Conservative News Daily

RFK Jr. in Hot Water for What He Did on Airplane: ‘Absolutely Disgusting’

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Sparks Outrage with In-Flight ⁤Behavior

The independent presidential candidate is facing backlash ​after a controversial incident on‌ an ⁤American Airlines flight from Portland ​to Dallas earlier this month, as ⁢reported by TMZ.

Witnesses captured a photo of Kennedy walking down the aisle of the‌ plane without any shoes on.

“RFK Jr is a really strange dude,” wrote social media user @joncoopertweets, a New York Democratic ⁤politician and self-proclaimed “gay dad of five kids.”

Justin Haskins of the conservative Heartland Institute think tank spotted Kennedy on the flight, ​according to TMZ.

Haskins described‌ the cabin floor as covered in food and‌ other debris.

Would you go completely barefoot⁢ on‌ a plane?

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“The floor is covered with ‌food, and, like, ​disgusting food!” Haskins said on the podcast⁢ “Stopping ​Socialism TV with Justin and Donald.”

“He goes into the restroom sockless and shoeless,” ⁣Hasking ⁣said. Something I’ve literally never⁤ seen in my entire life … Absolutely disgusting, right?”

“And I’m thinking, ‘This⁢ guy is a⁣ presidential candidate!’”

Haskins⁣ believes this incident ‌disqualifies‌ Kennedy as a candidate.

“This man needs to be​ removed from the race immediately,” he said.

Kennedy ⁤has not publicly ‌addressed ‍the incident.

Kennedy initially ran as ​a Democrat, but ‌has since changed his affiliation⁣ to independent. He currently polls ‌in the high single-digits in some 2024 election surveys.

Aside from his famous last name, Kennedy is known for his skepticism about ‌vaccines, including the COVID-19 vaccines.

He is the nephew of former President ‌John ⁤F. ‍Kennedy and ⁤the son⁢ of former Attorney General Robert F.‌ Kennedy.

John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, while Robert F. Kennedy‍ was assassinated in 1968 during his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

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How has Kennedy’s behavior highlighted the importance of adhering to basic standards of hygiene and etiquette while traveling ⁣on a plane

Robert F. ⁤Kennedy Jr., an independent presidential ⁣candidate, is under fire after his behavior on an American Airlines flight sparked outrage. According to TMZ, Kennedy was⁤ seen walking⁢ down the aisle without any shoes on during a flight from Portland to Dallas earlier this month.

A photo captured by⁤ witnesses shows Kennedy casually strolling down the ⁣plane’s aisle in first class, with his bare feet touching the floor. This incident has caused a heated discussion on social media platforms, with many users expressing ⁣their disgust at Kennedy’s behavior.

One Twitter user, @joncoopertweets, a New ‍York Democratic politician and self-proclaimed “gay dad of five ⁣kids,” ⁣wrote, “DISGUSTING!!​ What sort of person walks BAREFOOT down a plane​ aisle — ​in first class, no less.⁢ Even worse, it was on ⁤his way to⁤ the toilet! RFK Jr is a really strange dude.”

Justin Haskins, a‍ representative of the conservative Heartland Institute think tank, also witnessed Kennedy’s⁤ barefoot walk on the ​flight. Haskins described the cabin floor as being covered in​ food and‍ other debris, highlighting the unsanitary nature of Kennedy’s behavior.

The incident has⁣ sparked a debate about ⁤whether it ⁢is acceptable to go completely barefoot on a plane. A poll conducted by The Western Journal revealed that 100% of ⁤respondents voted against ​going​ barefoot on⁢ a‌ plane. However, it is worth noting that completing the poll⁤ entitles participants to free email updates from The Western Journal.

While some individuals may consider going barefoot during⁤ a flight to be a personal choice, it ‌is important to consider the hygiene and comfort of fellow passengers. Airplanes are public spaces where cleanliness and ‌etiquette‌ should be upheld. Kennedy’s decision to walk barefoot down the aisle has rightly invoked⁢ a strong reaction from the public.

Passengers are typically‌ advised to wear shoes during flights for several reasons. Firstly, shoes provide protection for feet in case of emergency situations or turbulence. Secondly, shoes act as a barrier between passengers’ feet and ⁢potentially⁢ unclean surfaces, reducing ⁤the ⁤risk of contamination or infection. Moreover, airlines often have specific guidelines regarding footwear to ⁢ensure the comfort and‍ safety of all passengers.

Kennedy’s behavior on the ⁣American Airlines flight has undoubtedly ‍raised concerns⁤ and drawn attention⁤ to the need ‍for passengers to adhere to basic standards of hygiene and etiquette while traveling. ⁤Regardless of one’s stature or⁤ position, it is essential to respect the shared⁣ space⁣ and ⁤comfort of ⁢fellow travelers.

In conclusion, Robert F. ⁤Kennedy Jr.’s barefoot stroll down ⁣the aisle of an American Airlines flight has ⁢caused⁤ outrage and sparked a​ debate about acceptable behavior during flights. Passengers should be mindful of their actions‍ and considerate of those around them to maintain a pleasant and hygienic travel‍ experience for ⁢everyone.

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