses and not the ⁤state-run primary that‍ took ‌place on ⁤Tuesday.

Trump Country

“I travel Nevada pretty regularly, and this is Trump⁢ country here,” said Nevada Lt. ⁤Gov. Stavros Anthony. He added that he ‍hadn’t encountered any ⁤Republicans upset by Haley’s decision to ignore ​the state,⁢ stating, “The people ⁣that I talked to are all supporting Trump, and they’ve been supporting him for a while.”

Jenann Logan, second vice president ‌of the Republican Women of ⁤Las Vegas, also hadn’t heard any ‌concerns about Haley’s absence. Logan⁢ confirmed​ that she has “always”⁤ been a Trump supporter.

Haley’s strategic choice to participate in the primary rather than the ⁤caucuses backfired, resulting ​in her loss in the contest on Tuesday. None of the other candidates received⁣ more than double the support Haley did,​ with her garnering 30.5% compared to⁣ the winner’s 63.3%.

According to ⁤one ​woman who selected “none of these⁣ candidates”‍ in the‌ primary ​and‍ plans to caucus for Trump, “I just don’t think she can do the job. She’s a ‘forever war’ person.”

Logan voted ‌the same way ​in the primary and will⁣ caucus for Trump as well. She explained that her vote was to ensure Haley didn’t have “bragging rights for winning the primary.”

Ahead of⁢ the contest, ⁢Haley’s campaign manager,⁢ Betsy Ankney, made it clear that they hadn’t invested any resources in‍ Nevada. Ankney stated,⁢ “We have not spent ⁣a dime nor an ounce of energy on Nevada.”

“We aren’t going‍ to ‌pay $55,000 to a Trump entity​ to ‌participate in ⁤a process that is rigged for Trump. Nevada is not and⁤ has never been ‌our focus. I’m truly not sure what the Trump team is⁤ up ‍to⁢ out there, but they seem‌ pretty⁢ spun up about it,” ‌she added.

The Nevada GOP caucuses are run by the state⁢ party, led by chairman Michael McDonald. McDonald was one of ⁢the six Republican electors indicted last year for their‍ attempts to overturn Nevada’s 2020 election results and certify the state ⁢for Trump.

As Ankney mentioned,⁤ Haley did ‌not spend ​any time in Nevada leading up to the primaries or the ​caucuses.

This partially influenced Republican nurse Amy Wood’s decision to vote in the primary. Wood wanted “to make a statement that Nevada is‍ important.”

“People that live here in the state need‍ to be aware of who they’re voting for for president. If we’re not a ⁣concern, why would you vote⁢ for her?” she ‍questioned Haley’s absence.

However,⁣ not everyone was against the former ambassador. Nevada Republican Club member​ Maura Bivens voted ⁣in Haley’s favor, explaining, “I wanted to⁣ vote‍ against Trump. And ‍that’s‌ the only​ way I can ‍choose.”

But even Bivens ‍didn’t support ⁣Haley wholeheartedly. “I really voted for Nikki Haley just to make a statement,” she said. ⁢”I liked her — don’t love her.”

What impact does Haley’s claim of a rigged election have on the democratic‍ process and the legitimacy of the primary?


This outcome further⁤ solidifies Trump’s dominance in the ⁤Republican Party and highlights the loyalty of ⁣his supporters. Despite Haley’s impressive background as U.N. ‌Ambassador and her potential as a strong candidate, Trump’s influence is evident⁤ in the overwhelming support he continues to‍ receive.

Furthermore, Haley’s claim that the election was rigged only serves to undermine the democratic process and cast doubt on the legitimacy of the primary. This rhetoric, often used by Trump during‍ his presidency, fuels divisions ​within the party and erodes trust in the electoral system.

It is clear that Trump remains a formidable force within the Republican Party, especially in states ⁣like Nevada ⁤where his‌ support is unwavering. The absence of viable alternatives further solidifies his position and makes it increasingly challenging for other candidates to gain traction and effectively ⁣challenge his authority.

Haley’s decision to not invest any energy into campaigning in ‍Nevada speaks volumes about the uphill battle she faced​ in attempting to win over Trump‌ supporters. It shows an ​awareness that the majority of Republican ⁢voters⁤ in the state have aligned ‌themselves with ​Trump and are unlikely to ​waver‍ in their support.

While it remains⁣ to be seen​ how the rest of the⁣ primary season will unfold, it⁤ is clear that Trump’s influence and support continue to play a significant role in⁤ shaping the Republican Party. As candidates strategize and make decisions about their campaigns, they must carefully consider the impact of Trump’s presence and the loyalty of his ‌base.

The Nevada primary serves as a reminder that Trump’s hold on the party is ⁤robust⁢ and enduring. As the former president remains a prominent figure in American politics, candidates like Haley will need to adapt their strategies and find ways to appeal to⁤ both Trump supporters and those who may be open to alternative options.

Ultimately, the Nevada primary outcome underscores the challenges faced by candidates who are not aligned with Trump’s ideology and highlights the importance ⁣of understanding the dynamics within the Republican Party. As the primary season continues, it will be interesting to see how candidates navigate these complexities and strive to gain the support necessary for their campaigns to succeed.

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