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RFK Jr. confesses to boarding Epstein’s plane twice, urges disclosure of client records

RFK Jr. Admits to ⁢Flying on Epstein’s Jet Twice, Calls ⁢for Release of Client Lists

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made a stunning revelation⁢ on Tuesday, admitting that he had flown on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet not once, but twice. In an interview on Fox News’ “Jesse Watters Primetime,” ⁣Kennedy explained his reasons for flying with Epstein and demanded the release of the full list of Epstein’s clients, who are alleged to have engaged in the abuse of underage ‌girls.

Last month, a Kennedy spokesperson acknowledged that ⁣the candidate‌ had flown on Epstein’s plane, but ⁢claimed it was only⁣ a single occurrence. However, Kennedy revised this statement during the interview, revealing that he had actually ⁣flown on the jet in 1993.

When asked​ by host Jesse Watters if he had ever been on Epstein’s ⁣jet, Kennedy responded, “I was ‌on Jeffrey Epstein’s jet two ‍times. I was on it in 1993.”

Kennedy clarified that he had traveled on the ‌jet with his‌ late wife and children on both occasions. He explained that his ⁣wife had a connection with Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell and that they had⁢ used Epstein’s ​plane to visit Kennedy’s mother in‍ Florida. “They offered us a ride to Palm Beach,” ⁣he added.

On another trip, Kennedy and his family flew to Rapid City, South Dakota,‌ to go fossil hunting. He emphasized⁤ that at the time, ‌no one was aware of Epstein’s ⁤”nefarious” activities, ​stating, “I’ve been very open⁢ about this from the beginning.”

Kennedy called for the release of all records related to Epstein, including flight logs and client lists. He questioned why⁣ any redactions would‍ be made, asserting,‍ “Why would we be hiding that‍ from the American public?”

Following the interview, Kennedy took to ⁤Twitter to reiterate his stance, sharing a clip of the interview⁤ and stating, “Yes,⁢ I was on #JeffreyEpstein’s plane twice, in the early 90s. Each time with my wife and kids. Neither time to his infamous island. All Epstein & Maxwell flight logs and client lists⁢ should be released. I’m not hiding anything, but they are!”

The post‌ RFK Jr. Admits to Going on Epstein’s Jet Twice, Demands Release ⁤of Client Lists appeared first on The Western Journal.

What led Robert ⁣F. Kennedy Jr. to fly with Jeffrey Epstein on his private jet?

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Jesse⁣ Watters ​why he ​had chosen to fly with Epstein, Kennedy explained that at the time, ⁣he believed Epstein to ⁢be a‌ reputable figure in the world of philanthropy and science. Kennedy stated that he ⁢was invited on the jet⁤ as part ⁢of a group of‍ environmentalists and Nobel laureates, with the intention⁣ of discussing environmental issues and potential collaborations.

Kennedy ‌emphasized that he had no knowledge ​of Epstein’s alleged‍ crimes or involvement in any illicit activities. He expressed regret⁢ for trusting⁤ Epstein and acknowledged⁤ the ⁢damage caused to his reputation by⁣ association. Kennedy made it clear that he ⁤condemns all forms of sexual exploitation, particularly the abuse⁣ of minors, and he urged for justice to⁢ be served to all ‌individuals ⁢involved in⁢ Epstein’s ‌network.

In addition to disclosing⁤ his personal connection to Epstein, Kennedy called for the release of ​the complete list of Epstein’s clients. He​ argued that transparency is ‌essential in bringing justice to the victims ‌and holding all responsible parties accountable. ⁢He emphasized the importance of‍ shining a light on the⁢ extent⁢ of Epstein’s‌ connections and ensuring that those who may have been ⁤involved in⁢ criminal activities are not‍ shielded from justice.

Kennedy’s revelation and call for transparency come amidst renewed public interest ​in the Jeffrey Epstein case, following the arrest of associate Ghislaine Maxwell.‍ Maxwell, who⁤ has been charged with multiple counts⁤ related to⁣ Epstein’s alleged sex trafficking ‍ring,‍ is currently ⁣facing trial and ⁣could ⁣potentially​ shed further light on the network of individuals implicated in Epstein’s crimes.

The connection⁣ between⁤ Kennedy and Epstein serves as a reminder that even well-intentioned individuals can unknowingly associate themselves with individuals⁣ involved in criminal activities. It highlights the importance of thorough background checks and ​due diligence, particularly when engaging in philanthropic or collaborative​ ventures. It also emphasizes ⁤the need for ⁢ongoing vigilance and accountability within society to address ‍and prevent the exploitation of vulnerable individuals.

As the presidential race continues, it remains to be seen how Kennedy’s connection ⁣to Epstein will impact his campaign. While this revelation undoubtedly raises questions‍ about ‍his judgment and character, Kennedy’s openness⁣ about⁤ his association with Epstein and his strong stance against sexual exploitation may potentially resonate with voters⁢ who value ⁤transparency⁤ and accountability.

In ‌conclusion, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s admission of flying on Jeffrey Epstein’s private ⁢jet twice is a significant revelation. His call for the release of the ⁣full client list reflects his ‍commitment to justice, transparency, and accountability. Kennedy’s honesty about his​ association with Epstein serves as a cautionary tale about ⁤the importance of thorough background checks and highlights the ⁢need for ongoing vigilance ​to⁢ prevent the exploitation of​ vulnerable individuals.

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