Washington Examiner

Ricky Gervais purchases eco-friendly vodka brand for his love of the planet

Comedian Ricky Gervais Takes on the Liquor Business

Get ready for ⁢a ⁢hilarious twist ⁢in the world of spirits! Ricky Gervais, the renowned comedian, has recently⁣ become a co-owner of Dutch Barn Vodka. In a ⁢captivating video posted on ⁣X (formerly known as⁣ Twitter), Gervais announced his exciting venture and urged his followers ‌to⁢ support the brand. What’s the reason behind⁣ his unexpected move? Well, it turns out that Dutch Barn Vodka is not just​ any ordinary liquor. It’s ⁢a brand that ⁢is deeply⁣ committed‍ to sustainability ‍and the protection of our ‌precious ecosystem.

“Sure,‌ like all strong liquor, it may damage your liver‌ and your well-being, but think how happy it will make me,” Gervais humorously‌ quips in the ad, emphasizing the brand’s dedication to saving the ‍planet.

A Toast to Eco-Friendly Vodka

Dutch⁣ Barn Vodka takes ⁢its ‍commitment to the ‌environment seriously. The brand⁤ grows its own apples at its orchard in North Yorkshire, using them to create their exquisite vodka. But​ that’s not all – they also contribute to reforestation projects with their revenue. And let’s not forget about their stylish brown bottle, made from 60% recycled glass.

“I’d been looking to invest in eco-friendly businesses for a while, and ⁣as soon as I found ‍Dutch Barn, I wanted in!” Gervais enthusiastically shares⁣ on the brand’s website. “I⁣ love the planet, and I love a ⁤drink, so it⁢ was ⁣the⁣ perfect ⁢combination.”

From Stand-Up to Spirits

Gervais ‌is no stranger to success.⁣ His latest project, Armageddon, ⁣has ‌taken the ⁣world by storm, claiming the top spot worldwide. And ‌let’s not forget​ about his ‍Netflix series, ‌After Life, which has become the platform’s most-watched British comedy in four years, with a ⁢staggering 140 million views⁤ worldwide. The final season​ aired in 2022.

But it doesn’t stop ‍there. Gervais’s⁢ Armageddon tour has ⁢been a massive hit, grossing a whopping‌ $32 million. The ‍highlight of the ‍tour was⁣ his ⁤record-breaking ⁢performance at⁤ the Hollywood Bowl⁤ in Los Angeles, ‌which earned a remarkable ‍$1,790,206.50 in revenue and even secured a Guinness-recognized world record. It’s no wonder that Armageddon has already received a ⁢Golden Globe nomination ⁢for best performance in⁤ stand-up comedy on television.

So, if you’re looking for a good laugh and ‍a way to support sustainability, make sure to grab a bottle of Dutch Barn Vodka. Cheers to Ricky⁣ Gervais and his hilarious journey into the liquor business!

Click​ here to read more from The Washington ‍Examiner.

What steps⁣ does ‍Dutch Barn Vodka take ⁣to ensure eco-friendly packaging and production processes

The liver⁤ and ⁢brain⁣ cells, but at least it won’t damage​ the planet,” Gervais jokingly remarks in the video. And that’s precisely ⁢what drew him to Dutch Barn Vodka – its dedication to environmental consciousness.

Founded in 2016 by​ Dutch entrepreneur, Jan de Jong, Dutch ​Barn Vodka’s mission is‌ to produce high-quality vodka while‌ minimizing⁢ its impact‍ on the‍ environment. The brand achieves this⁢ by ‌implementing ‍sustainable‌ practices at every stage of production, from⁢ sourcing ingredients to packaging.

One of the key elements that sets Dutch Barn Vodka ‌apart is its use of locally grown Dutch potatoes. By utilizing these potatoes, the brand not only supports local⁢ farmers but⁢ also reduces the carbon footprint associated‍ with‍ importing ingredients. Additionally, the distillery employs renewable⁣ energy sources, such as wind power, to power its operations, further reducing‌ its greenhouse gas emissions.

But the commitment to sustainability doesn’t ‌stop there. Dutch‍ Barn Vodka​ takes great care in ensuring​ that ⁣its packaging ​is eco-friendly. They use recycled⁤ glass bottles​ and minimize the use of plastics in their production process. Even the labels ‍are printed‍ with environmentally ‍friendly ink.

Gervais,⁤ a well-known advocate for animal rights and environmental causes, was immediately drawn to Dutch Barn Vodka’s ethos. “I love the fact that I can enjoy a good drink while⁢ knowing ⁤that⁢ I’m⁣ not contributing to the‌ destruction of ⁣our planet,” he ⁣states⁤ in the video.

With its unique approach and ​commitment to sustainability, Dutch⁤ Barn Vodka has quickly ⁢gained a loyal following and garnered positive attention within the liquor industry. The brand has ​already won several ‌awards for its high-quality vodka. Now, with Ricky Gervais onboard as a co-owner, Dutch Barn Vodka is expected to gain even more recognition and success.

Gervais’ involvement in the liquor business is not entirely surprising. The comedian has shown an interest​ in spirits in the past, ⁢often seen sipping​ on a glass of wine during his stand-up performances.​ However, ⁤his partnership with Dutch Barn Vodka⁤ marks a new chapter in his relationship with‍ alcohol.

This collaboration is also a testament to the growing ​trend of celebrities entering the alcohol ‍industry. From musicians to actors, many high-profile individuals have ​ventured into liquor business, leveraging their fame‍ to promote and endorse their own brands. ⁣However,‌ Gervais’ association with Dutch Barn Vodka goes beyond mere celebrity endorsement. His ​genuine passion for sustainability and the environment align perfectly with ⁢the brand’s core⁤ values.

As ⁢the partnership between Ricky Gervais⁣ and Dutch Barn Vodka unfolds, ​it will be⁤ exciting to see how they further their mission‍ of promoting sustainable practices ⁢within the liquor‍ industry. With Gervais’ humor ‌and influence, coupled with Dutch Barn Vodka’s​ commitment ⁣to ⁢the environment, this collaboration⁣ has‍ the ⁢potential to make ‍a significant ‍impact not only within the spirits market but​ also ‍in raising awareness about the importance of sustainability.

So,⁢ the next time ‍you sip on a glass ‌of vodka, why‌ not ​consider reaching for ‍a bottle⁢ of Dutch Barn Vodka? Not only will you‌ be enjoying a delicious drink, but ⁣you’ll also ⁢be supporting a ‍brand⁣ that shares your‌ concern for our planet. As Gervais humorously concludes in the video, “Cheers ‌to getting drunk responsibly!”

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