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RFK Jr. takes legal action against Google and YouTube.

Robert⁢ F. ‌Kennedy Jr. Files Lawsuit Against Google and YouTube for Alleged Free Speech Violations

Democratic presidential candidate Robert ⁢F. Kennedy Jr. is taking legal action against Google and YouTube,​ accusing them of infringing on his right to free speech. The lawsuit, filed on⁤ Wednesday, claims that Kennedy was the first person censored by President Joe Biden ‍and warns of continued suppression as⁤ the primary elections draw⁢ near.

In the complaint, ⁣Kennedy argues that‌ YouTube, as a “digital town square”⁤ connected to the government, is prohibited ‌from censoring his speeches and interviews on the⁤ platform. He asserts that the United‌ States government, under Biden’s leadership, has taken extraordinary measures to silence voices ⁣it does not want Americans to hear.

The lawsuit ⁢highlights YouTube’s repeated censorship of Kennedy’s videos based on its “vaccine misinformation” ​policies. Kennedy, who founded the anti-vaccine charity Children’s Health Defense, has been ⁤vocal in his opposition to certain vaccines, including those for COVID-19. The complaint points out that YouTube’s policies ⁣rely on government officials to determine what information should be censored, effectively allowing the government to dictate the platform’s content moderation.

While other social media companies have eased their ​suppression of Kennedy since he announced his candidacy, YouTube continues ⁣to remove his content, according ​to the lawsuit. This censorship campaign not ⁤only ⁢hinders Kennedy’s ability ​to reach‍ millions of voters but also makes it more ⁣challenging for his supporters to amplify his ‍message through public channels.

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Kennedy has proposed the idea of a government-run ​social media⁤ platform as a potential solution to combat censorship. He has also pledged to sign executive orders to prevent‌ government involvement in ​censorship if elected president.

A representative​ from Google responded to the allegations, stating that YouTube applies its Community Guidelines impartially and transparently, ​regardless of political viewpoint. They ‌dismissed the claims as baseless and expressed their‌ readiness‌ to refute them.

As of​ now, Kennedy has not responded to requests ‌for comment from​ the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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The post ⁢ RFK Jr. Sues Google and YouTube appeared first on ‌ The Western Journal.

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